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psychic pain (Read 3680 times)
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psychic pain
Mar 14th, 2010 at 7:10am
I'm not sure where I'm going with this post. Was meditating yesterday, was in great psychic pain because of a personal situation. There is a lot of illness in my immediate friend/family group right now, so I am in a position where everything seems rather unstable and extremely frustrating right now. Anyway, I was meditating, and I seemed to get a message, or a 'dream' and there was Buddha, in one instance, and there was Jesus, in another. I seemed to slide into a framework which contained two pivotal moments in their lives, Buddha under the tree when he found enlightenment, and Jesus, up there on the cross. I seemed to be given a small glimpse of what those moments mean, and I don't know why it seemed so personal. It was as if I was kinda there. The main ideas I came back with were that -- from Buddha -- life is suffering. It is. It is very big, and it is very real, this life. To know that life is suffering is the door, the gateway to compassion. I came back -- from Jesus -- with the moment of personal forgiveness, for all, a moment in which one can see through pain to recognize our human family, and the love one has for all of us. When I returned from these visions it was not with a special sense of power or wonder. The experience was imbedded in the meditation, and I was quite preoccupied, and only 'remembered' later, while in a very difficult situation, in conversation. I am under extreme stress this week. When I 'remembered', I was feeling sad, and the memory, for whatever reason, gave a distinct 'clearing' and 'lightening' in my 'situation'. For me, personally. And it was brief, for I was drawn quickly back into 'this world' and could not really sustain that feeling. It was not something I could communicate to anyone else successfully, so that is why I write it here. Somehow, I know there are some who will know what I mean as I write this vague, dry account of a 'duplicate' vision. I guess, all I can say is, I think Jesus and Buddha, both of them, cried many tears, and had to give up so very much, to get this message out, that we are more than our physical lives and bodies, that we are so very much alike and connected, but we are also more than this, and they did understand us in a way that we may not often find in this world.

Thanks for listening.
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Re: psychic pain
Reply #1 - Mar 14th, 2010 at 7:45am
Also, just for reference, the visions had these two placed in particular areas in my visual field. Buddha was above, top, slightly to left. Jesus was slightly to my right, but also seemed to be almost in front of me pretty quickly. The moments in which I received the 'meaning' for each vision were where I seemed to slide into the mental area where they actually were, for the purpose of understanding. Otherwise, these two positions-- top/slightly left, and, same level/right -- were where they were located when each experience began.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: psychic pain
Reply #2 - Mar 14th, 2010 at 10:11am
Hello b2,

I regret you are presently having a bad time  and so tried sending you some PUL a few minutes ago to ease your way.

Life is suffering, and even Christ and Buddha suffered. For all our good days, for all our outpouring of PUL, we're still stuck with that fact.   Maybe being reminded that suffering is part of the human condition, as your visions seem to have done, helps us to accept it, rather than fight against it. Maybe clues of how to accept it are found in Buddha's serenity and Christ's forgiveness of those who hurt him -- ?

When we are assailed by negative situations we are being modified. It seems like we are being hammered, whittled, seared, etc. Through empathy and feelings for others we even take on others' suffering and bring it into our own systems. Neither Christ nor Buddha seems to have held onto suffering or grappled with it; they let it move on elsewhere.

I'm puzzling about this as I write it.  I'm not a scholar in these matters. I just want you to feel better. Smiley

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: psychic pain
Reply #3 - Mar 14th, 2010 at 7:08pm
Thank you, Bets, you are so warm-hearted. I believe I'm 'already there' as Goobygirl mentioned in another thread. It's a wave to ride, that's all. So, I'm waving at you and blowin' you kisses, girlfriend! It'll be okay. Someday!
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Re: psychic pain
Reply #4 - Mar 14th, 2010 at 11:19pm

Perhaps your spirit friends were reminding you that things might be difficult now, but don't despair, because an absolutely wonderful future awaits you.

For various reason, some of us have to go through some difficulties before we get there.

I remember one time while I was going through a troublesome period I was shown a boat on still water that wasn't getting anywhere. It was a way of saying that if we don't go through some choppy water (difficulty) we don't get anywhere, because we don't learn what we need to learn.

Challenges help our souls become stronger and wiser.
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Re: psychic pain
Reply #5 - Mar 15th, 2010 at 12:05am
Thank you for those thoughts, Albert. I believe you paid me a visit over the weekend, as well. Sure seemed like you wandered over, and I took advantage of some of that great energy you share. Not something I planned, but suddenly, in meditation, there you seemed to be.
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Re: psychic pain
Reply #6 - Mar 15th, 2010 at 8:28pm

I don't have a recollection of this meeting. This doesn't mean it didn't happen. Justin, who used to visit this board, once had a dream about me before he met me, we were taking part in a meeting with other friendly beings, and when he met me in person, I looked like the person he saw in his dream.

Thank you for those thoughts, Albert. I believe you paid me a visit over the weekend, as well. Sure seemed like you wandered over, and I took advantage of some of that great energy you share. Not something I planned, but suddenly, in meditation, there you seemed to be.

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Gender: male
Re: psychic pain
Reply #7 - Mar 15th, 2010 at 8:32pm
Also, since it relates, Barbara Bartholic who has worked with a lot of people who have been abducted by aliens, said that a lot of abductees have been directed to her by friendly beings. When they meet her in person, they said that they saw her during positive experiences.

One of these people was an artist, and she drew a picture of Barbara before she met her in person, and the drawing was accurate.
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