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2012 started? (Read 6064 times)
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2012 started?
Jan 22nd, 2009 at 2:29pm
Change. Real change. Now that the USA has their new president and considering all the chatter about him being 1/2 black. ( can I say that?)and of course all the expectations that it would seem all the world has... Has it started? This could well be the opportunity for the start of a new age. World wide good will and desire for a shift is now upon us. Not only American masses, but many people world wide are postulating change for the good coming from the USA. Leadership in areas like the two war fronts, global warming, poverty, health care, just to name a few. Opportunity abounds for the planet to come together as one collective voice and really make changes. I know that I personally am filled with hope that Mr Obama will make good use of these extraordinary times, and well being, that is currently being expressed world wide to shape a positive future, not only for America, but as the world most powerful econamy and a country that many others look towards for leadership and direction, for all. This is the time to hold out your collective hands in friendship and not a hand filled with a knife or gun. Who would have thought fifty years ago that that hearts would be opened enough to have the most powerful nation in the world led by this black man. Love will truly conquer all. And Mr Obama and other people of color will no longer have to sit at the back of the bus, but now the world will know they are more than welcome in America to sit in the drivers seat. Warms my heart and fills me with PUL.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #1 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 12:22am
 If you want to get more technical, 2012 started in earnest around 1980, peaked in 1998, and will be around till about 2016.   The whole 2012 date deals with Mayan calendar, and with a long cycle relating to our Winter Solstice Sun position aligning to the center or core of our Galaxy.  2012 December 21st is pointed out to more specifically by the Maya because it also correlates with the scheduled 11 or so year Solar Maximum, and also within that larger 36 or so year cycle.  I expect 2010 to 2020 to be very interesting and change filled times, but not so much in the way you are pointing to.

  Re: more specifically what you wrote: While i would like to think that things will become all rosy and constructive so quickly and easily, that's just not what guidance shows me of the major probability paths.  
 Challenge is ultimately a good process though, it helps to balance and cleanse the Soul, and more than anything America needs balancing/cleansing, and we are going to get one good and thorough collective Colonic and material fast before things really shine more brightly and clearly.  

 One doesn't need to believe me though, but if one listens to the likes of Monroe, Cayce, McKnight, quite a few NDE reports, many Native prophecies, and Yeshua in the N.T. then one might see more deeply what I am trying to convey.   This however is somewhat in flux as far as the severity, and exact timing due to collective freewill, and in some cases individual freewill also quite influencing along side of collective choice.

Of course though, the U.S. gov and some groups connected to and some aspects connected to same who do know more than they let on, don't really want us to know more fully and clearly what is coming.   They are masters at misleading, disinfo, manipulation, and false hopes and yet fostering fear about things we don't really need to be afraid about (like terrorism for one since its becoming pretty obvious to more open minded, detached, and intuitive people that 9-11 was an inside job).  
 They even have trained psychics to find people who do more so know and who are sensitive, and try to implant false info, etc.  This along with some meddlesome and immature once human nonphysical consciousnesses and even some E.T. groups who are not so well intentioned.  

Lies, lies everywhere and the drop of truth to perceive is buried within...    BUT, as the old saying goes, half truths are worse than whole lies for they deceive even the Soul.  There are many half truths floating around out there re: the changes and the probabilities around same.    One has to be very spiritually intune, balanced, self detached/non materialistic, and discriminating to see the more full and clear truths.
 These types are yet rare in the physical Earth.  Many more of the newer generation (the last 25 years or so, and of course many more years into the future) will be able to perceive more clearly because of their greater spiritual attunement and at the same time because of the heightened, collective spiritual vibration of the Earth as a whole.  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #2 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 12:38pm
  I guess what i'm really trying to say Joe is this:  It's about time that "we the people" get up off our arses and enact the positive changes needed, and start taking some self responsibility for the way things are, rather than blaming and waiting for the govs. and certain individuals in same to enact positive change for us. 

This is ultimately a collective spiritual issue more than anything.  Sure, we do have a corrupt, very influenced by special interests gov., and there are groups out there with almost unbelievable power hunger, greed, and selfishness whom influence MANY govs., BUT if the average person, and if the majority of people didn't let this stuff happen to begin with, then things would never have gotten so extreme.  Our greed, selfishness and materialism enables their much more amplified tendencies of same to THRIVE in this world (and boy have they thrived).
These groups are an amplified mirror of the collective...we have co-created this kind of world.   More and more people need to become more spiritually aware or at least more PUL centered.  As more and more do, and which is beginning to happen, then less and less of a need for outer gov. structure.   We need to work to the collective state wherein we can safely, and rightly abolish all gov. structure.   This is coming whether or not we would like it (and sooner than most would like), and its coming more through outside catalysts..
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #3 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 12:51pm
  An excellent point along this line is the documentary called "The Corporation".  Next and 2nd to the world banking system, Corporations seem to have more material power than any other groups out there and greatly influence all gov. structure both nationally, and world wide. 

  What is not so commonly known about this entity called a "corporation" is that they have the legal rights of a person (at least in America, i'm not sure about other countries)!  Really think about that for a moment and what that entails.  This really, really, really should be changed.

  This documentary then examines the psychological state of the average corporation...particularly the known history of many of the major players.   They are cross examined against a psychological "test" and checklist, which is the medical standard in psychiatry/psychology. 

   It is found that these have all the tendencies of a pathological psychopath or sociopath (i forget the exact term used).   Since many govs. in the world, particularly the American, are so intertwined with these groups and energies...well it would seem that perhaps our gov. might have some similar attributes and tendencies of same...

