I think someone also mused about why peopel are attracted to this stuff.
I was thinking about that one day when I was in a foul mood. I have two jobs, neither of which I am overly fond. I have a very p/t schtick in a retail chain; I keep at it because of silly reasons, so it is not reasonable that I should get so annoyed with the customers, except all my coworkers do too. No matter how hard you work, there is a subset of customers who destroy the store, pulling things apart in their feeding frenzy shopping and leaving the place looking like a herd of five year olds descended for playtime and left all their toys in the floor. Why do adults do this? I could expand on this but I won't.
My other job is as a non-medical support role in a hospital; my work sometimes has me in the ED, which used to be called the ER but believe me it is more than one room. Not every case in the ED is television-worthy, which is a good thing because it is often sad when they are. And I know some of the less dramatic cases are still really sick,. But when I walk around and see the people, many of whom are medicare patients (this hospital has >50% medicare patients I think) and all of whom look ...lonely and scared and other things, I wonder what the connection between the behavior that drives me nuts at the retail store and the attitudes that bring folks to the ED is. Are the people who tear up the store the same ones who end up in these beds? Sometimes I wish some of these folks could go for reiki once a week; it seems what they realy want and need is attention. or they don't know why they are there.
and when I really ponder it , I am reminded of the quote "men lead lives of quiet desperation." Good ole Massachusetts boy said that.
What Thoreau said can be found many places, here is one:
http://www.trivia-library.com/b/origins-of-sayings-the-mass-of-men-lead-lives-of...And I think the folks who go to Abraham or Ramtha or whatever are trying to not get to the end of their lives and find they have not really lived.
And the ideas about reality may have been around for centuries (Millenia maybe) but the churches aren't teachijng that, so people go to Abraham and Ramtha because they are. Where would you have them go? Please don't send them shopping to quiet their minds because I just got my section in order again and I want to keep it that way for a few minutes.
But I don't confuse the message and the messenger. Not sure you should even do that with Jesus.
I've never sat in a church and heard a practical explanation of how to apply Matthew 7:7. Which is the real thing I'm interested in!
I think (our) Matthew's remarks on the subconcious mind are really important. I think that is a topic worthy of deep analysis and discussion. I think some of the teaching of the subconcious mind used to be done through "fairy tales" but now we take a more direct approach when we talk about it. We take it to a new level that way too. Funny...the way to the higher self seems to go "down" through the subconcious mind.