harvey wrote on Jun 26th, 2012 at 8:46pm:How do I post a picture(not a link) directly onto the posting page?. Thanks
You can't. It has to be a link.
The reason for that is that diskspace on a webserver is smaller then on your home computer. Websites usually have to share a webserver with many other websites. Therefore the available diskspace is divided into quota. That can vary from 50MB to 200MB and more. That is much, much less then on your home computer.
If you install a bulletin board such as YaBB that alone can already take up some 30 or 50 MB without any postings. So to save space the BB is usually set up in such a way that images cannot be uploaded into the BB.
You will have to upload your images somewhere else on the web. Free space is available.
I use it from my own website.