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Ideal Focus/Intention to hold during treatment (Read 4242 times)
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Ideal Focus/Intention to hold during treatment
Jun 19th, 2015 at 8:07am
Hi there,

I have been told about carcinoma that was detected at the front of my heart and a satellite lump in right lung.

I'm wondering on opinion of the best intention/focus to hold during treatment which begins next week,

Initially I thought to step into a vision where I see the bad cells being attacked and zapped.

But then I wondered about holding the intention of a healthy heart and then ramping up the feeling of love in the area for long periods as I can. As well as seeing the growth as having completely vanished. I am a practitioner of quantum touch and will use some of the knowledge to keep intention/focus on the chest area.

After getting over the shock of the news my resolve is strong and deep in my heart  I feel good that outcome will be positive.

I have also consider a few events over the years that may have caused me to manifest this condition, so will look to make peace with those. As I believe that my own thoughts have contributed to this.

Warmest Regards
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Subtle Traveler
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Re: Ideal Focus/Intention to hold during treatment
Reply #1 - Jun 23rd, 2015 at 10:23am
Hi sanatogen:

I saw your question and remembered my own experience with cancer (almost 20 years ago now). It was located about an inch below my heart, so I concurrently thought to respond to you here.

First, all of your ideas sound fine to me. Just that you would merely consider bringing these types of more positive energies to your circumstances is a sign of expanding your consciousness. Smiley

I cannot respond to any technical suggestions about PUL directly, but I can tell you that simply bringing your conscious attention to those areas of the body is a benefit (with or without a formal PUL). I have found that calm and peacefulness are important states to bring. You can do this daily in a meditation or simply lying down (leading up to the surgery).

You can also use visualizations of white light (or any color of your choosing) when doing this (if that is helpful). I make this comment, because it is what I now use. I did not have a body focused practice when I had cancer (sometimes I wish I did). It is also my experience (very important) to bring this same level of healing focus to the body after the surgery or treatment. Recovery deserves the same focus.

I would finally comment that my personal experience is that our intention brings the power (the oomph) to inner healing, and focusing directly on chakra areas related to the injury is often important.

Good luck to you. Thanks for posting and sharing your experience. Smiley
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Re: Ideal Focus/Intention to hold during treatment
Reply #2 - Jun 24th, 2015 at 8:07pm
Hi Rod,

I had an incurable disease for decades, trashed my body, but then it went away.  Actually I've had other so called incurable a few times.

Here are two thoughts or approaches for you to consider:

To help your body heal itself:
1) Here is a routine form QiGong I did prior to my healing and incorporate all the time:  The idea is to practice and come to a point where you can achieve some clear focus.  Go at your own rate - slower is better.  You need to relax as deep as you can.
a) Place your mind at the top of your head (crown).  Feel it.  See it. Give deep attention to it.  Build it. Then
b) Move that attention to your forehead, feel it.  Look for that place.  Build it. Then
c) Move that attention to two places at once.  This will be just above your clavicles, kinda just above, or below those bones. You will feel what's right.  Concentrate on it.  Then
d) Move that attention over your heart.  Let your heart and chest area open.  feel it open.  Relax. Concentrate. Then
e) Move that attention deep into your belly.  Feel that space expand.  Spend time there.  It is a deep abyss?  Is there light?  Warmth?  Nurture it.  Let it grow.
f) Now move the attention to your groin behind the private parts.  Many meridian branch thru here.
g)  Now move to two places at the same time.  They are on the inside of your shins, just below your knees a couple of inches. Then
h) Let your thoughts guide that down along the inner side of your shins to just a few inches above your ankles.  Hold it.  Pay attention.
i) Then move your mind's eye to four places at once (hard to do)  that is the bottoms of both feet - like the palms of your feet AND the to the palms of your hands
j) After this circuit guide all of that energy, your focused awareness to where the cancer is and left your energy simply reside there.  You may give it intention if your wish, but your body knows what to do. 

This is one circuit. It goes slow. You should do at least three times.  It takes time and is hard to control one's mind as you practices this.  The more focused your awareness is on the points the more effective it will become.  So you see it takes practice.  You can apply this to any aliment in your body.  After the route, just pause your mind in the area that needs the boost.  Repeat again maintained deep relaxation.  If you use hemi-synce, you may use focus 10 for this.

You may find places of difficulty.  For example when I first went to my 2 clavicle positions it felt like someone was standing on my chest - literally.  Concentrate of the quality of your focus.  In time you will work past the difficulties.

Now to make the cancer LEAVE:  You may like this:
1)  Look at the cancer in your body with your mind's eye.  Is it dark, hot, black, red?  See it.  Then "make it turn white".  In your mind, see it as turning white maybe it is turning white slowly with a struggle.  Then shrink it, keep trying to turn it whiter.  As you shrink it, make it turn a more pure white.  The purest white or light you can make it. 

2) Once you have shrunk it down in your mind to say the size of a small ball, call a horse drawn carriage to you.  You may use white horses.  It is a royal looking carriage.

3) Then place your small white cancer on a pillow in the carriage and send the carriage away.  Watch the carriage travel away.  There is a winding road the carriage follows.  You will see the carriage get smaller in the distance the farther it goes.  It will finally disappear on the horizon.

Do your as often as you desire.  Best wishes.

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Re: Ideal Focus/Intention to hold during treatment
Reply #3 - Sep 14th, 2015 at 5:53pm
Thanks for your replies. I just discovered them as no email notification.

Bill: I will look at the routine and see if I can integrate it into daily practice. QiGong is a good idea in general Smiley
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Re: Ideal Focus/Intention to hold during treatment
Reply #4 - Sep 14th, 2015 at 7:00pm
  Hope everything has been going as well as it can be.  I realize it's too late, but as regards the following, "But then I wondered about holding the intention of a healthy heart and then ramping up the feeling of love in the area for long periods as I can. As well as seeing the growth as having completely vanished. I am a practitioner of quantum touch and will use some of the knowledge to keep intention/focus on the chest area."

  I gravitate more to this--feels more proactive and positive. When you go to a hypnotherapist or do self suggestions, and say you have a fear of water, you don't tell the subconscious via suggestions, "you won't fear water anymore".  The subconscious level of self doesn't hear the "won't" part--the suggestion has to be positively directed and focused on what you do want in the place of the fear of water. 

  So instead, something like, "when you are in water, you feel safe, balanced, and full of courage and positive feelings". 

  Similar can be, and probably should be applied to healing.  Seeing the infection, cancer, dis-ease, etc "not there" is weaker, less positively directed than seeing health, normalcy, etc there in place.  In the former, you're focusing on the problem more, and in the latter you're focusing more on the solution. 

  This is not to say that in life, focusing on the problem some is a waste or unproductive.  For example, i've talked about negative E.T.'s overly influencing humanity and helping to keep us stuck. If one isn't aware of this to begin with, then conscious awareness of the problem becomes helpful.  Once that is accepted, then the solutions need to be focused on more so.
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« Last Edit: Sep 14th, 2015 at 8:35pm by N/A »  
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