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Re: Retriever Plus: escorting those in transition (Read 1240 times)
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Re: Retriever Plus: escorting those in transition
Mar 27th, 2017 at 9:55am
May I explain my previous, completely good natured, joking comment?  Recently Rondele explained to Albert publicly that  he chose his handle/name here based on his favorite cheese.  My refernce to that and then saying, "thanks Albert" was completely innocent, clean, heart centered humor.  You know, the kind of spontaneous, heart opening humor that you wrote about in one of your books.

I was not insulting nor trying to goad Rondele. As usual, you misunderstand me and my intentions. The reason why is because of the fundamental ruleset built into all reality, that of Like attracts, begets, and resonates with Like.  All perception is related to this automatic Law.  Related is a dream I had where I was at a school where I didn't belong/nor fit in with the other students.  Caught a reflection of self in a window, and I looked much older than the other students.  Most didn't want to interact with me, and I got the perception that they barely perceived me, I was almost like a ghost to them.  But I saw myself helping them, and that was enough for me even though I wasn't particularly happy being at the school.
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