betson wrote on Feb 24th, 2010 at 5:20pm:Wow, Usetawuz!
She's getting really close, isn't she?
I'm very happy for you both!
Yes, thank you. Her higher self is always with mine, and I feel an almost physical presence at times...but my emotions at the goodby were based on the feeling that the "see you soon" was meant for the afterlife and subsequent incarnations as opposed to anything approaching in this lifetime, as we apparently have contracts for lifetimes going forward from this one. Of course, I may have misread those feelings, and we may end up reuniting. Regardless, she is never far from my thoughts.
My reader doesn't think this was a dream, but didn't have any other ideas. She is not very theoretical...she just sees everything! I didn't get any feeling of leaving my body to get wherever I might have been, nor anything yanking me back into my body...rather I simply blinked and appeared in bed, warm and comfortable though a little shaken.
Do you have any ideas that would explain what happened?