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Haiti donations (Read 913 times)
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Haiti donations
Jan 23rd, 2010 at 1:44pm
Its so great to see how both Canada and the USA's public has gotten together to support Haiti and its people in this hour of so great of a need. Just last night Canadians donated millions of dollars thanks to a charity event held on the television. I know the US held one also and will have millions to add to the collective pot. The Canadian government is matching dollar for dollar every cent sent into registered charities. So far there has been over 67 million $ donated by individuals to this cause. Thats 134 million dollars, SO FAR!! Thats just Canada's part. Has anyone heard what the rest of the world is doing? I know China managed to come up with one million. That makes me all but sick. They probably made far more than that through taxes, just today, off what was sold at WalMart here in Canada and that doesn't include the USA stores. Here they are, owning half of the USA through bonds, yet cant come up with more than that. Figure that out. What about the Saudis, Japan, etc, etc, etc. If you live somewhere else, let us know. Is the sense of global consciousness about to change? Will this be a turning point in the way our world will work and act together? I think the people are ready, its just our governments that are now holding back on our true possibilities. There is no need for global hunger or unchecked sickness and poverty. Both Canadians and those in the USA are prepaired to give and sacrifice in order to raise the living standards of those currently less fortunate. Currently we are talking about those who live in Haiti but the truth of the matter is this problem is spread world wide. If all of us just took $20.00 per paycheck and donated it towards a proper registered charity, what a change we could make. How many are there working in the US and Canada, Germany, England, etc. Twenty dollars, or its equivalent. Times that by 26 times a year. The amount of potential money is truly staggering. Its about commitment and love towards your fellow man. I guess the question is, are you ready to make that difference? Perhaps the whole point of the "Gathering" will not be waisted after all. 
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« Last Edit: Jan 23rd, 2010 at 8:22pm by hawkeye »  
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