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I need help belief system crash UnderatackneedPUL (Read 2854 times)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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centreville Virginia
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I need help belief system crash UnderatackneedPUL
May 2nd, 2014 at 3:27am
I read all B's books used the hemi but now I can't even imagine 10 with the circle around it, the field is dark!Used hemi love cd2 years ago and it actually wuz painful! Evertime I would think of getten on this website for 3 years there was a force that would push me away. I have lost the will to live, been bedridden for 3-4 years. Only 41. I lost alot of family members and friends in 2 years to the source or their beliefs. I know they are fine. My grief turned inward and haven't been able to clear my heart, mind, soul out with all this junk inside! I have nightmares were I am murdered in a different way 8 times that I can remember very vivid.My belief system might of crashed? Severe depressoin need PUL.Help please. Sincerly wade
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 88
centreville Virginia
Gender: male
Re: I need help belief system crash UnderatackneedPUL
Reply #1 - Jun 9th, 2014 at 1:01am
I have been practicing going to bed with the intention of PUL. I don't rember much though. I wuz very sick last month all month! Bedridden.This month I feel better, but weak, and tired. Was wondering if anyone recieved PUL from me? I been trying!!! I could use some myself?
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