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Two people looking at the same thing (Read 2397 times)
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Two people looking at the same thing
Jan 3rd, 2018 at 9:44pm
As we are well aware, partnered work is for many an opportunity for validation of perception.

Presenting a brief example drawn from Real Life (TM). This is not verbatim but close enough for rock n' roll.

She: Tell me when you see the sheet.
Me: I see a vine.
(other work takes place)
Me: looks like a jungle.
I see a vine, it has barbs. If you brush up against it you'll get caught.
She: do you see the sheet?
It has knots in it, like you use to climb down.
Me: We're looking at the same thing.

This dialogue is atypical of my live-time partnered work. We each see through our own filters. The running dialogue in real time is necessary for convergence.

We are not remote viewing for those who like to enjoy correlating with either written or experiential sources. Nor are we engaged in afterlife territories. We are engaged in something entirely different, and I outline some of those techniques elsewhere. The purpose of this post is an illustration of how two people work together; not the techniques involved. The working relationship is more important than the techniques, IMO.
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YaBB Administrator

Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 2170
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Re: Two people looking at the same thing
Reply #1 - Jan 4th, 2018 at 4:54pm
This is such a good example of how two people can be experiencing the same thing but perceiving it differently.
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