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What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage? (Read 4976 times)
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Posts: 98
What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Aug 17th, 2009 at 1:00am
I always thought marriage, to some degree or other is a spiritual ritual bonding two people together to spiritually commit to one another with the blessings of God. 'Holy Matrimony' as it is called. But what does that Really mean?

However, in this day and age, nay perhaps in the past 100 years or so, marriage seems to have become increasingly empty and meaningless. I know that there are still many couples who derive great meaning from it, and are having long, happy marriages, but how many of those are there today, Really, compared to the rest that are failing miserably, going through multiple divorces, or staying together, but being unhappy? I'd like to make my point a bit clearer by giving an example from an anonymous poster from another forum.

"My girlfriend (actually my ex, as of two weeks ago) was telling me today about a discussion she had with her mother. Her mother told her that she does not love her father at all and barely had for the 20+ years they have been married, and essentially her only reasons for not getting a divorce was setting financial security as a higher priority than her own personal happiness and independence.

The same thing happened with my own parents too. My mother and father were married for 30 years, and my mother told me a while back that at best, only 10 of those years were happy, and she only stuck around to help raise her children and again, for financial security. She's since told me that her biggest regret about the whole debacle was that she did not leave sooner.

I was thinking about this now, and coupled with today's current marriage statistics, where in the US 40% of marriages have ended in divorce as of 2008, makes me question the value of marriage entirely. I'm increasingly under the impression that marriage has become an obsolete concept.

Just based on my own impressions, I've never seen a marriage that has lasted several years that is still in a good state; most of the intact ones I saw showed a husband and wife that were okay with each other's presence without really enjoying it, and their main reason for staying together had nothing to do with themselves and more with holding down house payments and raising their children together.

Perhaps my views are a bit skewed by my own experiences, but I really feel that we as humans aren't really meant to get married. Maybe polygamy is a better way to go. Maybe promiscuity is a better way to go. Maybe it's something else. Marriage is certainly not sacred anymore, by and large."      


I think it's really very sad to hear someone speak about marriage that way. Sad But, there are a lot of young adults, nowadays that feel like that, coming from broken, or unhappy marriages. I came from a early divorced family and was mostly raised by my single mom and grandmother. I have been through many unsuccessful relationships, some very painful. I still have strong wishes to find my soul and life partner; future husband someday, but I didn't get much leverage to go by. I don't hold the kind of mind-frame about marriage that this person I quoted does, but it doesn't make me any less worried about the success and commitment to my own future marriage, someday. (assuming I find someone to marry at all)

Just thought I'd toss this out here, because it really bothered me. Any thoughts on the subject, everyone?


Ally.   Smiley
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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #1 - Aug 17th, 2009 at 6:42am
I think people need to do what is right for them. Marriage is by no means obsolete, in my opinion, and no one can say that they know what is happening on the inside of one just by looking at the outward appearance of a couple. I think single life is great and there's nothing wrong with living alone or wanting to do so. Children are the ones who suffer most from lack of harmony in the family, and I think people should be really careful about separating children from any parental figure. It's easy to judge from the outside looking inside, but any decisions made will have a bigger impact than a child will usually let anyone know.

Anyway, I think marriage is beautiful, whether formalized by society's laws or not. But, for me, I think its great to take a look at why anyone feels they must 'own' their partner's affection in any way. I think it must be given freely or earned, and I would warn any young person to err on the side of not doing it unless they are sincerely interested in upholding traditional societal roles. I see no other reason to bind each other up in legal contracts. It's far too complicated to untie these contracts after some time has passed than is necessary. Anyone who is naive will be used by the 'system' just when they are most vulnerable, when trying to make an important life change.

Rain or shine, it's yourself that you wake up to every day. Better make that person happy yourself, whether it means traditional marriage or something very different. It's never worked for me to base my happiness on another person's presence. But I respect those who make it work together, and I've seen some real successes in my life.
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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #2 - Aug 17th, 2009 at 11:47am
John and I had an amazing marriage at the end - the beginning wasn't as great (in part thanks to his ex and just general purpose serious broke-ness).  We were together almost 20 years, with a year and a few months break at about year six (so I didn't strangle him  Grin )

It just got better as time went by, so it can be done.  Getting the kids out of the house does wonders for the sex life, which does wonders for the relationship, for one thing.
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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #3 - Aug 17th, 2009 at 5:33pm

I'd toss out other peoples' comments first of all.  The dynamics that make us are so much different than what made our parents, and so each relationship will be different, as b2 says.

Cricket brings up a big factor when she says to find some private time.

If I were starting over I'd look for a kinder person. I don't think I even thought about kindness when I married.

You'll find him, Ally!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #4 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 3:08am
Thank you, Betson, I really appreciate it. Smiley 

B2, you made some excellent points. I don't think I 'need' someone else in order to be happy. But I want someone, for sure. I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life; an old lady with 30 cats.  Grin  I long very much to share my life with someone in a meaningful way, and make happiness with it. Smiley

I agree with your point about giving freely and earning the other person's love. I believe that is how it should always be. The love has to be as unconditional as possible in order for it to be lasting. As similar to PUL as possible, in other words.  Wink

Cricket, I like your point about how a marriage can get better with time. I am happy that yours did. Your example gives hope to me.

