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Argh! Nuclear industry (Read 3915 times)
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Argh! Nuclear industry
Mar 23rd, 2011 at 8:09pm
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Argh! Nuclear industry
Reply #1 - Mar 25th, 2011 at 12:54pm
A bit synchronistic: earlier in the day that you shared this link, i did another meditation with the intent of being of assistance to the Japanese people.

  When i hooked up to Guidance, and asked what could be done, i found myself very "loudly" mentally broadcasting the message to all the living there to "Leave as soon as possible (if you want to stay alive and be healthy)!!!"

  And then i read similar advice by the woman who survived Chernobyl and who was interviewed for the article you shared.  My sense is that Japan is royally screwed in the material sense.  My sense is that parts of the east coast will break off in not so far future into the sea because the land sits right above a very deep rift.  This echoes what Edgar Cayce said about "The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea."

  Notice his guidance didn't say "may" or "might" or was "probable", but used the specific word of must.  Cayce's guidance was often very specific with such terms. 

  There is nothing wrong with the option of dying, but personally i wouldn't want to go via radiation poisoning and burns.  I think the nuclear situation in Japan is much, much, much more unstable & out of control than the Japanese officials and mainstream media is letting on. 

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Re: Argh! Nuclear industry
Reply #2 - Mar 27th, 2011 at 10:07am

Regarding the Japan earthquake, a genuine disaster with enormous human suffering, I am struck by something I recently read in one of Bruce's books.

In his Planning Center chapter, he is told by a tour guide about "the Big Plan for Earth" which involves large population reductions in the near future.

The purpose of these reductions is to lessen human impact on the ecosystem.  The PC is actively preparing support for the huge volume of people who will die voluntarily in order to improve the ecosystem.

In fact, many folks chose this period of time to incarnate so that they could die of AIDS.  Apparently having AIDS helps people about the value of facing certain death and learning to break through the fear of death.

So we are left to conclude that natural disasters, even plagues, should be viewed as positive developments regardless of all the human suffering and agony that accompany them.  That's because those who die arranged it ahead of time.

I wonder if the Japanese see it this way? 

This kind of thinking reminds me of India, where people ignore those who are suffering on the basis that they are working out their own karma and should therefore be left alone.


pages 121/122 of Voyages into the Afterlife

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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Argh! Nuclear industry
Reply #3 - Mar 27th, 2011 at 1:22pm
  Hi Rondele,

  I don't see it as so black and white as what you seem to be oh so subtly implying.

  My intuition tells me that there is a certain amount of pre-life planning that goes on wherein some aspect of a consciousness--particularly their "Disk" or Higher self as some call it, has knowledge of certain probable event lines and experiences.  That aspects of our material lives are pre arranged as probable event lines etc.

Of course this involves challenge and suffering to some degree for ALL people.  I don't look at the suffering and challenge that i've gone through in my life as a negative thing, but as a part of a larger spiritual growth process. 

  But just because i view life in that manner, does not mean that i take the Indian "caste" view of life wherein i should ignore or not care about others suffering because it's their karma or what not.

  I also don't think that is what Bruce is saying either.  Rather that certain aspects of our lives indeed are pre-planned to some extent.

  My feeling is that we should try to alleviate the suffering of others when we can, if we can. If Bruce didn't care about others suffering, then why would so much of his work focus on Retrievals which is all about trying to help a suffering consciousness move out of that?

  But at the same time, i personally look at it in parallel to the whole concept of healing. 

  When we see someone sick, for many who are in touch with their heart, the innate and natural urge is to want to help alleviate that person's suffering.  We may automatically want to get involved in helping to heal that person's illness, disease or dis-ease. 

   Yet i've learned from guidance that in a percentage of cases involving illness, disease, etc. that the person's Greater self has set up this life experience for them for a greater purpose of spiritual growth.  The personality aspect of the greater self may not necessarily want or like having the illness, but the G.S. part which is more aware does want this. 

   In such a case, should we try to effect the healing of that person's disease and accompanying physical and/or emotional suffering? 

Would that be wise or loving to try to interfere like that? 

  Or rather would it be wiser and more loving to use our spiritual discrimination, take a moment to get intune with our guidance and try to communicate Greater Self to Greater Self with that person and see what's in their best interest from their G.S.'s perspective first before trying to effect a healing?  This doesn't mean that we shouldn't feel for their personalities suffering meanwhile.

