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view from cave (Read 6029 times)
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view from cave
Aug 23rd, 2018 at 6:33pm
I had a semi-lucid experience sometime before full awakening today. What I remember is seeing from the viewpoint of being inside of a cave (?) looking outward through a very large opening. Outside of the cave was a nice soft blue color. It could have been the sky. It could have been anything. The entire viewpoint was soft, like watercolor. I was drawn toward the light there, in the soft blue entrance/exit of the cave.

A spontaneous healing commenced. I recall speaking in my mind to accept a wonderful healing which was taking place somewhere below my conscious awareness. I was fully accepting a great healing energy. I don't really know how else to explain it except that it was spontaneous and felt very positive in a soft, nice way.


I keep using the same words. It is because it was not a "cave" in actuality. That was simply my interpretation upon awakening. There were no visible specific features. Only the dark area I felt around me and the opening before me.

I am puzzled by the lengthy consent process. It seemed to go on and on. It was a very resounding yes and kind of a subtly happy thing. It was the kind of feeling you don't want to end.

Perhaps something very good happened there that I don't remember. There is so much that we don't remember.

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Re: view from cave
Reply #1 - Aug 24th, 2018 at 12:48am
Ooh very interesting dream!  It's obviously very meaningful.  My first thought upon reading it was to suggest for next time something like this happens, that you go through the opening because it will lead to making you fully consciously aware.  Since you were already semi-lucid that tells me it was a sign that the opening was an invitation for a greater awareness.  That's been my experience many times.

About the healing.  I love healing experiences!  My interpretation for why it was a lengthy consent process was probably that it only seemed lengthy when in fact you were undergoing a change during that time. 

Just speaking from my own experience and belief about how nonphysical healing works, we DO need to allow it to happen.  Not only do we need to want healing (or request it) but we also need to allow it to happen.  The reason I say it that way is because it's typical to want healing but at the same time to not actually believe we'll get it (or believe we can have it or believe we deserve it), thus we have a blockage taking place.  A lengthy process in my opinion means that a transformation was occurring, even if you weren't aware of it on a conscious level.  It's like, if someone asked you "Do you want healing?" of course consciously you'll want it even if you have no idea what's going on at a subconscious level.  So the lengthy process means to me that maybe some underlying beliefs were being transformed. 

If my theory is right, then it means you've opened up to having some new experiences to advance your spiritual learning. 

I agree, there's so much we don't remember upon returning to waking consciousness.  I usually get up and write down all I can remember the moment I wake up because otherwise I know I'll forget it.
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Subtle Traveler
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Re: view from cave
Reply #2 - Aug 25th, 2018 at 5:57pm
Thanks for sharing your experience.

I am wondering if further exploring the primary metaphors within the experience might be helpful ... taking time to write that out (delineated) in a journal or even 'clustering' about individual metaphors within the experience.

I will mention an impression that I had just now with one of the primary metaphors of the experience ... "wide blue yonder". You seemed to be "looking out into the blue yonder" from the contrasting darkness of the perceived cave setting. And while I share this ... it may or may not apply to your experience (e.g., it may not resonate ... which is most important).

Emerging from the cave (into the blue) may be about awakening consciousness (and it may not). This experience could simply be about something new coming your way.

Your experience does not seem like strictly a dream to me. I might suggest it as a "dream plus". It seems loaded with undiscovered meaning. This experience also has "preparatory feeling" (e.g., preparing you) because the vision was simple (e.g., surrounding darkness with blue at a distance). So ... watch for songs or other signs to pop up in your day to day physical life. These complimentary clues or manifestations may arrive over the next days or weeks.

Thanks again for sharing your experience.
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« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2018 at 10:58pm by Subtle Traveler »  
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Re: view from cave
Reply #3 - Aug 31st, 2018 at 1:49pm

Thank you for posting your dream.  It reminded me where I might get answers to a dream I've had a few months ago.  No one here is willing to give me a guess or a new idea to think about.

Multiple person...

