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Posts: 12
I find it so interesting how memory can be accessed much better at a slower brain cycle. David Weiss said the reason we don't remember past lives is because we can't slow down enough but when hypnotized it becomes possible.
We were trying to remember the name of a guy we once worked with years ago. Later I remembered his name was Dave. Then at lunch I laid down for a few minutes. As I was waking at the border of sleep and awake the last name Jones popped into my mind. As easy as breathing. This has happened before when I couldn't remember the name of this electronics supply company. When it was accessed at that deep level it has stayed with me, burned into my memory for years although now it has faded again. I thought if only I could do this with a piece of sheet music. I suppose you probably can. Then in that same nap event where I remembered the name Dave Jones I fell back to that sleep awake border and as I woke up there were the numbers 27, 6, 40. I ran to the computer and looked up the lottery but they don't work with any of the games. I don't think it can have to do with my passing. If you can play the numbers in your state lottery and you win please remember me! Any other ideas?