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Unhuman entities stalking me? (Read 4367 times)
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Unhuman entities stalking me?
Mar 17th, 2009 at 3:26am
This sounds weird or crazy but I'm going to speak out anyhow and confront this fear of saying anything.

Does anyone here have a guide or guides that give you prewarning that my brain cannot then comprehend...expect you to act and say exact certain words at exact certain moments in time and, if you don't get it exactly right-the exact right words, horrible consequences for all are implied.  And so far, not a single thing have I thought or done correctly since this started in 2003.  Right now, the veil between reality and the paranormal on the outside environment is very thin (or maybe I'm truly crazy).  I'm not complaining (that's a big no no) just trying to heal.

I feel as if I'm being stalked by aliens wanting me to be a robot for their entertainment.  "Do this if you want to save your planet not blow it up, your loved ones etc.  Don't do this or say it wrong and it means you deserted them."  Sorry, this is so not funny to me.  It's the same themes for years now with same conversational trigger words coming from people known and not known that well to me.  Sounds crazy I know.

Do I need an exorcism of some sort?  Do I need to be hospitalized?  Am I a horrible human being?  I've had psychics tell me I'm falling off a cliff, that someone's trying to steal my life force.  Why?

I believe strongly in a benevolent source and do not understand why most of my paranormal experiences are so different than most people and why I am judged and these paranormal experiences judging.  Why such an extreme?

Three times I was hospitalized as a "kundalini psychosis," twice just before major disasters I was pre-warned about happened.  I quit my psychic training (where I ended up spiritually abused-I don't care WHO you are or what you ever did, NO soul who EVER lived derserves spiritual abuse), no meditation anymore and then my head starts tingling, night sweats, bizarre dreams, and the environment starts saying weird things to me that were in my head just prior or the continuation of the topic usually saving someones or something.  How to stop?

Anyone ever heard of something this strange (or perhaps an ego this whacked out (outside of an insane asylum   Embarrassed)

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Re: Unhuman entities stalking me?
Reply #1 - Mar 17th, 2009 at 4:39am
Actually, hope, what you just described sounds just like the evening I just had, in 'real' life. I don't really know how to encourage you except to say that life does go on. If it helps in any way, just know that other people are facing the same kinds of pressures, the same kinds of disparagement, the same kind of emotional chaos. Whether these situations come from 'within' or 'without' it does not really matter. The only time I become frustrated is when I expect that life will be different! When I expect that 'all of the sudden' all of life will be interested in pleasing me, will be interested in having me understand it, will be accomodating to my actual or professed 'needs'.

This rarely happens. And when it does, I embrace it.

For good or for ill, this life is one in which you can recognize a miracle when it occurs. Any moment in which we feel joy, feel loved, feel recognized, feel understood, feel human is a miracle. There are some of us who are better at mirroring peace, love, tolerance, faithfulness, etc. than others, at any given moment. And there are some fragments of ourselves which are also better at mirroring these qualities back to our greater selves.

So, in my way of thinking, one takes the fragments which are mirroring that which moves one in the direction which seems most loving, the most caring....not just for others but for self, the whole self.

In addition to the fragments of self, of which I speak, there is the entire thrust of creation which can be tapped. This includes beings of a higher nature than our own. If your energy is being drained there is something wrong with the connection, obviously. I believe that true spiritual work is not draining, and does not come at the cost of your own life force. The 'greater powers' are supposed to support you. Otherwise, they are not doing anyone any good, ultimately.

That's just my take on things. For the moment.
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Re: Unhuman entities stalking me?
Reply #2 - Mar 17th, 2009 at 10:04am
Thank you for your kindness MoonsandJunes,
Exhausted when I wrote, thank you for understanding.  What you say is true and I am grateful for your words.  I'm working on gratitude, moment to moment gratitude for every expression of love and the love that is all and asking for guidance from those who are whose are wiser.
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Re: Unhuman entities stalking me?
Reply #3 - Mar 17th, 2009 at 12:49pm
Amen, Hope!

I will work on that also!

I think our guides do expect and deserve our gratitude.  I think before the term 'Guardian Angel" got overly used, our Guides had high respect as these Guardian angels.
Now my main guide aks that I call him Oversoul, so I do.  For awhile I got to chatty with Oversoul, and he had to tell me to address him first and do so with issues (health, decisions, etc).

But I do not think they will ever answer all our questions.  Because we are here to develop attitudes that will make us less ego-bound into self. It's hard to find the balance but I think we should keep asking them and let them tell us individually what they will.   Smiley

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Unhuman entities stalking me?
Reply #4 - Mar 17th, 2009 at 5:05pm
Hi hope I have experienced this sort of thing myself but i came wise to it in the end i just say to them Go to the light and i also ask God to surround me with his protection of love and light and this also gets rid of them,let them know whos boss,if you feel they get to close just tell them(look can you move away ,i dont want to listen)they have no power over you,so let them know this and they will soon get the message,be strong.Say this to God every night before you go to sleep(Dear God please surround me with your protection of love and light )i do this and God will protect you.

Love and God bless   love juditha
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Re: Unhuman entities stalking me?
Reply #5 - Mar 17th, 2009 at 7:57pm
Hello Hope:

I'm in a hurry now, and don't have much time to respond.

Regarding kundalini, I have awakened kundalini. It can be challenging.  One night I was shown a lifesize image of a heavy metal rocker dude. I could see kundalini flowing within him. He said that he uses his kundalini for evil. Next I was shown a lifesize demonic image of myself. Next I was shown the face of Jesus Christ. I believe the point of these messages is obvious.  If you're going to have awakened kundalini you better have Christ consciousness/love in mind, because kundalini, which is a creative energy, can be used in various ways.

I asked for help from Christ and received a lot of help. I've experienced unfriendly spirit beings, and none of them were able to hurt me. Partly because I chose to receive help from Christ. I'm not saying Christ is the only light being who can help us, he just happens to be a being I know by name.

I'll ask about you tonight and see if I get a message.
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Right here and right there
Re: Unhuman entities stalking me?
Reply #6 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 12:54pm

Sounds like an entity posing to be a guide, with fear-based DEMANDS. Can't see why a guide would want to make a demand, which is a control issue. So, doesn't sound to me like you need to be hospitalized, but perhaps take your power back (listen to your self).
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Re: Unhuman entities stalking me?
Reply #7 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 12:57pm

While I received spirit messages this morning I asked about you, but didn't receive a response. Perhaps what I already wrote will sufice.
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Re: Unhuman entities stalking me?
Reply #8 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 6:08pm
Dear Volu and recoverer,

Thank you for your kindness in responding to me.  I'm praying for pure unconditional love that is all around and in all that is.

God bless you all.
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Re: Unhuman entities stalking me?
Reply #9 - Mar 18th, 2009 at 6:29pm
You're welcome.
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