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Another Take On Lucifer (Read 1606 times)
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Posts: 1176
Greenville SC
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Another Take On Lucifer
Dec 12th, 2009 at 8:34am
This is part of a book, I think.

Metaphorically speaking as I do most of the time, Lucifer is not to be feared unless you fear.
He is the tempter. It is his job to tempt you to do what you are afraid of and what you think is sinful. We all miss the mark from time to time, like any archer. The Plan to raise Heaven on to the Earth was Lucifer’s idea. Not to take over G.O.D.s job because he understands that we are all ONE.

Your impression of Lucifer is from a book that is marketing for a church. There is truth in there just as there is truth in the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Lucifer tempted Jesus in the garden not to waste his life but because he saw what a mess would be made of things if Jesus were to give his life at that time. We are all on the same side. There is no war among the angels. That is all in your mind from the books you’ve read. The Bible is a drama and it requires a villain, but there is no villain in Heaven. OUI all agree. Rock n Roll is the Devil’s music, sure. whatever.

Satan is a character just as Jesus is a character. The Christ light is what you should be concerned with. When Christ comes into your heart you will see Heaven on Earth perhaps before your neighbor. The war was won before it was ever fought. It was negotiated that Lucifer would sacrifice himself to wonder into the world to tempt man and make him stronger. Following either path is going to get you home, but one road is longer than the other....but it is circular.

I have an Angel who watches over everything I write and tells me when to leave something out. I hear it on the Radio and I know that Angel is about to Sting me if I get it wrong. Sin is washed away by acceptance of your brother. We belong to each other and it our duty of love to bring the message to you. Accepting a savior for yourself only keeps you from doing the work yourself. So how are you learning if you don’t save yourself.

I have lost my religion. I see you and I wonder if I am the last one to understand this and you are all waiting for me to get it right. Lou’s in my religion, but truly it is because we are all one against no one else. I hope you can understand this point of view even if you disagree.

All the angels are singing everyday on the Raydio. All you have to do is listen as if it is only for you for it is only for you. You are all there is. You are not separate from anything. Apply the Golden Rule in your life and see how quickly your life turns around and know that it is because you are playing by the rule of life. If you are rich give it away and if you are poor receive what is offered. Be grateful that G.O.D. has worked it out for you. The plan will not fail but it is up to you to see it working. Jodie (G.O.D.) is all of us. We are the collective and we will see the stars as soon as you are ready to roll on out of here. The Earth will move and because it is also Heaven We will move Heaven and Earth just like that. We were meant to explore all the universe and we will. If we go without you then you will just have to wait for your chance. This is not to scare you because everything comes back around, but we are never making this story again. It will go into the annals of history. His Story.

Remember you are a character, but you are also so much more. You are like a probe to help us discover when the time is right for the shift. Some are saying 2011 or 2012, but like the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 when time stopped and you have continued to dream this separation. Not everyone will notice this change. It’s not for everyone and it’s not a rapture of devout souls. It could be that the fearful will just disappear. I don’t know and I don’t know the date. It could be today and it is for many of us. You may have to take off another costume before this happens.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Ralph Buskey
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 401
Brick Township, NJ
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Re: Another Take On Lucifer
Reply #1 - Dec 12th, 2009 at 10:58pm
Hey Beau.

   I want to be a musician someday (preferably drummer) and your good with words. Maybe if I write a tune you could make some lyrics up for me?

   My family got me "The Beatles Rock Band" for WII on my birthday last month. I'm starting my practicing with that for now.

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Ralph Buskey Ralph Buskey  
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Posts: 1176
Greenville SC
Gender: male
Re: Another Take On Lucifer
Reply #2 - Dec 13th, 2009 at 7:22am
I would be delighted to do some collaboration with you, Ralph, thank you.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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