Betson. Are you in a happy marriage? You imply like you are not.  Sad  If not, what are you doing about it?

Thank you for your support and best wishes! I wish you the best, as well!

Much PUL to you all.

Ally. Smiley
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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #5 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 9:52am
Hi Ally,

I think my marriage is growing spiritually and is deeper than ever. What I am doing about it  Smiley is learning to accept responsibility, learning to understand my own shortcomings (and not just his  Smiley ), and learning that love is an attitude (including PUL) towards others as well as an emotion.
Smiley We had our 39th anniversary this month.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #6 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 12:51pm
Wow!!!!    Shocked

Almost 40 years!!!  That sounds incredible!!  Smiley 

How many of your nearly 40 years of marriage had happiness in them, Betson? I'm just wondering, since you said that you didn't even think about kindness when you married. So what happened, and how long did it take to get to your current state of growth and spirituality?

I'd like to think that when folks stay together that long, regardless of the ups and downs, it is because they really loved each other, and found one another endearing regardless of problems and faults. But, I have found that it isn't always the case. Some people have stayed together for long periods of time, and wound up regretting it, having wasted a large portion of their life. So, how do you feel about yours?


Ally Smiley
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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #7 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 7:29pm

you're asking for evaluations and descriptions that I haven't formed yet. It's an on-going process. The dynamics of every person and every couple are unique.

I also believe we are guided toward certain choices and that those choices are presented so that we  have the most opportunity for growth spiritually.
That would make every marriage 'made in heaven.'  Smiley

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Pat E.
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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #8 - Aug 19th, 2009 at 1:39am
I finally was able to leave an unhappy 25-year marriage in 1989.  While I would be hard pressed to feel it was "made in heaven" as Bets says, I am sure I learned many lessons by enduring and making the best of it.  And despite it all, he had flowers delivered to me on my birthday for 10 years or more after our divorce.

I think we have lessons to learn from all our relationships, even the ones that cause us much pain and sadness.  I choose to take that view in part to avoid feeling I wasted so many years.

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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #9 - Aug 19th, 2009 at 3:34pm
Betson,   interesting about your view of every marriage 'made in heaven', no matter how horrible. That's a good way to look at it. Tongue  They all present opportunities for growth. Unfortunately, we all can choose to either evolve, or devolve from these opportunities, also. It's always up to us.

You're right about every situation being unique. I guess I'll find out what marriage is really all about once I get there. Wink

Pat E, Thank you for talking about your experience. Actually, I don't really believe that Any time is ever wasted. I just don't think I could bear living through 20, 30, 40 years of unhappiness and pain like so many other people have done. Honestly, I don't know how you did it, Pat E. I'm only 26 years old. The time you spent in your unhappy marriage is almost as long as I've been here on the earth. What got you through it?  Huh

I'm happy to hear that at least you and your husband ended things on the right foot. It was nice of him to send you flowers for so long after the divorce. Smiley Well, I won't spend any more energy worrying about it. What will happen, will happen.

Thanks, everyone!


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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #10 - Aug 19th, 2009 at 8:03pm
Reading these most interesting posts today, I am reminded by Bets post there that in my reading recently, I think in Braden's book, The Isaiah Effect, he asked a Buddhist monk in Tibet, is Pure Unconditional Love an emotion or a force of nature, and the monk thought quite a bit and then answered, it is both. I have since wondered how PUL can be a force of nature, then yesterday i remembered how I was sharing my life with an abusive (unkind) partner and he was becoming violent day after day, I was pretty scared and one evening I asked the angels to ALL come in at once and fill and surround our home and help him feel secure and calm so he would not be violent, and the most amazing thing happened, he changed totally for about two weeks. But to effect that influx of angels into our home that night, I had to feel deep unconditional love for him as one being to another, fully accepting and caring, and I said, Calling all angels, Calling all angels, and they came in multitudes. I guess that is what the monk meant when he said that PUL is a force of a wind or hurricane or rain or water running over changes the face of the world either slowly or quickly. Another point I could raise is, after a lifetime of codependency and selection of alcoholic husbands, four in a row, I was sent to a codependency counselor by my doctor and finally set free from the neediness of having someone in my life who needs to be "fixed". (In my view anyway.) So as to marriage problems, I guess I can now see that my own locked-in immature need to be "fixing" people created the potential for endless abusive relationships. If I ever married again, I don't know if I would succeed in selecting someone healthy and whole, but it would be an interesting process. I used to feel that such healthy people were boring and mundane. Apparently that is common in the attitude of a codependent person.  Vee
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Pat E.
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Re: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Marriage?
Reply #11 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 1:25am
Ally, strange as this may sound to you, both of my kids and I were safer being there, where I could mostly control things, than trying to leave, at least for a good part of those years.  That's a much longer story than you want to read.  And eventually the heavy duty negative, possessive stuff wore itself out and he was ready to let go after our younger child left for college.

To follow up on what Bets has said, perhaps we are given what we need and no more than we can bear in order to grow. 

I hope you find a good match that helps you grow while dwelling in happiness.  I am sure it can be done.

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