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Something I wrote with some welcome help (Read 1339 times)
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Something I wrote with some welcome help
Dec 11th, 2009 at 9:32am
It gets a little a little political in places, but that's not the intent of the piece. I wrote or I should say I typed it out this morning. It needs some editing.

The Real Thing is on this earth
It is a group effort to open your mind
We are not the warriors you usually think of
Because we can do what we do in the blink of an eye
but part of our agreement is that you develop
In a fashion that means growth
The idea of a savior is slightly false
You will be saved from your own character
Before you turn things upside down
But your Actor Angel was saved from the beginning
Because it never required saving. The Actor that plays you
Knows what is going on but your character has free will not to listen to it’s inner actor/angel
Your guardian angel is you in the greatest part of what you are

If you can’t hear you are too busy asking and not listening
The actor wants his role to be a success but The Angel Actor is not married to it
Should his character fail the Actor will go on to another role and you will not be forgotten
Your ego is your free will. Use the ego to reach your actor out of humbly paying attention
If you are afraid of war so you inflict war you are not listening.
Today you have a war that really should be more of a peace mission
There are people who are mad at you for the way they’ve been treated in the past
You are not trusted so what can you do about that?
Send more bombs? Or are you protecting the innocent? Which is it?
You are not the innocent so don’t think that way.
You have a deadline to end your fighting and live in peace as the Angels are singing for you to do.
The sooner the better. Nothing is lost. Even your character will live on in some respect.
But Heaven is here but it’s hidden from those who can’t see it, obviously
Every move was calculated before you were brought here. It’s tricky isn’t it? There is a church out there that perhaps you belong to that worships a man called Jesus and a Guy in the sky called God  but these are metaphors. You are Jesus....You are God, but God plays all the roles. The coffee you drank this morning is God. The money in your bank account is God...And God is free.
So how can you justify charging for what is not yours. Your home belongs to God not you unless you are God and if you are then you understand that you can own nothing as the Native Americans believe. You thought you were getting such a deal for Manhattan but it doesn’t belong to you. Jesus said “give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s  and to the lord that which belongs to the lord”. Well, it all belongs to God. Caesar’s due is nothing except everything if he can see that he is one with all of us. The Clan McManus, it’s just a name for what we are. We are the ones responsible for growth.

Listen to music that uplifts you. Gospel, Learn to spell with your letters first then make your words so you can create worlds by putting love in your words. Liar is one who denies because of fear. Fear that God will strike him dead which has only happened once by a guy who spoke the 50 letter name for God called the Shem Hamaforash. And it was just to prove a point. The guy is okay and he learned a great lesson. We will work with your mythology if that what it takes but remember that when we do it will be as  written by us not you. It will be peaceful and pleasant as long as you can keep your ego mouth shut and stop fighting and give it all away. A rich man will never get to Heaven. He should have given it away and trusted God to provide. And I hate the word God it sounds so Odd. Why not Fod or Dod, We prefer Jodie, G.O.D. and there are many examples. Johnny Whitaker would be a good example of God, He played Jody on Family Affair, Opie is a good example, Played by Ronnie Howard, Jodie Foster (There’s a hint here) God can be anything but maybe it helps to place a face upon it. You computer is God for God is everything and as I say G.O.D. is free. How dare you sell and buy what is not yours. Once it is yours you will understand that it was never meant to be bought and sold. Perhaps Eve sold that bite of the apple (which was a pear incidently) Give it all away and know that it will come back to you because you are the same GOD as the rest. The homeless understand this better than anyone. They will give you the shirt off their backs if you are deemed worthy. They are not crazy they just have a simple understanding of giving and receiving.

“His Acts being Heaven ages” How obvious could it be. Heaven ages so you can grow. You are not old and you do not die. Only the characters die, the Actor lives on and plays many more parts and drinks in pubs and dances to the beat of eternity. I could live a Billion Years, but not in this thanks. I have too many in my imagination. I will never come back here again as someone who has to learn from from the ground up. It is hard and long and well worth the work but come on. I’m still auditioning for the Juilliard school and I am 18 years old. The rest of this bull is just that.
Time stopped in 1987. There is no 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 wooo. It is an illusion. 19 Hades/Heaven when Hell and Heaven meet. That was the Harmonic Convergence. We can easily go back to that time. Just live your life as Jodie intended as you intended before you got here.
Live by the Golden Rule. Give it all away. There is no money that is not God’s and God will burn it in Hell when the time soon arrives. You cannot protect your measly character from what is happening. Release your fear is all oui ask of you. OUI are God for God is a collective. Not separate from you or anything. It’s all consciousness. Information. being processed by mind and giving you the illusion of living here. It can be taken away. The moon can crash into the earth, the earth into the sun, but we take turns giving planets the Hearth of the sun. The Earth will move out of orbit and we will help others on other planets make the connection for we are as infinite as the word implies.

And then there are all the other dimensions. As far as we can tell it is infinite or at least still growing. Why would the silly natural laws of space and time require that that silly big bang be reversed. We are here to have fun as children in the sun. You are children and that is why you are forgiven. You just don’t know any better than to let your ego run away with you, but this money thing has got to go. God is your provider. How’s it worked out for you so far doing it for yourself? Are you happy everyday because you have everything and your neighbor has everything? You are doing the best you can, I guess, but this letter is to help you understand that there comes a time when the Angels will step in as they have done since Marconi because most people didn’t read that much for themselves. Listen with your heart and see what is really happening. What is the conversation next to you about and how does it relate to yours. What song came on as you walked into the pub or turned on the radio. You see the computer that decides what is going to be played is God too. Imagine that song is just for you for truly you are all that is. There is only Me N U. This program is menu driven so it’s hard to perform a miracle. You have free will until you don’t. But God has the freest will of all. Join us and leave your money and property to be had by those who have nothing. Get rid of the Conservatives for they are not protecting anything but their own interests. The Liberals are fighting for the rights of others and are living by what you might call Jesus’ code of ethics. Sorry Newt, but you got it wrong, Cheney and Bush are characters not real, they were allowed to cheat you to show you what could happen if you don’t vote your heart. They are great actors and they will be rewarded for nothing they thought they could kill will ever be lost. We just move on with or without you. But we prefer your company if you are in ours.
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Ralph Buskey
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 401
Brick Township, NJ
Gender: male
Re: Something I wrote with some welcome help
Reply #1 - Dec 11th, 2009 at 4:04pm
Nice read Beau

   You are quite the journalist.

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Ralph Buskey Ralph Buskey  
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