Josh Langley
Junior Member
ALK Member
Posts: 75
Hi all. I've been unable to verify any of this yet, but i'd like to peoples thoughts on this...
Quick summary points. Jack Thompson Hiker/bushwalker Toledo forest. 5th street. Age: 47 Medium height 1956 died. Running from what he thought was a bear, fell over hit his head and dies. Went hiking nearly every weekend. Went hiking to relive the pain of being in WW2. Liked being alone with nature. Initially started wearing new fluro coloured hiking gear, but changed to older more brown, grey hiking gear.
Helper: started out as point of white light, that started to flow with colours, then morphed into the Monk image. I felt that my helper used this image as I was familiar with it from meditations. Followed him out of big wooden doors into a forest, where I saw the hiker lying face down, just off the path near a log. The hiker slowly got up and seemed confused and surprised I was there, yet slowly became comfortable with me there. I said I was just out bushwalking and wondered if he was alright. He comes to the woods to hike nearly every weekend. I had the mental image of a coin when asked about evidence. The Helper took the form of a park ranger AKA Smokie Bear style and helped him off down the track saying he would guide him off out. Flash of bright light and they were in a beautiful green forest, with earth /organic buildings in the background. One woman appeared and seemed joyful to see him. Yet he still seemed bewildered. Others came and patted and hugged him and someone rang a hand bell as they walked off.
When talking to my helper I got the impression that the forest setting was deliberate way to acclimatise him back into the afterlife gently and recover from the stresses of being in WW2. Had to regain trust of people slowly.
When I asked about why was I chosen for this retrieval, it got the answer that seeing as Id be recently watching and thinking about all things forest and stuff it would be an easy step or natural step so to say. Again as evidence, the coins came up coins where found near his body.