Hello Lyshe:
Can't say I know with any certainty what the words mean. I found that unfriendly spirits do exist. (I don't like to use the word "evil" because I believe we are all innately divine, some of us go astray for however long.) However, friendly spirits also exist.
Some people would suggest that you make no contact at all with the spirit world, because you are likely to be misled by unfriendly spirits. I am so happy that I never followed such advice. One thing I have found out is that we have the gift of freewill. If we choose to be a positive, love-based person, that is our choice, not the choice of some unfriendly spirit. I have found this out in so many ways. In some cases it was a matter of love-based spirits setting up lucid dream experiences where I dealt with imaginary unfriendly spirits. In some cases it was a matter of dealing with actual unfriendly spirits, and not being harmed.
I have found that if you send them love, they don't harm you. It also good to receive divine help, and it is good that you seem to have a humble attitude towards receiving help from Jesus etc. Going by my experience, the assistance of Jesus and the beings that work with him is available.
I don't know anything about the app you use. The thought of ouija boards comes to mind. Some people have found that such devices can lead to problems, because sometimes unfriendly spirits can be attracted through them. I once had an out of body experience where I was like flying above a lower realm, but I didn't feel afraid, because I was quite certain that the beings in this realm couldn't come to get me. When the experience came to an end the thought came to me that sometimes beings find their way out of lower realms when people do things such as mess with ouija boards. I don't know if the same applies to the technique you use.
I agree with Morrighan (what she said to you on another thread), people have found that contact can be made without such assistance. I have found that meditation works. If you find a way where you can live more completely according to love, your meditation will improve.
I have found that making contact with love-based spirit beings is a matter of need. When the need is there, contact is more likely to happen. When it comes to unfriendly beings, this seems like something some of us have to endure at times. Because such beings exist, it is always important to use our discrimination when we receive information from a spirit being. If we let it be known that we aren't going to use our discrimination and instead blindly accept every message that is received, we are more likely to attract spirits that will try to fool us. We are always in a position to say "yes" or "no" to the message we receive.
Lyshe wrote on Aug 15th, 2017 at 6:40pm:Hello all
Could someone please help me put these keywords into proper sentence that i've got from helpers recently and what does it actually mean they are enlist, persuasive, and forceful it, you are, Jacket deal. Sometime Helpers sent some those keywords for me tp put them into proper sentence, it's hard
. Thank you everyone