Hi KingUpp,
Nice to meet you and thanks for your review.
As far as having a good plot to make it a great story, in a way I see what you're saying because the book ends somewhat open-endedly....but on the other hand I really couldn't adapt the book to have a beginning-middle-end storyline.
This book was just a way for me to get my feet wet about telling my life experiences, what I've learned, and what's "real" to me in this life, and where I'm going with it.
I spent way too many years of my life not having a clue what all these weird experiences meant...not even knowing that we had an afterlife or that there was such a thing as nonphysical reality and nonphysical senses. So I guess you could say that the plot of my first book is that I discovered all those things and it led me to having a foundation of beliefs and knowledge to carry me through life...something I didn't have before.
Anyway, I think my writing is improving with my second book so as to give a more well-rounded storyline. One thing that's helped is that I've been writing my second book in real time, and I think it makes much smoother writing and a good flow. This second book is a lot like the first in that I'm still sharing my experiences and what I'm learning, but specifically I'm describing how I'm developing my psychic ability, something we ALL have, and teaching how anyone can do what I'm doing. Along the course of writing this book, I've had even more experiences that solidfy my beliefs and understanding about what I delved into with my first book. I've gained more from this psychic development project than I thought possible, so that's been a neat surprise for me.
But how will I end this book? I still don't know, but I'm nearly finished. I do want it to have that "great story" kind of ending. I have some more experiments still to work on, so I'll just have to see what I can deliver after attempting those.
Thanks for reading!!