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Posts: 137
I remember when I was a young girl. My grandfather was dying. I didn't really understand what was happening, and all I knew was that the people around me were not feeling very good.
I wrote a poem at the time. I don't remember what I said, but it was a gift to my grandpa. There was one line, "Don't be all sad and sappy, let's get up and be happy" -- because that is just who I am, at the core, my basic personality.
They asked me to write a poem in the 6th grade. I didn't know what to write about but they sent all of us to some isolated area to write a poem. Mine was about a butterfly. Because, that butterfly is always with us. If you wonder who is your guide, where is your help, why won't it appear, why aren't your prayers is because, you are the butterfly.
You are always there. You are there for you. You don't think you are big enough. You don't think you are strong enough. But you are strong enough to cross continents. You are strong.
So, that is enough for today.