It's interesting how our dreams follow our thoughts, sometimes. As I was riding home on the bus, yesterday, it paused beside a tree, starting to green out. For some reason, the branches and new leaves seemed to stretch right out to me, as it was right beside the window where I sat. I looked the tree over, and the lower branches were right at eye level. The sun was shining brightly on the leaves, and it seemed so splendid, although small, that I found myself 'talking' to it. I just told it (feeling slightly surprised at myself) that it was lovely. I wondered if it could feel me admiring it. Then, we drove on. Right before, right as, I was awakening this morning, I remembered a tiny bit of a dream, just a fragment. It was of green branches, but not 'like' green branches exactly. The image/images looked kind of like a 'walking stick', the insect, the praying mantis, now that I think about it. I was slightly confused by it, until I remembered that tree. You know, the one I was 'talking' to. So, go figure. You just never know.
It looked like this: