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Not sure what to make of this (Read 3511 times)
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Not sure what to make of this
Jul 19th, 2009 at 6:07am
Something has been confusing me about one of my recent experiences I can't quite decide if this was 'real' or not. Ive put it in the dream forum because i'm not sure what to class it as.

"- 13/07/2009 – approx 2:45pm - approx 8 hours rest  
I caught myself waking up, the vibrations were smooth at first then they disappeared, they came back and they were very strong. They got faster and smoother and I decided to separate and stay in my room. My body floated out chest first and I sat up on the bed and looked at my physical body sleeping there (very eerie), vision was very clear, my goal was to stay in the house and maybe walk through some walls as I don’t think I could take another emotional experience like the last one just yet, I would explode with excitement if I did.

I went to the wall near my wardrobe I saw the pile of clothes at the bottom of it. I put my hand on it and started to push through with a little force I felt my hand go through the wall it took much more force than expected although this is the first time I have done this and I have spent all my life not going through walls. I could feel the coldness of it, the texture of breeze blocks! (Confirmed: asked around and the wall is likely made of those gray airy breeze blocks) then for some reason my vision flipped upside down! So as I pushed the rest of body through I said to myself “fix vision” I came out through the other end and felt the wood of my sisters bed on my legs (the bed looked like my own!?) both beds are in the same place on each side of the wall it may be possible that I had that spherical vision. Next I decided to go downstairs. I thought about dropping through the floor but didn’t want to do anything that may shock me back to body so instead I went through the open door (confirmed: it was open) of the bed room and stood at the top of the stairs, I thought to myself “to hell with it I’m going to float down these stairs” so I held my arms out at my sides and floated quickly down to the bottom of the stairs it was so exciting, I felt a rush of adrenaline in my stomach (possible?) I went through the door and into the kitchen where I saw my sister, I told her to watch me and I pushed my hand through the wall next to the door of the spare room, this one had more of a brick feel to it but was also cold. She didn’t seem to notice me and walked into the living room and sat next to mum on the 2-seater I tried to get mums attention and it worked she looked at me but seemed to be uninterested and somewhat grumpy (normal then lol) here is what happened;

Me: Mum, watch this!
As I went to push my hand through the wall I saw something in the window it was a large humming bird carrying some sort of ball!
Me: Hey look at that!
Mum: I know it’s been there all morning
Me: Ok then… so watch this,
I pushed my hand through the wall next to our clock as I did I felt the brick then some wires, my immediate reaction was to retract my hand for fear of electrocution. As I did I looked at my mum.
Me: Did you see that?!
Mum: Yes
Me: And you don’t think that’s weird?
Mum: Not really
Me: But you can see me right?
Mum: Of course
Me: Ah I see, you’re not going to remember this conversation are you?
Mum: Yes I will
Me: Ha-ha I don’t think you will
Mum: Don’t worry I will.
She said that last sentence with sort of a sneaky smile

I turned away and noticed she was watching the TV but the TV was small and thicker nothing like our TV. I went over to it at it started to go funny I said whoops was that me? I reached around the back if the TV and tried to fix it to no avail I then spotted 2 small items on the TV stand, a 5p piece and what looked like the flight of a dart, I thought I would try and push them off the stand with my hands and it worked! They both fell of the stand and hit the floor. Sudden re-entry, cause, my arm above my head was resting awkwardly and had the pins and needles feeling in it.

I went downstairs, my sister was on the Xbox, my mum was on the laptop (a smaller TV!) both were seated where I perceived them, and my sister says she wasn’t in the kitchen at the time. I suspect mum has no recollection of the conversation although I have not had the courage to ask her other family members came to visit shortly after so I thought it inappropriate to ask then. The 5p and flight were also not there. I am unsure if there are wires in the wall and there is no way to find out at this moment.

I don’t know what to make of this, on the one hand it felt completely like a genuine OBE and the recent lesson about imposing images may answer some of the questions but things just don’t add up. Current conclusion: OBE with dream related imagery, conversation was imposed by my sub conscious or if it is possible, I was communicating with her sub-c. Most likely entered dream after the conversation. Still unsure"

My question is has anyone talked with physical people while in the OOB state? Is a conversation really taking place at some level or is it all imposed by the sub-conscious? I remember Monroe having a similar experiences with physical conversation but I can't recall or seem to find if he reached any conclusion as to how the conversation was taking place.