In the dream, I am two people standing near each other.  I am also watching from above.  I guess that makes me three.  I am aware of each individual at the same time.  As I stand there the other person enters into me.  At the same time, three others from above begin to enter.  In this dream I was both, and both were receiving others.   I was also viewing it from above.
  There is a smooth transition almost like they are poured on or into me.  It is easier for the one on the left, but the one on the right is having difficulties.  It was almost like they didn't fit.  I was comfortable with these mergings but trying to understand why one was having problems.  I was trying to understand the problem and I was asking questions about the problem that woke me from the dream.  I have to admit I was a bit confused when I woke except the feeling of being all those persons was very real... a bit overwhelming, but very real.

Side note...In waking life, I have had other spirits enter into me and it has been much like feeling heaven or complete love center in the solar plexus... but it is only one spirit at a time and I am only one person.  I was wondering what kind of circumstances would need to take place to produce a multiple merging like the one in the dream?  That is just one of the questions I have, or is it all just fantasy?

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Re: view from cave
Reply #4 - Aug 31st, 2018 at 3:14pm
From my viewpoint the blue color could represent freedom, return to a place we call home, recall of what you were till you decided to drop down into this darkness like cave. The feeling of healing could be perhaps a process where we remember something that bring us closer home. But i think also that we never left fully from home, just a part of us is here now. This also could be a hint for Baroness about the multiple person merging into one.

I had very similar dream in which i was fully lucid as an observer looking into beautiful landscape and seeing two beings. One of them was 'me' and he spoke to a wiser 'me' as if learning or trying to understand something. The whole time i was just silent and observing them. No one entered me here in this dream, but in another dream i experienced merging with a child 'me' and there was acceptance, peace, joy and love.
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Re: view from cave
Reply #5 - Aug 31st, 2018 at 6:53pm
Baroness and Soulmael,

I too have had split-awareness dreams/experiences.  (They weren't exactly just dreams).  I had very clear awareness, as I'm sure you did too from the sounds of it.  I think these types of dreams/experiences represent soul growth and healing and merging of aspects of self. 

Soulmael, I agree with you that only a part of us is here.
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Re: view from cave
Reply #6 - Sep 3rd, 2018 at 12:50pm
Hi Vicky,

The merging that I experience when awake is nothing like parts of me joining, but you may be right about the dream state.  I too think there is lots more of us than the one here on Earth.   My first merging experience while awake was with a very good friend when I found him (for a lack of a better term) cuddled around my heart.  We both knew he had entered.  I was so surprised I didn't know how to react.  The feelings I received were all loving.  I was surprised I could read his emotions as if they were mine.  This took place over a thousand miles apart.  We were having a nonverbal conversation at the time via computer.  Up to then I had never experienced that kind of joining and had lived a fairly long time without it.  Not even with my husband when he was alive.  Since then I have talked to a couple of people who have said they are capable of that kind of contact with a very special loved one but only for short periods before their deaths. 

Knowing what that feels like to share a space with another, I took a spiritual journey out west a while ago.  I was joined for brief moments by spirits along the way.  The most thrilling were the spirits of the Sequoya.  I think because they are living and are so old.  I have known bliss in my lifetime but pure bliss has got to be what we feel in heaven.  I know my body couldn't contain it all and leaked tears for while they were with me.  This all occurred while I was wide awake and with others on my trip.  Our driver always knew when I took a spirit in and would slow or stop for the exchange, but the spirits of the trees are wonderful.  I wish I could give a little bit to each and everyone of you.  I was just thinking "As if it is mine to give". Roll Eyes

Thank you for being there.  What a treat to talk about some of this.

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Re: view from cave
Reply #7 - Sep 3rd, 2018 at 1:58pm
Baroness wrote on Sep 3rd, 2018 at 12:50pm:
Hi Vicky,

The merging that I experience when awake is nothing like parts of me joining, but you may be right about the dream state.  I too think there is lots more of us than the one here on Earth.   My first merging experience while awake was with a very good friend when I found him (for a lack of a better term) cuddled around my heart.  We both knew he had entered.  I was so surprised I didn't know how to react.  The feelings I received were all loving.  I was surprised I could read his emotions as if they were mine.  This took place over a thousand miles apart.  We were having a nonverbal conversation at the time via computer.  Up to then I had never experienced that kind of joining and had lived a fairly long time without it.  Not even with my husband when he was alive.  Since then I have talked to a couple of people who have said they are capable of that kind of contact with a very special loved one but only for short periods before their deaths. 

