Vicky, you are welcome.
Regarding driving instances, this isn't quite the same, I've shared it before, one morning I was meditating and I experienced myself driving to work in the fast lane (non-physically) and getting in an accident. When I drove to work that morning I didn't drive in the fast lane, and right in the area where I experienced the accident while meditating, a five car pile up happened in the fast lane. I saw this accident happen including seeing the car that caused it. Some cars had come to a halt, I saw that for some reason the driver of the causing car didn't see this, he braked too late, and the accident happened. This wasn't precognition, this was my love-based spirit friends providing me with a warning.
Not too long ago before I drove home from my Mom's house one day, she said that she had a strong feeling that I should be careful as I drove home that morning. So I decided to not drive in the fast lane. So what happened? In the fast lane in front of me a five car accident took place.
In the video I provided Karen asked Howard Storm about people who speak of demons appearing as angels of light, and stealing energy from people. I believe that unfriendly beings exist, but I also believe that some people go way overboard with the being fooled part. Going by what I've experienced, there are actual beings of love and light, spiritual friends, that look out for us. People who worry about demons and energy thieves are in a way, afraid of their own shadow, or should I say, "light."
I've had lots of contact with spirit beings, and have yet to have my energy stolen from me.
I don't remember his exact words, but Howard basically stated that it is a shame that people are so afraid of dark beings that they don't acknowledge that there are love-based beings that love us dearly and that are looking out for us. We are not alone.
One of the most well known forced-reincarnation theorists (I don't want to advertise his name), wrote that life reviews are caused by false light beings. He wrote that most NDErs experience a tunnel that is created by deceptive beings. NDE researcher P.M.H. Atwater wrote that most NDErs don't experience a tunnel. He wrote that false light beings use a life review, in order to make recently deceased people feel guilty, so they will choose to reincarnate. I've read a lot of NDE accounts, and what this man says sounds so inaccurate. People who have life reviews during their NDEs tend to change for the better. They aren't provided with guilt trips, if anything, they judge themselves. The man I'm speaking of claims that the beings that fool people use a recently deceased person's own light to fool them into believing they are receiving love from the foolers. My feeling is that if a person tunes into his spirit self and love after death, such a person will be energetically drawn to a love-based realm where deceptive beings don't abide.
The man who makes these claims states that he is no longer a light worker, yet he accepts donations at his site, sells products, and charges people for energetic cleansings.
He claims that the light beings people speak of are imposters, but his love-based friends are genuine. Some of what he says sounds okay, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he figured that he could attract (fool?) more followers and make more money if he presented himself as if he is beyond what others have taught, rather than the same.
I understand that there are some new age beliefs that are questionable and some questionable channeled sources, but I believe that some people such as the man I'm speaking of, way over state to what extent people have been misled. Genuine beings of love and light didn't become available, only after he came around.
By the way, here's a link to the first video where Howard spoke with Karen. read my post again and corrected what I said about tunnels so it is more clear.