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electrical pulse frequency is now suspect (Read 3959 times)
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electrical pulse frequency is now suspect
Feb 24th, 2009 at 10:22am

Frequency generators have been mentionned at various times here. I don't know if this is related but --
the FDA quietly held a trial for a man involved in using and promoting frequency generators to kill bacteria, listen to celestial noise etc  ( which even involves BOINC and SETI.)
His name is Jim Folsom and he has been given a prison sentence for it of 140 years.

Google the main words for fuller information.


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Re: electrical pulse frequency is now suspect
Reply #1 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 2:23am
what I found indicated the guy wasn't honest in his operation.

I found this attorney commentary. It isn't judgemental, just relates info. Look halfway down the page, under Feb. 25


His former business partner sounds pretty interesting. see here:


I don't think the FDA or the pharmaceutical industry or the medical community have all the answers, but when you blatantly flaunt FDA regs you will eventually have problems.

Rife's original idea sounds intriguing but who knows if it stood up to rigorous inquiry? When I read the article, I kept thinking about the disovery of microwaves. Yeah, they targeted all the cells in the body. The story I've heard about that is that some Navy guys in WWII got cooked by microwaves before anyone realized what was happening. That was pretty nondiscriminant. I don't see any reason any kind of wave would target any particular kind of cell. Did you hear of any evidence for that?
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Re: electrical pulse frequency is now suspect
Reply #2 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 9:42am
Thanks Lucy,

I appreciate your ability to get fuller information.
The notice I received about the FDA's involvement was an e-mail from a website on plant (botanical) consciousness. I don't know how they got involved, as I just recently started getting their info.

I suppose I thought certain types of cells could be targeted because I thought chemo treatments for cancer can do that. But I have no scientific knowledge.

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Re: electrical pulse frequency is now suspect
Reply #3 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 11:36am
I'm sure that to a degree, certain kinds of cells could be targeted, in the sense that certain things respond differently to different energies.  Like metal in a microwave .

Also using the microwave example, wet foods heat differently in a microwave than dry (think toast)...the problem would be that those that were targeted due to being more suseptable wouldn't necessarily be those you wanted to hit, and it wouldn't be a matter of choice.

I'm guessing that if the physics of the situation made it that cells with more iron in them (or whatever) absorbed more of a particular energy, then that's just how it is - you couldn't decide to target cells with more calcium, or whatever.  Like aluminum foil in a microwave (only that bounces energy back), it's a quality of the substance involved.
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Re: electrical pulse frequency is now suspect
Reply #4 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 11:50am
Yeah you wonder why the plant site was interested; too bad they didn't provide commentary.

Actually I think it all can sound very confusing. There may be something unconventional out there that could target errant cells. On the other hand, marketing a device like that without the substantiating information is pretty ...well, out of it.

There are times when you can do things because you can focus the energy. Lasers can be focused.

There are times when you might be able to alter the errant cells and then do something to them. I think I've heard proposals like that. I don't keep up with this stuff. But for example, you can make flourescent molecules stick to particular cells, and then make those cells flouresce. So you pick out particular cells. But I know of that as an in vitro ( "in glass" i.e. outside the living body), diagnostic type thing, not an in vivo kind of treatment. But you did target something, so the idea of targeting starts to sound feasible.

So what do the Barbara Brennan type healers target? Don't know. I have trouble thinking of PUL as something that can be measured by a device. But there might be something else that could be. When James Clerk Maxwell first proposed his electromagnetic theory, I've heard that some members of the scientific community laughed and scoffed at him. (Maxwell is up there with Newton and Einstein).

So the plant people being interested in cells being targeted by..something.. kind of makes sense. How well has that phenomena where plants who are targeted by positive thoughts do better been studied? But this Folsom guy came to the market without much to support him, and as the lawyers pointed out, the FDA is pretty clear about certain things and it is easy to find out what those things are.
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Re: electrical pulse frequency is now suspect
Reply #5 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 4:56pm
Hi Lucy,

You said: "How well has that phenomena where plants who are targeted by positive thoughts do better been studied?"

That was exactly the group who sent the email!  Clive Backster, the original fellow who used the lie detectors on plants, is still working with plant consciousness but with more sensitive instruments and also a wider range of organic cells than just botanical.  He says his experiments show that all life are connected by a loving consciousness -- except for humans who have developed their own consciousness and are now 'out of the loop' until they work hard to get back in.

I'm wondering if the convicted 'villain' in the FDA case was a businessman who financially backed making these inadequate instruments which weren't quite up to par with their original.
But I don't have any background information on all this.

Thanks for helping see it more clearly.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Betson check this out
Reply #6 - Mar 3rd, 2009 at 5:54pm
Hi Bets-

I'm putting a link here to an MIT news story because I think the info illustrates how conventional science is trying to target specific cells. Remember that this stuff has only been done in mice.

This guy is undoubtedly a whiz and deserves all the crdit he gets, yet I think it is important to realize that many people have been working towards this goal for a long time. He gets the benefit of a lot of work that has gone before him. I don't see science as being like it was when Mendal did his work alone at a monastery. Today it is really a collaborative effort. And I bet he (the MIT guy) never has to wash dishes! That said, this is interesting and I think this version is easy to read. And I thought of you immediately when I heard this on the radio this AM!

So the electromagnet folks are trying to do this is another way, but you need something to modify the target cells so you can selectively pick them off. This MIT guy just succeeded somewhat.

And this doesn't mean that there isn't yet another layer where PUL just works anyway.
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Re: electrical pulse frequency is now suspect
Reply #7 - Mar 4th, 2009 at 9:29am
betson wrote on Feb 24th, 2009 at 10:22am:

Frequency generators have been mentionned at various times here. I don't know if this is related but --
the FDA quietly held a trial for a man involved in using and promoting frequency generators to kill bacteria, listen to celestial noise etc  ( which even involves BOINC and SETI.)
His name is Jim Folsom and he has been given a prison sentence for it of 140 years.

Google the main words for fuller information.


Um. I am confused. Why was he sentenced to prison?
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Curious George~
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Posts: 1158
Re: electrical pulse frequency is now suspect
Reply #8 - Mar 7th, 2009 at 12:05pm
Um. I am confused. Why was he sentenced to prison?

They update their blog page; try this page:
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