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Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here (Read 20813 times)
Bruce Moen
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Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Mar 26th, 2012 at 5:29pm
I just uploaded a new page that shows two examples of Digital Phantom Leaf Images.  You can see them at

There is also a more detailed description of Digital Phantom Leaf Photography with pictures that illustrate the method.

I am curious to know if any of you can see the phantom leaf vein structures in either of the two examples shown near the bottom of the page?  Post your comments to this thread and maybe we can start some conversation on the topic.

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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #1 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 2:18am
Hi Bruce,

The longer I look at each photo, the more I think I can see at least a couple of the veins.  I don't know if it's just a trick of the eye or not, but it really does look like some veins stand out.  On the first photo (of the bottom two) I can see the two large veins on the far right coming down from the top.  And on the second photo (bottom of page) I can see the vein coming from the far right side to almost the middle of the photo, and I can see where it meets the vein above it coming toward the middle.  My eyes see the almost "V" shape it makes as the bottom vein meets there then the line curves back away from the middle and back to the far right following that upper vein. 

It's hard to explain but I hope that makes sense.  It's what my eyes, or my mind, sees when I stare at the pictures for a long time.  The original photos seem to verify the lines that I see. 

There's something very interesting and I want to know if you or someone else sees it too.  I have to get very close to my monitor in order to see it.  And I had to "cheat" and use a sort of filter to see it too. 

With the naked eye I can see on the original photo(first photo of the bottom 2 examples), a 10/16 of an inch oblong-ish pattern in the bottom right corner.  I measured it from top of the oblong pattern to the bottom, and got 10/16 of an inch.  With my naked eye, I cannot see the same oblong pattern on the photo where the leaf was cut. 

That colorized cut-out part makes it hard for me to see, so the way I cheated and used a filter was simply to hold up to my monitor a green-colored page protector.  (I have actual film filters made of harder plastic which I'd like to use but I can't find at the moment).  But the green page protector works just fine.  When I hold it up against my monitor I can see the same oblong pattern-shape!

I used a pen to mark the top and bottom onto the page protector, then used my tape measure and guess what...10/16 of an inch.  To be sure I was looking at the same pattern on both photos, I measured from the top of the original photo down to the oblong shape that I can see with my naked eye, and the top of that oblong shape is at 2 and 9/16 inches (from top of the photo).  When I do the same measurement on the 2nd photo, the same shape that I see in the same place, (but looking thru my filter) also starts at 2 and 9/16 inches from the top of the photo.  By the way, they are both 7/16 of an inch from side to side. 

Do you see this too??

By the way, the green page protector I used is by Oxford, called "copy-safe"

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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #2 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 11:10am
  Interesting Bruce.  I can't say that i know for sure what this is really about one way or another, but have you ruled out the well known, amazing ability of the human mind and it's tendency to "fill in" when there seems to be "missing" or distorted data which is talked about in a lot of psychological circles, studies, etc? 

  For a simplified example, if i write a slightly garbled message using word and word like symbols but not in the conventional, usual, expected way, u r 2 Gr8, your mind almost automatically will translate that into a sense perception and knowing of "you are too great".  In a sense, you bypass the distorted version and "see" what you are used to perceiving and expect to see. 

  Or, if we see a picture with parts of it missing, we can still perceive the whole "message" or total data of the picture because our mind works to connect the dots to perceive the whole picture.  Perhaps in such a case, if we look at the picture long and hard enough, we may even actually sort of "see" those missing pieces of the picture?

  Like you, i completely believe in the reality of nonphysical because of my own experiences and verifications with that using nonphysical means and perceptions, but i'm not sure if i was a newbie, or someone rather skeptical of nonphysical reality, that i would necessarily buy into the Leaf phenomena if i understood the commonly known and more psychological understandings of how the mind tends to work to fill in and/or translate missing or distorted data. 

   Perhaps it's not that we are actually seeing any image there, but rather our mind tricks us into believing we are seeing it there, because part of us fills in the data because we "Like" our usual images and seeing the "whole picture"?  What is the saying, "nature abhors a vacuum."  We like things neat, tidy, and natural and our perceptions, minds, and beliefs tend to work around that in a spontaneous, organic way outside of just particularly strong ideas and emotional thoughts which is what we "normally" associate with "belief systems."  

  In any case, whether or not this is a real nonphysical type phenomenon, this is why your other work is so invaluable.  Teaching people through nonphysical senses and means to have nonphysically oriented perceptions and experiences, which can get verified independently.  Things that our conscious minds, according to the existing paradigms of science, cannot possibly know because there is no previous physical data to fill in that awareness.

   Also, as someone who has been given messages on Earth changes and who is familiar with other reputable sources who have also, i would suggest that those times are fast approaching (not this year though), and that the real growth and awareness in our society will happen through having to work together in a more unified way via recognized necessity due to severity and the rough shape the world will be in. 

