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Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella (Read 3929 times)
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Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella
Feb 15th, 2009 at 10:52pm
de Santiago path?  

   Shirley MacLaine wrote an interesting book about it, which was published in 2000 and called El Camino.   

  Unlike my wife, i'm not much of a traveler.  I do enjoy it, but its not something i'm attached to or have some kind of inner desire or need to do.  I've always been very inwardly focused, and the only outer, material thing i really appreciate is nature.

But i do find myself attracted to the idea walking this path.   I've gotten some info that i have a lifetime/Disk self involved with the Knights Templars, so perhaps that's part of the draw. 

  For those who don't know, its an ancient pilgrimage path that starts in the Pyrenees mountains of most western part of France, and cuts through all of northern Spain to the coast.  There are actually two main, or most famous paths, one which follows the most northern, coastal part of Spain, and the other which is a bit further south but still considered more northern part of Spain (north central). 

It's about 500 or so miles, and takes the average person about 30 days to walk.   Simplicity and fortitude is key if one wants to walk the whole path.   Take as little as possible, and have trust/faith in the Creative Forces
It supposedly follows some pretty significant Ley lines.  Some sources say that the Knights Templars was partially formed in order to protect pilgrims along this path.   Seems they may have done some other work, like rescue the artifact which is now more commonly known as the Shroud of Turin. 

   A lot of more sensitive people have reported that because of the Ley lines, and because of the collective religious/spiritual energies which have built up around this path, it really heightens ones conscious awareness of the subconscious--which for some leads to personality difficulties and for others a greater peace and awareness.

  Anyways, my Twin and I, have decided to do it this coming Summer.   We found an unusually good deal on plane tickets.  While there are various shelters and hostels along the route--we plan on sleeping outside as much as possible.   Partially to save money, and partially to enjoy nature more.

  If anyone else here has done it already, i would be curious to hear about your experiences with it?
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Re: Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella
Reply #1 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 9:56am
Congratulations on your fascinating goal-setting, Justin!

I just went off site to google your subject and it sounds amazing!

Have you learned of other hiking / pilgrimage trails that also follow ley lines? What a great way to clear one's consciousness!

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Re: Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella
Reply #2 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 8:23pm

Sorry never been there, in fact never heard of it til now.

What exactly does this mean?
it really heightens ones conscious awareness of the subconscious--which for some leads to personality difficulties


I never heard of the road to St. James before but it looks a little commercial now...?

A couple of decades ago I read something about Spain before the time of El Cid. There were Christian, Jewish and Islamic mystics all in a (relatively ) small area...well I guess if you have to walk it isn't so small. But that always fascinated me. I wondered what that was like. I recently came across a refrence to a new book on the time and place, specifically addressing the mystics there, but I forgot to write down the title. But I think there must be a pile of history there. If only the mystics had been allowed to flourish...

and that movie made El Cid look like such a hero!

Will be interested to see your report!
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Re: Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella
Reply #3 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 11:58pm
  Hi Bets, thanks for the reply.   Part of me feels selfish for doing something like this--all that time and money for self and selfs wants, and also the innate feeling that i don't need to go anywhere for anything, since everything i really need is within self.   Yet, i'm still drawn to it, and Becky would probably go with or without me.

  I'm not sure about paths that follow ley lines.  I've heard of various power point places where supposedly powerful ley lines converge, etc, but a long path like this one i haven't heard much at all about. 

  Mt. Shasta is suppose to be such a power/amplfied energy point in the Earth, where the Great Pyramid is, the Mountains and area near where TMI is (supposedly a lot of crystal below), Machu Piccu (i went there), etc.

  Yes, i'm hoping it, as a "prop", will facilitate a clearing.
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Re: Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella
Reply #4 - Feb 18th, 2009 at 12:09am
  Hi fellow Massachusettian (well i'm living in VA now, but raised largely in MA),

   Thanks for the reply as well Lucy.  Regarding my quote and your question re: it.   MacLaine writes in her book that both in her experience there, and from what others who have walked this path has told her, that because it is such a heightening energy, it has an opening affect on humans on the less physical levels. 

   For some who haven't cleared much, and who haven't consciously dealt with their shadow aspect tendencies and complexes and/or aren't that consciously attuned to PUL, it can bring that part out more powerfully and that often leads to conflicts with self, and/or with others.  It is a cleansing reaction.   Similar to when one detoxes ones body.   The more mucked up the body, the more challenging and intense the detox tends to be.   It is especially difficult if one refuses to work on ones stuff that is being brought up.

  This happened to me very powerfully on many levels when i was going through a T Saturn CON ASC., and transiting 1st house a few years ago.   A lot of accumulated and fairly unconscious "junk" came up to the surface to be worked on. 

  Specific examples from her book--i don't remember off the top of my head.  I do remember her coming across some couples who were fighting pretty badly on the trip.  Dunno, its a pretty interesting book, and a lot of libraries (at least the ones i've been to) seem to have it.
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Re: Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella
Reply #5 - Feb 18th, 2009 at 11:14am
Tee-hee! Justin said "I don't remember off the top of my head. "Cheesy Cheesy

Dear Justin,

If you walk on ley lines for very long, I expect this will be a phrase you use often, Cheesy because the ley energies rise straight up !! They can make it feel like the top of your head is blown off , and memory for a short time is affected !! Smiley Wink Take lots of the sweet foods you've recommended as the seem most able to hold one all together.

I would assume that the path has become wide enough that you can adjust the strength of the ley line energies just by stepping aside awhile, walking by the edges.

We had such a phenomena on the back of our few acres at an earlier home. I didn't know about ley lines then and assumed it was deep fissures through the rock below that let out energies.  But now that I've seen maps of these around the world I realize it was more than that.

I wish you well on your journey!
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella
Reply #6 - Feb 18th, 2009 at 4:10pm
Do I just search El Camino? I'm very interested Justin and Betson. A little help?
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Re: Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella
Reply #7 - Feb 18th, 2009 at 4:50pm
Hi ,

I googled 'El Camino de Compestella' once and ' ley lines El Camino" once and got alot of info those ways.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Posts: 1176
Greenville SC
Gender: male
Re: Has any1 here ever walked El Camino de Compestella
Reply #8 - Feb 18th, 2009 at 5:05pm
Thanks Bets, you rock, my dear!
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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