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Save The Planet (Read 5234 times)
Ralph Buskey
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Save The Planet
Jun 28th, 2010 at 4:31pm
Greetings yon venture earthlings.

   I have an idea of how to plug the hole in the Gulf Of Mexico. God gave us the perfect weapon and it hasn't been used yet.

   I suggest that we get the largest boulders and rocks that ships can carry and drop them over the hole. Then gravity will do all of the work.

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Ralph Buskey Ralph Buskey  
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #1 - Jun 29th, 2010 at 2:05pm
Ralph Buskey wrote on Jun 28th, 2010 at 4:31pm:
Greetings yon venture earthlings.

   I have an idea of how to plug the hole in the Gulf Of Mexico. God gave us the perfect weapon and it hasn't been used yet.

   I suggest that we get the largest boulders and rocks that ships can carry and drop them over the hole. Then gravity will do all of the work.


I suppose if that very large boulder is somehow also directed down, as well as slowed down in its descent, it could possibly work somewhat, but there would still be leakage because even huge boulders lose a lot of their weight in water and then there is the combined issue of there is a lot of pressure expanding or pushing up on this boulder and it has to be an exact, perfectly symmetric fit or seal for this otherwise there would be leakage. 

Re: saving the Planet.  Humans as a whole and each of us as individuals first need to save ourselves from lacking in PUUL issues such as greed, fear, selfishness, destructiveness to others, and over focus on materialism before we can save the Planet from us.

  Basically, in order to save the Planet, we have to save ourselves, and another way of saying humans saving the Planet is, humans saving the Planet from humans.   

Realistically speaking, if we really wanted to stop the damage we are doing, then each and every human on the Earth, right now, needs to stop having children for a time and then after that time, severely restrict their amount of offspring to only one child. 

  Each individual on the Planet Earth would have to stop driving gas and electric based cars, and any who works for a company or corporation which is involved in the massive consumption of natural resources and outputting of pollutants would have to immediate quit their jobs and not get a job at any other, similar place.

People universally would have to eat less, much more vegetarian, and only organically and preferably grown by self or gotten at a local farmers market.  We all would have to reuse so much more than most do, and "recycling" would have to be true recycling--directly reusing bottles, etc

Each person would have to go back to completely natural ways of living which use less energy and produce less toxins.  If we wanted to keep the level of material comfort we know enjoy, we would have to come up with and share freely free energy resources which don't consume physical natural resources and which don't output any pollution--do you think any energy based corporation or system dependent on same will ever allow that as long as greed and selfishness still exists in the human heart?

Who among us fully does this and lives only as say some Native American tribes use to live, and is willing to completely do this of their own freewill volition, let alone every single male, female, and child on the face of this Earth? 

Us Americans, and America in particular is the most grossly extreme consumer of resources and energy in the World, and for all our material wealth, technology, and resources we out-put quite a bit of toxins and pollution.  We could do much better on the latter part, but we don't want to spent the necessary money and time to really improve this.  Too many are too apathetic and very narrowly, short term self interested.

Putting all this into perspective (and i'm only scratching the surface of the problems and issues here)...then one realizes what a severe, extreme issue this is in the physical-health sense.  (it's also very much a spiritual-energetic issue as well). 

  This is part of the reason of why such massive changes and natural population reductions are going to happen in the near and further future.  A nice, rejuvenating rest for the Earth and a nice rest for many human Souls.  From the perspective of the Soul and Spirit, physical death is no big deal, but doing such harm to an entire Planet--an entity unto Herself with many, many life forms and Souls involved besides just us, and constantly hurting each other day in and day out, are much deeper concerns to the Soul and Spirit levels of us and the larger Universe.

  It won't be allowed for ever, as much as some would love to think this will be the case. 

  A more helpful topic might be, how do we humans not only survive, but prosper and improve both spiritually and physically, from the changes beyond our control that are coming?   

  How do we prepare for these, and what will be most helpful to us as individuals and as a larger collective to learn and put into practice?  In the future, many more humans will be much more concerned with the health of the Planet and will try to be helping this process rather than being the main cause of destruction and imbalance here. 
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #2 - Jun 29th, 2010 at 7:19pm
Very nicely written, like it.
Gives a lots to think about for those who read...Smiley
Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #3 - Jun 29th, 2010 at 9:54pm
I also like what Justin wrote. A bandaid won't do when you have internal bleading.

I read that BP will probably get a big tax break after they pay their fines, and as a result the tax payers will pay foot most of the bill.

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Ralph Buskey
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #4 - Jun 30th, 2010 at 8:25am
People universally would have to eat less, much more vegetarian, and only organically and preferably grown by self or gotten at a local farmers market.  We all would have to reuse so much more than most do, and "recycling" would have to be true recycling--directly reusing bottles, etc

Each person would have to go back to completely natural ways of living which use less energy and produce less toxins.  If we wanted to keep the level of material comfort we know enjoy, we would have to come up with and share freely free energy resources which don't consume physical natural resources and which don't output any pollution

Greetings Justin.

   I agree with every point you made. I eat vegetarian, recycle, drink out of refillable containers, etc. and I know that free energy exists, but is kept hidden away by the oil and energy companies. You hit upon all the issues that humans need to abide by in order to save this planet.

   My suggestion was only related to one of the biggest blunders that humans ever made to harm Mother Earth. Unless a race of benevolent beings come along and helps us fix this mess, it should be top priority for us super monkeys to stop it asap. This may even fulfill a Hopi prophecy saying that the ocean would turn black.

   I didn't intend for plugging the hole to be the only way to save the planet from humanity's follies, but it's a great starting point.

