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Calling a Paul! (any Paul's out there?) (Read 1021 times)
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Calling a Paul! (any Paul's out there?)
May 14th, 2017 at 9:40am
    Awhile back, my spouse had a dream where she was viewing a white man named Paul, whom had glasses, dark hair, somewhat nerdy features (or not classically handsome) and somewhat prominent nose, older but younger looking for his age, whom was born in or near July. 

  She said he was important to my path or we to each other's path, though she wasn't given specific info about that. I had also received a message about a Paul during meditation awhile back, but thought I garbled it and thought it was solely about Tom Campbell (now I'm considering the message addressed both of these--the message was, "He works for Christ but has some nativity/lack of awareness of negative forces", and was received after asking Expanded guidance deep in meditation, "Please bring to my conscious awareness that which would be most helpful for me or the whole to become aware of now".)

This was some few years ago, and her dream even longer ago.  I've wondered if maybe it's about the same Paul?  In any case, I've yet to interact with, or even meet a Paul that fits her description. 

  Figured I would try here to see if such a person was around here. 
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