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wild animal is helper (Read 2423 times)
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wild animal is helper
Aug 13th, 2009 at 7:27am
I cannot remember all of the dream. I was running through a house, in a room?, and there was a wild animal in the house, appearing like a wild dog of some kind. I was trying to figure out how to, quickly, get up on some high piece of furniture, a ledge up by the ceiling. I knocked some things aside and got up high. The animal saw me and seemed to be enjoying the chase, leaping up to try to get to where I was.

I pushed the animal down, from up high, where I was, as it leaped up, and it fell down through the air, hard, on top of something made of glass, which broke under it. The animal was rolling in the glass, and I immediately felt a rush of sorrow. The creature began to try to brush some of the glass away from itself, and I saw the animal, then, as a medium sized domestic dog.

I was worried for the small bits of glass that might be in its eyes, ears and paws. It squirmed around, seemed to be trying to shake it all off. I was watching it from above and felt pity for it.

The next thing I can remember is that the dog was helping me and some others accomplish a mission of some kind. I was still concerned for the dog, but the scene seemed to be a positive one, and the dog seemed enthusiastic about the project, and not much worse for wear. The dog was going through an opening of some kind, and there was a small group of us around the dog, with the dog, about to do something together.

At the end of the dream I remember being at a table with some others. We were serious about a project, and I can't remember what it was.

I looked at another table next to us (there where only these two that I noticed) and saw another group looking through magazines with pictures in them. The pictures were from a previous era, seems like, the forties, maybe. They were laughing and having fun, the people at the table next to me. I remember having a good feeling, and knowing that everything was good, right there.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Gender: female
Re: wild animal is helper
Reply #1 - Aug 13th, 2009 at 11:06pm

and welcome!

Sometimes an emotion is all that is needed in response to such an experience. Do you feel any different towards dogs since you had that two-part dream? do you suppose the two parts could have been working together to help you learn to trust such animals?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: wild animal is helper
Reply #2 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 12:36am
Hi Bets... I am not such a dog person, really. I guess I don't understand them completely. Maybe, I would really like a dog, someone who would be happy every day to see me. It's not as simple as all that. I sure wish it were.

The man I divorced my husband for, gosh, I guess it's been almost four years now? Well, he pretty much told me I'm the most horrible person he's ever met, tonight, and told me he wants to break up with me. Well, he's been working up to it, obviously. He's the love of my life. Lucky me.

He's a real Christian. I can't keep up with him, Christian-wise. Not good enough, not nearly good enough. And I can't even provide him with a reason sufficient for him to imagine staying with me.

So, in my dreams, maybe a wild dog... could turn into a rescue dog, who knows?

Or, maybe I imagine it is so...
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 3445
Gender: female
Re: wild animal is helper
Reply #3 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 7:08am
Greetings b2,

Now that you say that, it seems that your dream is much more intense than  an attempt to clear up old attitudes about past pets. For starters, a four year relationship is about as long as some people have a pet. These dreamdogs are hiding something.

So a 'good Christian' is telling you that you're the most horrible person he's ever met, eh?  -- What is wrong with that sentence?

The best thing I hear in your post is that you cannot think of any reasons to keep your 'good Christian.' I can't either.

Best wishes, b2. The future can be much brighter than it perhaps appears at the moment. 


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: wild animal is helper
Reply #4 - Aug 25th, 2009 at 4:35pm
I just had a thought. Domestic dogs who are penned up often bark and carry on, out of boredom, or out of a mistaken vigilance. They don't really know or understand what is happening around them in our modern world, but they can still growl and bark and give chase when the opportunity presents itself. A wild dog just does what comes naturally, in its environment, as it has been taught. A domestic dog doesn't really have a 'purpose' which is clear and understandable, unless it is a lucky dog indeed.

I am certainly frightened of dogs, at times, but I suspect they would behave differently, if given a kind but firm hand, and enough time.

Still, I'm not going to stand in the way of bared fangs. I prefer to view the situation from a different vantage point.

Trust does not happen overnight. An animal can sense fear, can sense urgency, can sense and pick up on human emotions. It is best to remain reasonable, and to adopt patterns of behavior around such a poor creature, so that it can find something to 'believe' in, in the human who is caring for it. Still, it may never trust anyone else except the hand that feeds it.

I understand that. The dog chasing me was not 'someone else' but only my own self. No one can trust another until they can trust themselves.
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