  Suffering is unfortunately for humans a very necessary process and powerful catalyst to spiritual awakening and growth.  It's been true in my own life and i can only imagine it's true in others peoples lives.  The only difference is that i've become a bit more emotionally objective/self detached about the process and have had glimpses behind the curtain concerning this truth in my own life.

  But no, we should not automatically turn a blind eye towards others suffering because of a notion of karma or what not. 

  Ever should the inner intent and desire be to help others and alleviate suffering, but always from the perspective of what's spiritually most helpful for a person in the big picture or long run. 

  So sometimes there are times to materially help and other times to not when speaking in the short term and immediate. 

  Sometimes some temporary material and emotional suffering, leads to greater spiritual growth which negates a much deeper and consistent suffering, and brings a developement of inner joy and a peace that is NOT DEPENDENT ON  ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF YOU.  Meaning that when you reach that phase or cycle in your spiritual growth, the whole world could crumble around you and yet you have a smile on your lips because you are attuned to that which brings inner joy and a peace that surpasses material understanding.

  That kind of growth and learning is to be greatly desired.  The Zenith of that process i believe is why Yeshua came to the Earth and lived the life that he did.  He came to show that as long as there is enough attunement to Spirit and PUL, that it doesn't matter what kind of difficulties and challenges you go through, that you can be happy and at peace.   That it only matters how you live in relation to others.

This is probably why i had a dream awhile back wherein i knew what Jesus wanted for the world and i knew that he wanted the (very materially challenging) Earth changes to happen.  How could such a loving being want something he knows would be so difficult and challenging for so many?

Because he knows that these difficulties and challenges and suffering would lead humanity to a much deeper, consistent collective joyousness and peacefulness that comes ONLY from attuning to and choosing the Spirit over the material. 

  So, it's not a black and white and either-or issue.  People balanced more to the material may and often do see it in such a black and white way though, because of the very nature of focusing on that which is material takes away focus from awareness and perspective of the Spirit which is a much broader and holistic one. 

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Re: Argh! Nuclear industry
Reply #4 - Mar 27th, 2011 at 2:33pm

Just to clarify, it wasn't Bruce who was making these comments.  It was a Tour Guide from the Planning Center Bruce visited.

Incidentally, regarding AIDS, the guide told Bruce (and I'm quoting here): "Look at the population segment where AIDS first showed up- in homosexuals.  Now there's a group even good Christians can hate.  That's a real incongruity in a religion based on a God who said you must love your neighbor as yourself.......that incongruity is an opportunity to incarnate into a lifetime as a Christian to learn about Love."

You can draw your own conclusions.  I certainly have drawn mine.


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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Argh! Nuclear industry
Reply #5 - Mar 27th, 2011 at 2:47pm
rondele wrote on Mar 27th, 2011 at 2:33pm:

Just to clarify, it wasn't Bruce who was making these comments.  It was a Tour Guide from the Planning Center Bruce visited.

Incidentally, regarding AIDS, the guide told Bruce (and I'm quoting here): "Look at the population segment where AIDS first showed up- in homosexuals.  Now there's a group even good Christians can hate.  That's a real incongruity in a religion based on a God who said you must love your neighbor as yourself.......that incongruity is an opportunity to incarnate into a lifetime as a Christian to learn about Love."

You can draw your own conclusions.  I certainly have drawn mine.


  And plainly speaking, what are these conclusions that you have drawn?
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Re: Argh! Nuclear industry
Reply #6 - Mar 27th, 2011 at 3:24pm
First of all, I apologize for starting this thread and then not interacting with it.

Regarding the AIDs thing, I don't remember what precisely Bruce wrote, but I believe there are a lot of Christians who don't truly understand about unconditional love because if they did, they wouldn't have the attitude they have towards homosexual people.

When you see somebody you care for go through intense suffering, it can really play a key role in helping you move beyond a limited way of being you are stubborn about.

If a Christian who accepts homophobic viewpoints sees what takes place for a homosexual who has aids, this Christian might feel so much compassion for the person that he might decide to listen to his heart and live according to love, rather than what a limiting belief system tells him.

When Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, I don't believe he had it in mind to be judgmental towards homosexuals.

A few years ago they voted on the gay marriage issue in California. Christian groups held signs on public streets with the intent of getting people to vote against gay marriage. I'm heterosexual; nevertheless, I can't tell you how upsetting this was for me. What right does one person have to tell another person who she or she is able to love? None whatsoever.

Yet this is what the Christian groups were doing. They were infringing upon the free will of other people and not allowing them to decide who they want to love and marry.

Another sad thing is that these Christian groups acted as if they were doing something truly worthwhile that God and Jesus would approve of. If they realized how loving and non-judgmental God and Jesus are, they would see how off base they are.

Also sad, with all the bad things that happen in this  world, I've never seen these Christian groups demonstrate against anything else. They only sought to do so when they wanted to repress somebody else.

I became angry with them and shouted, "Jesus said to love your neighbors as yourselves. Is this what you are doing you hypocrits?"

So perhaps some souls who haven't learned about unconditional love will incarnate as judgmental Christians (rather than Christ oriented people), have contact with a homosexual person who is dying of AIDS, and decide to listen to their hearts rather than what some narrowminded preacher tells them.

Also, they might learn that it is better to find what's true for ourselves, rather than allow some guru or preacher tell us what to believe.
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Re: Argh! Nuclear industry
Reply #7 - Mar 27th, 2011 at 3:53pm
Regarding souls volunteering to go through a difficult time, below is something I wrote:

As odd as this might sound, in the long run it could be good if this world goes through the predicted changes and difficulties. Our world is already going through so much difficulty and things may have reached the point where further difficulties can’t be avoided. Consider it this way: If things continue the way they are, then more generations of souls will be required to incarnate into lifetimes that not only bring suffering, but also influence many of them to develop in a negative way. When the latter happens, not only do such souls end up manifesting in a negative way in this world, they also end up going to lower realms, at least for a time, after they die. Since positive soul growth is preferred, it is unfortunate that so many souls have to take on the extended responsibility of incarnations that become negative.

On the other hand, if one generation is willing to go through a lot of turmoil and in the end, people who live according to a higher way of being survive and make this world a better place, future generations of incarnating souls will no longer have to go through such difficult incarnations. For example, rape victims and rapists, abused people and abusers, people forced into prostitution (including children) and the people who get them involved with prostitution such as pimps, people who are bullied and their bullies, people in poverty and the greedy self-centered people who don’t care, and so on.

Sure it is quite sad that people from a transitional generation will either have to suffer through a very difficult period or die; however, it is important to understand that the souls who go through such difficulty and/or die, volunteered to take on such a challenge before they incarnated. They did so partly because they wanted to do their part in making it so future generations will be much more positive than they would be if significant changes don't take place.

Or in other words, what is better? For the status quo to continue as it is and perhaps become even worse so future generations continue to suffer, or, for people of a change-oriented generation to go through a difficult transitional period that leads to positive future generations? It is important to factor in that many people from a generation of possible great change are already going through great difficulty.

Regarding the possibility of love-based people surviving the Earth changes rather than negative-minded people, it is hard to say in a specific way how this will come to be. NDEers such as Howard Storm and Ned Dougherty wrote that divine will is going to arrange it so people who live according to love will survive rather than people who live in a negative way. There is also the factor of how people such as myself have received messages stating that loved-based people will survive.

If this approach seems insensitive to negative-minded people, all I can say is that if I were a person who did something such as abuse my children, forced people into prostitution, pushed drugs, or greedily hoarded things for myself while many other people have to do without, I would want my life to come to an end for the sake of people who are harmed by my actions and for the sake of my spiritual welfare. I make this latter point with the thought that if I was a bad person, the more I continued to live my life in a way where I harmed others, the more my soul would develop in a negative way and the more difficulty I would have to go through after I died. Plus, if somehow despite my confused and dark state of mind I was able to see the big picture, I wouldn’t want to hang around and be a person who interferes with the positive changes this world requires. It would be much better if I rejoined the spirit world, even if I ended up in a lower realm for a while. 

If the viewpoint is true that some souls don’t find their way back to the light, then it becomes even more important for us to make this world a better place so incarnating into this world doesn’t continue to have such a negative effect on the souls that incarnate into it.
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