I saw Elvis people last night and it really moved me. It's a play that i predict will do well in NYC
Rock N Roll of Ages, The Sages
There is trinity to the Rock n Roll of ages Elvis is at he head Buddy is the holy spirit And the listener is the son That's you baby, listening to what's going on
Elvis had a little brother named Jesse, but it didn't work out He came as Buddy Holly 2 years later and Rock n Roll was made Forever the light will shine If you can hear it with your eyes
Get the Holly spirit and know Elvis was more than man made He let you make him into something he would never have been Zeus and Hermes playing he music you see they use your mythology to reach you Just listen to the angels sing to everyday
They traded in their harps for guitars, basses, and drums. Some play piano But the point is it's all here for you so you can remember a time when we were all free It's all about Buddy Holly, Elvis, and me
Jesus is just and that's alright with me but he's trying to reach you the best he can Buddy sacrificed himself for the life of Rock N Roll So that you would hear his message no tainted by church marketing. The message is the same.
O How Great Thou Art, Not just God, but you too. How Great thou art and don't forget it. If people can see Elvis everywhere why wouldn't they have seen Jesus in all those places I'm not saying there was no resurrection but come on, we weren't there or were we? And if Jesus was more than a man why did he need the Angels to carry him to heaven?
Elvis and Buddy are humble before you. Because we are all Elvis and Buddy in our own way am there are so many angels who are angles of light playing music till you remember to remind you everyday. Please Listen to what they have to say.
I'm just a dumb actor with a guitar, but I wish I could be a star if I could play with Buddy and Elvis someday. Otherwise I guess I'll stick to Jesus even though I think the idea is passe.
Their spirit moves me in every way. I just have to play. Don't need no big audiences or screaming fans I like to work one on one or with 8 to 12 men, women and children.
The message is love, pure and unconditional and it will always be spurned by some who don't understand Pull yourself into the message and be the Sun. You have a right to this freedom and so does everyone.
PULL to All of you,