Knowing what that feels like to share a space with another, I took a spiritual journey out west a while ago.  I was joined for brief moments by spirits along the way.  The most thrilling were the spirits of the Sequoya.  I think because they are living and are so old.  I have known bliss in my lifetime but pure bliss has got to be what we feel in heaven.  I know my body couldn't contain it all and leaked tears for while they were with me.  This all occurred while I was wide awake and with others on my trip.  Our driver always knew when I took a spirit in and would slow or stop for the exchange, but the spirits of the trees are wonderful.  I wish I could give a little bit to each and everyone of you.  I was just thinking "As if it is mine to give". Roll Eyes

Thank you for being there.  What a treat to talk about some of this.

You're welcome T'ressa! 

Seagull, I hope you don't mind our little sidetrack convos on your dream thread.  If you do just let me know and I can split it off onto separate threads.  I'm looking forward to your thoughts about your dream! 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: view from cave
Reply #8 - Sep 4th, 2018 at 7:12pm
I am more than happy reading responses from all of you. I thank you for taking me seriously. It does make my head spin a little when I try to comprehend the many layers to our reality. Of course, I am not really expected to do that.

But, yes, there is a difference between merely a dream remembered and a real experience with a flavor, an emotion to it. I can say that a frightening dream would certainly leave a person with an emotional memory. But the memory which is left after an experience that I find meaningful such as this is different. It is an imprint. There is almost a deja vu quality to it. It is a specific feeling that I have learned to recognize.

I don't really know what the "healing" was all about. But, I do find myself consciously releasing many beliefs about myself these days. When thinking about the "entrance to the cave" view that I supposed I was seeing I wonder if that was even what it was.

It could be an exit or an entrance. It could even be an entrance/exit to myself! For all I know I have squeaky hinges and something happened to get that door a little wider.

The particular color of blue is simply soothing. I would say it was on the turquoise side of blue but only just a tiny bit. I believe it is the source of the positive vibes I was feeling. Such a simple thing.

But I enjoy hearing all the other ideas that spring from others' interpretations. Understanding that we are not just one being, set in stone, comes when we have the sort of experiences described here, in which we observe. The ability to observe oneself, and to realize there are many aspects to ourselves as an individual, is hard to understand or put into words.

But it makes sense. We are always evolving, as is the natural world around us. There are many layers. We can surprise ourselves!
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Re: view from cave
Reply #9 - Sep 4th, 2018 at 9:26pm
seagullresting wrote on Sep 4th, 2018 at 7:12pm:
The ability to observe oneself, and to realize there are many aspects to ourselves as an individual, is hard to understand or put into words.

But it makes sense. We are always evolving, as is the natural world around us. There are many layers. We can surprise ourselves!

I find myself observing myself a lot lately and it's nice and weird at the same time!  For example, I might have a reaction to something and part of me thinks, "Well maybe I should have felt/reacted/said/done something differently."  And then another part of me immediately thinks, "No, it's ok.  That's how I felt at that moment." 

It's not that I literally think in those words, but I just mean that I feel those reactions.  And so it's kind of funny to notice myself observing myself!  But what I think it is is a part of me is growing out of my old habit of being so self-conscious all the time or feeling like I wasn't good enough, etc. 

I'm always reminding myself that we are all always growing and changing and evolving, even when we have no clue what's really going on.

By the way, I have another thought about your experience with the cave/light/good feeling.  You may have been working on healing an aspect of self and bringing it back to your whole self.  A cave is a good representation of a hiding place, and that's what we essentially do with aspects of ourselves which we cast off.  We hide them away so they can't be hurt anymore.  You observed the opening/entrance and how you were drawn to the color and light out there, and then experienced healing, so it sounds like you were retrieving something and bringing it out of the darkness and into the light, and then healing commenced. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: view from cave
Reply #10 - Nov 10th, 2018 at 5:27pm
semi lucid? wow how cool

( hey someone show me how 2 change my pic here?
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Re: view from cave
Reply #11 - Nov 10th, 2018 at 6:00pm
Hi Crissy,

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I hope that helps.  If you need further help please message someone or post in the TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES forums.


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