What do make of this experience? Has anyone had a similar one? Do a lot of OBEs contain dream content? Anyone care to share their views on why this happens?

thanks. Smiley
edited: some spelling
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« Last Edit: Jul 19th, 2009 at 10:47am by MikeV »  
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Re: Not sure what to make of this
Reply #1 - Jul 19th, 2009 at 4:21pm
Hi MikeV!

Congrats on your explorations!
I've read of similiar experiences while 'explorers' get used to their new awarenesses.  It sounds like alot of fun!

Have you yet asked your mother if she consciously remembers?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Cardiff, UK
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Re: Not sure what to make of this
Reply #2 - Jul 19th, 2009 at 5:59pm
Thanks bets, shortly after I posted this I went back to bed due to a hangover and had another very profound experience. That's 3 this month! All my work is paying off and I can't tell you how excited I am. Even though I haven't been able to achieve a separation by using the borderland sleep method yet, lately I've been getting good at catching myself waking up this where the majority of my experiences are coming from, Anyway back to the topic.

I'm going to have a good look through the forums and see if I can find any similar stories, I had a feeling that the reason I was mixing dream content with realty was because I was sort of new to it all.

No I haven't asked my mum she isn't aware of my 'activities' and I don't feel ready to tell her just yet lol.
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« Last Edit: Jul 19th, 2009 at 9:56pm by MikeV »  
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Re: Not sure what to make of this
Reply #3 - Jul 20th, 2009 at 8:34am
Thanks Mike, interesting and amusing! This moving through solid matter is too cool, I had that only once though, it felt the same as you've described it.

Although I have read of successful remote-views in OBE states, it seems to be an exception, as from all I've read it's normal that an OBE is a melange of real-time-space content and things from a different source. I always come back to the simple fact of consequence that we're not perceiving through our physical senses in an OBE state.

I would class this a typical OBE.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Not sure what to make of this
Reply #4 - Jul 20th, 2009 at 10:51am
spooky2 wrote on Jul 20th, 2009 at 8:34am:
I always come back to the simple fact of consequence that we're not perceiving through our physical senses in an OBE state.

ugh of course! I didn't think of it that way but it seems obvious. I think next time my sight goes a bit funny I will try to 'sense' my way around rather than try to turn it into a physical type sight. It will be interesting to see how the non-physical senses work. Thanks.

UPDATE: I found that part in Journeys OOB.

“...Dr. Puharich, awake and aware that specific attempts to “visit” him were being made, had no conscious recollection of any such meeting. All other factors checked accurately, except for the reported “conversation”. This has happened so frequently in such instances that it became the source of much discussion. At first, it was suggested that I was fantasizing these communications. It seemed probable that in so doing, I was merely calling upon my knowledge of the visitee-—at the unconscious level-—to create an “authentic” conversation. This theory received a setback when a number of such communications brought out data known only to the second party.”
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« Last Edit: Jul 21st, 2009 at 8:42am by MikeV »  
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Cardiff, UK
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Re: Not sure what to make of this
Reply #5 - Jul 25th, 2009 at 11:24am
MikeV wrote on Jul 19th, 2009 at 6:07am:
As I went to push my hand through the wall I saw something in the window it was a large humming bird carrying some sort of ball
Me: Hey look at that!
Mum: I know it’s been there all morning

I found out what this was.


what does it mean?
my mum has been having some money worries lately and she doesn't like share her concerns with anyone, when she said "I know it's been there all day" I think it she may have trying to tell me about her money worries without actually telling me if that makes any sense. This is typical of my mum lol.

I love it when things fall into place Grin
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Re: Not sure what to make of this
Reply #6 - Jul 25th, 2009 at 7:00pm
That's interesting! It could indicate that communication in this OBE state consists partially of symbols.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Not sure what to make of this
Reply #7 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 11:08am
Quote: I love it when things fall into place


me too

It appears to be a magnifying glass, at the window, for you

the hummingbird has a streak of green running along the body

green is for love

and the opening of the heart to higher levels of consciousness
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« Last Edit: Jul 26th, 2009 at 12:36pm by N/A »  
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