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It was midweek last week when I had a dream in which I was trying to rescue too many puppies/small dogs. By that, I mean that I was going into a room, I didn't know where, and trying to retrieve puppy after puppy at the same time, until I had a kind of impossible number of puppies or very small dogs in my arms, so that they were falling out of my arms. I was trying to get out of the room, which I did, remembering when awakening that a door closed behind me, but I made it out with almost all of them. I specifically remember seeing one small dog lying on the floor which I was unable to put in my arms because the very little dogs were seriously almost falling out of my arms.
Yesterday, I read a story in which, unknown to me, an animal rights activist had committed suicide very early last week by somehow putting 31 puppies in her car in the garage, taking a bunch of medication, and turning on the car engine. She was found a day later and she and all the puppies were dead, except one puppy who somehow got out of the car and found an air supply at the edge of the garage. That puppy, which survived, is in someone's care now. The activist was 62 years old.
I know that's a terrible story. But, when I read this story last night I was shocked. I hate to sound like some kind of delusional prima donna here, writing about such things, but I think it's important for people to know that they may be practicing retrievals in their sleep and not remember it. I could have just as easily not remembered this dream, but I did. I awoke tremendously depressed from this dream. I don't have dreams of dogs often, that I remember. It's been years.
This is a "coincidence" but how many times do I read about such a thing in my life? And how many times do I have dreams of a ridiculous amount of puppies/small dogs spilling out of my arms? Never.
So, there you have it. By the way, there was someone else there with me, but I don't recall who it was or what they were doing. It seemed like someone was just outside of the room. It just seemed urgent to go get these little creatures.
You would think puppies would be squirming in your arms, but, no, in my dream they were just there, and there were way too many of them. Thanks for reading.