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repeater dream? (Read 2252 times)
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repeater dream?
Jul 10th, 2009 at 8:08am
Okay, now I've gone and had a bad dream, I guess. It turned out 'okay' but I wonder why. It was kind of like the dream on the flight 447 thread, but lasted longer.

All kinds of stuff was happening, like in a normal dream. Then, there I was again, being sort of 'enfolded' into another metal structure. This time I was in an 'elevator' and it turned upside down and then back upright, but it was getting smaller and smaller until I was sure I was going away. But it slowed down. There was no pain or blood or anything, just the sensation of being trapped and compressed in some way. Closing in on me, right there. A weird perspective: truly, like YOU ARE THERE. It was slow enough that I could think, and so I was obviously saying a prayer or two. Getting ready to meet my maker.

Anyway, the next thing I knew is I was free of this thing, but there was a train lying on the ground, on its side.

Well, I know there was a train accident not long ago.

I don't know where I was in the dream. I looked over and I could see a few people's legs sticking out from under the train or under part of the train. It was lying in a 'back yard' someplace. I went inside a 'house' where people were acting 'normal' and found out everyone in the train died. At least, that's what I was told while I was washing a few dishes.

So strange.

I don't enjoy nightmares, and I rarely have them.

This seemed a little nightmarish, but for some reason it was not so bad. Most nightmares have a feeling somewhere in there of panic, a loss of self-control in some way. However, I didn't really seem to 'lose it' while I was in the train/elevator/whatever. Sure seemed like an elevator to me while I was in it.

Oh, well, just thought I'd make mention here. Apparently I am either doing retrieval work or else actively exploring 'moment of death' scenarios in my dreaming lalaland.

It's interesting. But I wouldn't want to do it every night, or remember it, I guess.

Oh, yes, forgot to mention. I saw two sets of leg, I believe. I, personally, only saw evidence of two people from where I was standing looking down the side of the train, which was on its side.
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Re: repeater dream?
Reply #1 - Jul 10th, 2009 at 9:08am
Greetings Moonsandjunes,

IMO you are definitely getting a calling to do retrievals, but you haven't quite stepped in to that one yet. Your posts here show that you're ready, and repeat dreams usually mean some idea in the dream hasn't been resolved yet.
I'm wondering if the feel of being encased or trapped within is really talking about your consciousness/ soul within your physical body?

You were helpful to those around you but is there enough metaphore/analogy/whatever in helping wash the dishes to say that it was a retrieval?

Have you directly asked in words to be involved in a retrieval?  Your Intent/Will has to be set for it, and that is done through the power of words. (I spent decades of my life wonderring and frustrated, simply because I hadn't put my vague thoughts into clear words.  Smiley Then when I did, i yelled and screamed at my higher Powers-That-Be, and that didn't go over well either. Cheesy 
In some ways all this non-physical stuff is so easy and in some ways it's so tricky-doggone-hard !

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: repeater dream?
Reply #2 - Jul 10th, 2009 at 11:12am
I guess it seems retrieval-like, except that I almost feel like I'm actually being retrieved. And I've had that feeling before, like I was actually experiencing an event as someone else, like being in someone else's movie. It's hard to know who I actually am when put abruptly into a 'life or death' situation. You just kind of go with it. But I suspect that if it happens again I will -- possibly -- 'wake up' enough to affect the outcome a little more. I will keep it in mind that I may need to complete a retrieval here or there. Dishes shouldn't have anything to do with it....but I kind of like washing dishes, when I have lots of time, and the water is warm. Smiley
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: repeater dream?
Reply #3 - Jul 10th, 2009 at 12:54pm
msj, I really like the way you explain the experience..."except that I almost feel like I'm actually being retrieved." I think that explains it well.
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Posts: 817
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Re: repeater dream?
Reply #4 - Jul 10th, 2009 at 10:15pm very interesting dream/retreival..sure sound like one to me. If it's not your  very well on your way to do some.
But i bet you had one there... Cheesy
Keep it up and keep us posted.
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