Ex Member
Example of experiences with a group consciousness / group soul experiment:
In 1999 i suggested this experiment to a group of ca. 10-12 spiritually interested individuals. The group was a local group of the Theosophical Society in Germany, the average age of the persons probably over 60. We sat together around a big table. I gave these directions / "playing rules" for the experiment: Don't speak in grammatically complete sentences. Don't form rational sentences. Do speak spontaneously and only when you get a feeling / an impression. Don't think. Only speak when words come up spontaneously.
How it went:
We did this, it went well, everyone "behaved" well, that is, we managed to keep out rational thinking and ego, and spoke in "picturesque language", like in "free association".
The experience:
My personal experience of it: We seemed to get more and more in sync, speaking about the same thing, having a common feeling or vision of something of which we received impressions which we spoke out then. The feeling and/or power and/or clarity of the vision increased more and more.
The experiences of other participants: After the experiment, I asked others what they had felt, what their overall impression of the experiment was, and they described similar impressions and experiences.
The outcome of the experiment: Not much. Everyone found it to be an interesting experience, but no one was intersted to do it again.