Hello all, The film was set for Oct. 2009 release, but distributers wanted to change the title to something like "EARTH ZOMBIES AMOUNG US"
Becaue of the actual footage of Earthbound Spirits in the cemetaries.
So for the film's sake I decided to distribute myself, and Keep the Title to BEYOND EARTHLY KNOWLEDGE... And have it released at the same time the book BEYOND EARTHLY KNOWLEDGE... of the same name about my experiences based on the film by Author Patricia Griffin Ress. Which mentions the EVC device I am working to freely contact the other side.
Here is the link if you would like to check it out.
http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Beyond-Earthly-Knowledge/Patricia-Griffin-Ress/...The Film is slated for release in the Cleveland, OH area in Nov. 2009, and we are negociating with forigen markets now.
Please feel free to e-mail me with city and state request for the film to play in at: ricktimet@yahoo.com
God Bless,
Rick LiPani