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New target practice August 20 - 27 (Read 5096 times)
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New target practice August 20 - 27
Aug 20th, 2017 at 11:16am
Hello everypeoples. Here we have another who recently vacated her embodiment.

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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Re: New target practice August 20 - 27
Reply #1 - Aug 21st, 2017 at 2:17pm
Posting pictures of deceased people is utterly pointless, tasteless, and an invasion of privacy for the person's family.

You really need to stop doing this.

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Re: New target practice August 20 - 27
Reply #2 - Aug 21st, 2017 at 3:07pm

These exercises are posted with the blessings and approval of the site admin, Vicky, and are intended for practice in non-physical perception. As per the guidelines in original posts - which remain in effect - participants are asked not to interfere with the individual pictured. All who participate are asked only to observe. All the individuals were public figures in life and voluntarily agreed to exist within the field of attention of the public-at-large.

Every confidence that recommendations of better approaches to partnered explorations of the afterlife on a public forum will be gratefully accepted.

rondele wrote on Aug 21st, 2017 at 2:17pm:
Posting pictures of deceased people is utterly pointless, tasteless, and an invasion of privacy for the person's family.

You really need to stop doing this.


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« Last Edit: Aug 21st, 2017 at 7:08pm by Morrighan »  

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Re: New target practice August 20 - 27
Reply #3 - Aug 22nd, 2017 at 6:52pm
rondele wrote on Aug 21st, 2017 at 2:17pm:
Posting pictures of deceased people is utterly pointless, tasteless, and an invasion of privacy for the person's family.

You really need to stop doing this.


Roger, I completely disagree with you.  These are public figures who already exist in the media.  Their photos are already all over the Internet, so it is in no way an invasion of anyone's privacy and is by no means tasteless. 

It's also not utterly pointless.  If you've been following any of this at all you'd see that I can speak for myself that I've had success with Morrighan's choice of experimentation in this way. 

I'm always game for any use and practice of developing my psychic abilities.  And while this design of experimentation isn't exactly Partnered Exploration, it's still a valid means of using one's nonphysical senses of perception, and it's design is so that the individual validates their own perception and results.  I'm thrilled to find out that I can scan a photo and get genuine results that can be verified! 

Roger, for years I'd come up with any old silly way of practicing "scanning"...anything.  It's what I do to develop my abilities.  An example:  I walk into the bank in the middle of the day and there are 12 people in line ahead of me, 4 bank tellers at the counter, 3 of whom have 1 customer in front of them, and 1 teller who has a "next teller" sign in front of them.  Take a guess at where I'm going with this  Wink

So to pass the time, entertain myself, and practice my psychic senses I'll scan the faces of the tellers and see which one I'll get.  There are so many variables here it's ridiculous to think that this isn't genuine psychic ability going on.  What always happens is, you can't tell which people in line are together so you can't predict "this person will go here, that person will go there".  You can't predict when that teller with the sign will decide to move it and open shop.  You also can't tell when another teller will close their counter.  Then invariably there's always going to be that teller who has to call another teller over to be shown how to do something.  It's impossible to predict who will go where or how long each teller and customer will take. 

As you can see, lots of variables!  The more the better!  And too, whatever nonphysical "thing" shows up that tells me exactly which teller I'm gonna get, it's just more experience in my pocket. 

This may sound silly but trust me, it's fun. 

And so you see, Morrighan's use of the photos is pretty much the same type of experimentation for me.  And I don't cheat!  I could easily Google the photo to see who it is but what would be the point in that?   Smiley

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: New target practice August 20 - 27
Reply #4 - Aug 23rd, 2017 at 8:05am
By the book, these are more group explorations than partnered explorations. They can become partnered explorations when two or more agree to collaborate "behind the scenes" via private message. Sounds good to me.

Never occurred to me, Vicky, to practice while in a queue at the bank or grocery store. Really nice idea.
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« Last Edit: Aug 23rd, 2017 at 11:11am by Morrighan »  

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Re: New target practice August 20 - 27
Reply #5 - Aug 23rd, 2017 at 7:33pm
When Bruce leads a group PE in his workshops it’s a very detailed and organized activity.  We go to our nonphysical place, meet up, gather energy at the crystal, meet with our helpers, and then go explore whatever meeting place we agreed upon.  Usually there’s awareness of interaction between participants and of course using your imagination to get the flow going.   

For the experiments with the photos, I don’t do any of that nonphysical prep stuff and don’t try to meet up with anyone else.  I find that it takes me too much away from the physical as Bruce’s prep work puts me in a much deeper state.  I would rather use my nonphysical senses while being fully present in my physical surroundings.  I do use a lot of what Bruce teaches but I like to apply it in various other uses.

Morrighan, you said you immediately pick up from everyone in your physical surroundings.  Do you typically do anything to “shut out” picking up info from people all the time?  If so what do you do? 

It reminds me of a time about 22 years ago when I began a new job in a large office with many people working there.   So on my first day in the office I walked past several people and of course didn’t know who’s who, but I immediately picked up big hits from three of them.  One was a woman who was going through a painful divorce, one was a man who was cheating on his wife and started a drinking problem, and the third was a woman who was a lesbian.  I inadvertently got verification of these three things when later that week the office administrative assistant was training me and privately giving me tidbits on some people.  I was uncomfortable at first that she was gossiping but at the same time I really appreciated that I was getting verification!  As it turned out these private things were actually well-known in the office so she was just telling me things that people already knew anyway.  Still, I felt bad for picking up on such private matters about people. 

I wonder if the reason I picked up on them so easily was simply because it was common knowledge in the office anyway.  Because it’s not like I was trying to snoop!   I actually really don’t want to know about people’s personal lives!!  Maybe I was picking up what was in the energy of the place.  I mean, if people talked about these things it may have put that in the energy there, especially since they were things that most people consider very personal. I don’t want to make it sound like it was a nasty place to work, with people talking about each other’s private business.  It was a nice environment and everyone worked well together.  The dynamics there were actually neat to see because it was several “classes” of people working closely side by side.  You had the receptionist, office supervisor, the administrative assistant, several nurses and doctors, and then me the medical transcriptionist who all interacted regularly.  When you all work closely like that you become like family and can talk about anything, joke around together, etc.  So, the stuff I thought I was picking up on and felt bad for “spying” was actually just common knowledge.

It really kinda makes me have to wonder and assume that you never know who knows stuff about you even if you try to keep it a secret.  Then again, it’s just as surprising to find out something about someone you thought you knew but had no clue they had such a bad secret.  At another job a man we worked with got arrested for child porn.  It was quite a shock.  I mean, you think you know a person!!  This is why I honestly really don’t want to just pick up stuff from people everywhere I go.  I think it’s why I tend to close my abilities more than open them up!  I definitely want to learn and know how to use it when I want to but not to be bombarded with things all the time.
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: New target practice August 20 - 27
Reply #6 - Aug 27th, 2017 at 9:14am
In her recently completed embodiment she was known as Dr Ruth Pfau:
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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