  Much growth will come through that, and as people start to live PUL more in relation to others, as you are also aware, this naturally and innately tends to expand their perceptions and perceptual capacity, helping them to get beyond limiting belief systems and dogmas. 

  Much growth, will also come after the collapse when human examples arise who demonstrate what full attunement to PUL looks like and can "do".  I'm not the only one who has gotten such messages, Rosalind McKnight in her work with Monroe and with expanded guidance also received very similar and clear messages outlining this. 

Becky and i also have received other messages about more direct contact with E.T. groups, which will certainly shake up a lot of entrenched belief systems and help to expand perception in many ways.  Also something that Rosalind had seen.   
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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #3 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 11:37am
Thanks Bruce,

for the privilege of seeing these ! I'm happy to say I see many of the veins (-:

I get the clearest results when I change the distance from what I use for reading  to a bit closer. And also when I slightly squint, which is a technique we used in art classes to block out extraneous detail.  Here it helps focus on the color change detail that I'm seeking.

Some lines I see are not lined up with the leaf's obvious veins though.

What would happen if the cut out area was over the main vein of the leaf?  Perhaps that largest vein would have a more definite 'phantom' ?


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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #4 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 3:21pm
Thanks for posting this. Intriguing. I do see some veins, and am not sure they are exactly like those they appear to be extending from, but I do see something there. I have come back to it several times to be sure, over the course of a day.

It reminds me of how those who have lost a limb can still feel a 'phantom' limb, or so they say. So, this gives me pause for thought. What we have lost, any of us, is not necessarily lost. There is, at the very least, a 'snapshot' -- a picture -- of what was there.

It also makes me wonder. Does the leaf believe that its 'part' which was snipped away is still there? Is it the 'belief' of the 'leaf' which makes it so? Or, from where does the 'phantom' come?

It boggles the mind, and certainly leaves room for hope of many kinds.
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a channel
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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #5 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 6:05pm
It also makes me wonder. Does the leaf believe that its 'part' which was snipped away is still there? Is it the 'belief' of the 'leaf' which makes it so? Or, from where does the 'phantom' come?

  I do know there is such a "phantom effect" despite my above post wondering whether or not this experiment relates directly to that. 

  RE: your above questions, here is a theory or rather hypothesis, you can ask your guidance about. 

Everything natural and living in the physical world, has it's nonphysical counterpart in a level vibrationally one "octave" "above", rather faster vibratory in nature than the dense and slower vibratory physical.

  In fact, i wouldn't quite call it truly "nonphysical" as it's so connected to the physical, or rather vice versa the physical is so connected to it. 
  Some say this was the Earth's natural vibratory level when it was first co-created by one of the Co-Creators, wherein "thoughts are more immediately things".  Some say that when Humanity collectively attunes to PUL to a great degree, that it will help the Earth shift back into this original, less dense state of being, wherein there is more flexibility and more harmony in nature. 

  Still "physical", but less dense, limited, and inharmonious than what we now perceive and experience as "physical".  We can think of our current physical as a distorted reflection image of the Real.  Almost like a negative of a photograph, or the reflection in a fun house mirror.

This collective, super slow vibratory nature of the current physical Earth experience, is why it's so hard for a Consciousness directly involved here (a "human") to fully attune to PUL while in-physical and to translate that physial vibratory level into pure Light.  But this is the very goal, should one choose trying to reach completion in this system.  We are all (or rather, the majority of us are) trying to reach completion, but once we get to a certain level of maturity, we become aware of the choice to grow and reach same in other, more expanded systems, or come back here to finish.  Speaking from experience & guidance and vague memories. 
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Bruce Moen
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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #6 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 10:11pm

Thanks for letting me know what you can see of the veins.  It's kind of an exercise in just looking and letting whatever pattern pops up. Nice to know you see them too.  I'll be happy when the method is more developed so that it is easier to see. .

Vicky wrote on Mar 27th, 2012 at 2:18am:
That colorized cut-out part makes it hard for me to see, so the way I cheated and used a filter was simply to hold up to my monitor a green-colored page protector. 

Interesting, using a green filter.  I'll have to try that, never thought of it.  It is kind of like the red filter in games that let you read a word obscured by red ink, like the old Password game if you aren't too young to know that one.  I hadn't noticed the oblong shape, I'll have to look closer.

As I get more good examples I will share them for comments.

Thanks you thorough description.

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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #7 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 10:17pm
Thanks Bruce!  Do let me know if you see the shape too.


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Bruce Moen
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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #8 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 10:34pm
a channel,

  but have you ruled out the well known, amazing ability of the human mind and it's tendency to "fill in" when there seems to be "missing" or distorted data which is talked about in a lot of psychological circles, studies, etc?    

