tom strack
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Posts: 2
roanoke va.
Where in time and distance or non physicality would the aperture be located?What description of the science of awareness compression can be stated?Doesn't it appear that the physical universes are a massive scientific undertaking to set a stage for a mega fragmented supersoul as an exercise for learning perhaps for defense or entertainment eventually w/other super parts of itself of which we are, in an exterior dimension,perhaps w/a sibling?Aren't the planning centers fairly new considering humans are also fairly new in time? doesn't awareness compression seem to damage memory redemption abilities once we exit the ELS?Almost like we never knew our abilites at all.It appears we need to be taught way more than we had forgotten such as momentum of immediacy,instantaneousness of available knowledges and such.Isn't the very quanta of our spirits under the direct spin of an original and unavoidable command:to love?Tom