i see your point.
i also feel annoyed by people who repeat advaita slogans in mantra-like manner, saying things like "and who does it experience?" in every second sentence.
difficult to communicate with them when getting always useless comments on everything you say.
the teachers who preach non-duality all the time, maybe they feel it to be their mission, and maybe people get attracted to them until they heard enough and got the point and then go on their own ways.
i was for some years attending a guru's satsangs and retreats, and most the time, and more and more, i didn't listen to the talks anymore, i was content to sit in the teacher's presence and feel the "energy field", i would have preferred the teacher not to talk at all, but sit silently in meditation.
i'm not saying that mind and thinking are bad and no-mind and non-thinking good, i like to have both, sometimes i get weary of the thinking and then want stillness and peace, and when i had enough rest in no-mind, then i want action again, or something in me wants to do something creative.
observing my mind and ego and states of consciousness, i noticed that there are different modes, and that not all modes are useful in all conditions.
for example the rational thinking is useful in certain conditions. it is blocking the other modes of consciousness, which is useful for some things, but detrimental for some other things.
your experience of source/awareness (beautiful!), that would also be a mode of consciousness, or of mind, but the word "mind" is over-used for too many different things, and this can lead to lots of misunderstandings.
some people think that "mind" means the "ego-mind's half-conscious conditioned thinking processes", and call it a bad thing.
when regarding "mind" as a personal awareness in the space of consciousness, then it's much different view of the term "mind", much different from that other view.
and then there are many other meanings and connotations.
Sometimes it seems as if language is an invention of the devil. Telepathy would be the direct way of communi(cati)on without all those misunderstandings.
Do you remember in Bruce Moen's and Bob Monroe's books about the extraterrestrian race which is telepathic? It has advantages and disadvantages to be a telepathic race. The advantage is that they can work in group consciousness and have greater power of information processing and awareness. The disadvantages is that they are limited in the range of their experiences, and that might be the reason why we humans here on earth are non-telepathic or semi-telepathic. I think we do have these telepathic possibilities, it is there in the subconscious, and we could activate it if we want, and often we use it unconsciously. Maybe we evolve towards more freedom and individual soverignty and awareness, and then can use more of our potential, and can also work with group consciousness when we want, and use even more modes of consciousness.
I'm a great fan of evolution!
p.s.: editing works again!