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Ralph Buskey Ralph Buskey  
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #5 - Jun 30th, 2010 at 1:43pm
Here are a couple of messages I received recently:

For one, I was first shown a piece of wood widdled with a vegetable peeler. I then heard a voice say, "no more killings, no more humans." Perhaps this means mankind will ascend to a higher level where he no longer has traits such as the self defense instinct which leads to killing taking place. Some sources say that we will no longer have to eat, which means we won't even need to consume plants, as symbolized by the peeler.

Another message,
I was shown a landscape of this earth, then I was shown a fire filled sky, then I was shown groups of very happy people dancing in circles. So in other words, the world as it is today, some tough changes, and then a significantly better way.

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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #6 - Jun 30th, 2010 at 4:32pm
  Hi Romain,

Thanks, nice to see you around btw. 

Thank you as well Recoverer, btw, i agree with your guidance messages and most of the interpretations.  I've gotten similar messages.   

I have a lot of optimism and enthusiasm when i think about the further future after these changes.  I know people will become much more collectively happy and at peace because of greater spiritual developement, and that's something i deeply desire to see unfold.

  The way that i look at the larger perspective--it's like a macro-collective process that individuals are constantly going through.  Looking back in my life--i realize that i've spiritually grown and balanced most from the most difficult and challenging things that have happened to me, and with Capricorn Sun square Pluto, Libra Moon CON Virgo Saturn, Virgo N. Node in the 1st, etc., i've gone through a fair share of testing and difficulty, and it's far from over.   But i see the Crown up ahead, and i know these challenges are helping me to reach that and so i have gratitude and appreciation for this process even though it does become very difficult for my personality/emotional side at time.

Hi Ralph, i understand, i wasn't trying to derail your thread, but trying to put it all into a much broader perspective.  Glad to hear that you care about all this and try to do your part.  Unfortunately, even what you or i do in our daily life isn't enough, even if everyone else did the same or similar.   Radical, extreme changes are necessary. 

Btw, amending my article, i could add that hunting local animals and eating them would also helps, and this is helpful if it's only a percentage of people doing so.  But imagine this, tomorrow and from then on, every human family instead of buying meat at the grocery store or what not, goes out and hunts it...  Well, in a very short time, with so many people and hungry mouths, wild animal populations would plummet and such game animals would soon become extinct.  This is why i earlier said a "mostly vegetarian" diet. 

Funny enough, even though my wife and i are mostly vegetarian (with some occasional wild caught alaskan salmon), she had a guidance dream indicating that because of these changes, vegetarians like us would at times need to hunt and eat meat.

Anyways, there are some serious issues going on with humanity in relation to the physical Earth/nature, and it's fast becoming critical.  Btw, i say this despite not believing that human pollution is causing the global climate change. 

Through guidance and finding outer sources i trust (because they have verifications in them), i've come to realize that the global climate change is happening primarily because of natural, cyclic geological changes which happen in the Earth over, many, many years.  More specifically, there is a rough, 13, 000 or so year cylce wherein Earth goes through some very major climatic and geological changes. 

  We're at the cusp of a new cycle in this.  Hold onto your seats, it's going to be a bumpy, but ultimately exciting and collectively helpful ride. 

Picture humanity as a party person who just spent a wild night drinking themselves silly.   Well, this time period is like the point wherein this person comes home and pukes out all those toxins they had excessively ingested.

For doing so and despite the unpleasantness of puking so much, they will feel much better the next day than they would if they had tried to hold all that harmful, toxic stuff in. 

This is our night of collective puking and detox--we're cleaning ourselves out, and we wouldn't be here if we hadn't agreed on some Soul-Total self level to be willing to go through this. 
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #7 - Jun 30th, 2010 at 4:40pm
I'm a vegetarian, and wonder if I will have to eat meat if things change to the point where I can't buy things such as Quinoa (has the 8 essential amino acids and is gluten free).

I don't remember the details, but I had a dream where I believe it was suggested that I might have to eat things such as salmon if changes happen.

I also wonder about Vitamin B12, tablets might become scarce, and vegetarian sources are lacking.


I don't believe the mummy diet will be easy to maintain. Wink
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Ralph Buskey
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #8 - Jul 5th, 2010 at 10:38pm
   I thought of a better way to seal the hole. The hole could probably be plugged by dropping a large heavy object shaped like a golf tee straight down into it.

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Ralph Buskey Ralph Buskey  
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #9 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 6:42am
There was a radio show early in the leak period that has as a guest some kind of engineering expert(s), and the show took calls from listeners after asking them to call in and suggest novel ways to plug the hole. People had come up with some good ideas but the engineers had the experience to point out potential problems. It was a really good show.

One problem with randomly dropping weight on top of the leaking hole is that there would be the potential for the hole to cave in and then the oil would get out even worse and there would be even fewer options for fixing it.
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #10 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 7:28am
This fun way to enjoy eating "local" food was discussed today. (Yoy need to listen to a radio show). Maybe they have something like this where you live:

For the ONCE program, the "cook" is a personal chef who wants to support local food folks. I've never been to one of these but it sounds like fun. I'd like to try the dessert that has the chocolate covered bacon (sorry veggies but this really has my curiosity up).

So what are some other fun ways to change behavior? ...I guess we are going to have a difficult time with the no-kids thing...too much fun.

If you want folks to change their habits, it might work better to make it fun.
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Re: Save The Planet
Reply #11 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 10:16pm
"If you want folks to change their habits,
it might work better to make it fun."

Why don't we carry that through life's demands more often? Maybe you all do, but I tend to forget that play, celebration, etc could be a bigger part of life.

What are some more ways to bring fun into our values?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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