When doing  basic research I find it more productive to approach it in the role of a true skeptic.  When exploring something new a skeptic refuses to come to a conclusion.  Lacking a conclusion tends to help keep an open mind and fueling a desire for more and more information.  Eventually a large enough  body of facts will begin naturally lead toward greater understanding.

Looking for a conclusion or an alternate explanation too early tends to close off exploration and experimentation too early. 


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Bruce Moen
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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #9 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 10:41pm
betson wrote on Mar 27th, 2012 at 11:37am:
Some lines I see are not lined up with the leaf's obvious veins though.

Yes, Bets, some don't line up and I have seen this in a number of these pictures.  I haven't done enough of them yet to know much about why this happens.  It is almost like the nonphysical part starts to drift or move after the physical part is removed.


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Bruce Moen
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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #10 - Mar 27th, 2012 at 10:51pm
It reminds me of how those who have lost a limb can still feel a 'phantom' limb, or so they say. So, this gives me pause for thought. What we have lost, any of us, is not necessarily lost. There is, at the very least, a 'snapshot' -- a picture -- of what was there..


I fully expect that if this technique can be refined to give good clear images, pictures  of  phantom limbs will be possible.  Maybe even movies using digital video.  At that point I would like to get a "ghost" to move in front of the camera!

. Quote:
It also makes me wonder. Does the leaf believe that its 'part' which was snipped away is still there? Is it the 'belief' of the 'leaf' which makes it so? Or, from where does the 'phantom' come?

It boggles the mind, and certainly leaves room for hope of many kinds.

Great questions.  And the best part is the process is pretty simple and doesn't require a lot of expensive equipment.  I think most any camera and computer savy person could grt involved.


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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #11 - Mar 28th, 2012 at 6:23pm
Unfortunately i don't see it, or my brain has no reference to "fit" the picture with such contextual content (seeing certain kind of trees in the forrest while not being used to distinguish trees).

But I agree with @"a channel" about great ability of the brain to fit sensory data with something expectable in particular context. On the other hand however - this ability - is also a  filter that allows to extrapolate and magnify certain parts of near/under noise reality, so that we can perceive it or distinguish from environment as usable.

I agree that green filters could help, because our eyes are most sensitive to green colour as far I remember. But I don't know what about camera electronics (better open for red?). I would also use some filter, that allows user to determine how much dots represent "visual range" (and everything below/above - faded to black).

Regarding skepticism i disagree. There is a difference between being "skeptic" and "attentive". "Skeptic person" refuses to accept anything against their beliefs (contrapositive beliefs) - while "attentive person" follows their beliefs and is open for alternative options at the same time. Skeptic people are not really skeptic - they just follow their/different beliefs/doctrines, but are not open to options. Believing is a part of reality reconstruction; otherwise - the void - reality with no reality. Focus on model and meaning (and context).
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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #12 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 9:45am
Very interesting results, Bruce. I can definitely see the vein traces, and also that - as Betson has noted - some seem misaligned with their "physical" continuations.

It's significant that the cut leaf portion was removed before placing the leaf in position for photographing, or, at least, that the leaf was not in continuous contact with a surface during the cutting process - if I have understood your process correctly. Back in the 1980s, I built a Kirlian device, using a high-frequency spark tester borrowed from my then workplace. I took the usual pictures of finger pads, etc, as well as of inorganic objects such as coins. I also tried to replicate the phantom leaf effect widely claimed at the time. I found this only worked if I cut away the leaf portion while it was positioned on the photographic sheet, but not when I cut the leaf first and then placed it on the sheet. My conclusion was that the "phantom" effect was an artefact of residual moisture, tissue etc.

Your results seem to overcome that possibility.

Would there also, I wonder, be a "phantom" leaf extending from the tree in the position the leaf was originally cut from? If so, does that imply an infinite replication of phantoms (or vice versa)?

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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #13 - Jun 2nd, 2012 at 4:07pm
Bruce, I'm not too convinced that those photos show anything of value.

I have a suggestion.

1. Make some "traditional" kirlian photos, with the 135 Volts base.
2. Then reduce the voltage so the kirlian image becomes poorer, but still visible.
3. Then apply whatever image improvement software to the poorer image until
you can see an image improvement.

The voltage and the frequency is also of importance.

That way I think it may be possible to find a formula for image improvement.

Also, I've noted that according to Internet sources, the "cut leaf" experiment, indicates
that the glass plate, upon which the leaf was placed was important. The glass plate
is of importance.

Either there is some kind of residual moistness, or it is an imprint in the glass late
itself which creates the lingering leaf part.

Perhaps the first step is to contact someone doing kirlian photos on a regular basis
to get some more basics?
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Re: Phantom Leaf Pictures Are Here
Reply #14 - Jun 2nd, 2012 at 5:28pm
Pauli, interesting possibilities you raise which may explain things without having to rely on paranormal explanations:
"Either there is some kind of residual moistness, or it is an imprint in the glass late
itself which creates the lingering leaf part."
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