  Perhaps we need less "patching" change as Pres. Obama seems to be about, and more of a total overhaul and makeover?   Perhaps the hope and change that Pres. Obama is about is more of a distraction than anything?
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #4 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 1:06pm
 The World banking system on the other hand, is in a class unto itself.  While Corporate groups work hard to bend, amend, manipulate, avoid, etc. various domestic and international laws, the world banking system doesn't seem to answer to anybody.

 Is this "conspiracy theory"?   Dunno, but it is a pretty simple concept to understand that he who has the most money, and who controls money movement and flow, has the most material power and influence in a world wherein many, the majority of its citizens are still largely materialistic in tendency.
 This is why in post world war 1 Germany, the Germans were greatly disturbed by the influence of certain groups who happened to be Jewish and who were meddling in the affairs of others too much.  

 While this is not a race, nor religious thing as Germany and some crazy people in same eventually made the issue to be, many of the families within this world banking system do happen to hail from a Jewish background.
However, I don't consider certain individuals with power within these family's to be truly Jewish, because i feel that a true Jew loves God and by extension loves Creation more than he loves money and material power.  Many of the people i've met of Jewish faith and background were more like that--they cared for others and love God.  The former folks don't seem to love or even acknowledge a Creator or spiritual Source, and if they do it is not one of PUL and spirituality.

 And it is largely because of this strangle hold on the world, is why major, world wide collapses need to happen, to break up these power centers and influences. It will not happen until money itself is made completely useless.  Believe you me or not, the bringing down of these groups and influences will most definitely NOT happen via Pres. Obama, though it would be really nice if he proves my words inaccurate.
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #5 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 1:31pm
Well I would agree that we need smaller Government but I am not so sure about if we are any where near a point where no government would work. Why if that were the case, who would pull us around by the nose? I believe there are big things to come. Many of them beyond the current comprehension of our western world. There are many countries able to withstand poverty and low food supplies but our nations are used to having our way with the worlds resources and in an effort to stay in power we have seen our governments going to war to provide then to us. Many in the west know nothing of growing a little food in their back yards. Or just where that meat comes from on the dinner table. As world food supplies become increasing lower and the true cost of putting dinner on the table becomes a reality, that's when its going to hit the fan. Government sponsored food subsidies have been the norm for years here in the west. With a bankrupt government soon these subsidies will come to an end and we will be required to pay  a good amount of our income just to eat. Just like the rest of the world does already. A large amount of the food we currently put in us is from China. That's reality. Shipped in bulk to the good old USA and packaged here. Many of those farmers who are feeding us here make but a pittance compared to what our farmers make. Capitalism at its finest. Keep everone else poor and hungry in an effort to keep us living high off the hog. Its time for the end of throwing away tens of thousands of eggs weekly and milk and wheat, and, and, and. All in an effort to keep prices artificial high to support corporate farms that no longer have an ability to properly feed us without poisoning us at the same time. Why cant or governments see fit to give that food to the needy instead of destroying it. Support small family farms. Crop rotation. Many countries world wide would be happy to have the food garbage we are throwing away. That's not even mentioning the energy problems being faced world wide. Obama has pledged working towards renewable energy sources. Reductions in green house gas could be a result if we can convince the rest of the world to follow the same path. There are many things that can change for the better with a new direction. Unless or until there are far less of us within the phyical and demand is lowered, government will be here for some time. We are told to protect us from "those who would do us harm". And like good little sheep we follow blindly behind them. Now we have an opportunity to follow a new president. One who is pushing "change". As I see it, we need change because the way we have been doing things has been all wrong. in the mean time, he will be receiving a whole lot of love from this direction and by many around the world. With the love energy currently being sent in his direction thing will work out just fine. And in the long run, things are going to happen just the way they are supposed to.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #6 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 1:47pm
hawkeye wrote on Jan 23rd, 2009 at 1:31pm:
And in the long run, things are going to happen just the way they are supposed to.    

 This is both yes and no if you really think about it.  One could be passive, or active with this sentiment.  

 If passive, then one doesn't see the need to enact both personal and collective change, and kind of says, "well whatev, things will work out for the best in the end."
 If active, one realizes that if things are going to work out for the best for all, then both personal and collective positive change needs to be enacted.  One cannot rest on ones laurels and just expect the work to be completely done for oneself.  

 It also comes down to an important philosophical question.  Is unlove, and thus the suffering that ensues from indulging in same, ever really necessary?

 I believe the answer is no, it wasn't ever a necessity to choose unlove in any form or manner, BUT once it is chosen, then the suffering that ensues is an important catalyst to help one to realize that "Hey, unlove and choosing same really sucks, I want to choose Love."  We all want to be happy, and its only by choosing love that we become truly joyous and at peace again.

 Or as put in the N.T. about Yeshua and his development towards that of Christ, "He learned obedience through the things he suffered."  Obedience meaning spiritual humility and realizing that the ways of the little self are not the true ways to happiness.  Obedience to and full recognition of our Spiritual Source, and that it is the true Power that flows through and in All.  As Yeshua said so long ago, the way to the Father (the Creative Source) is through PUL.
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #7 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 3:49pm
I haven't researched 2012 nor received any messages regarding 2012; however, I believe it is a mistake for people to wait around for 2012 and what Obama will do.

Going by the messages I received, what's really going to make the difference is for a limited number of people to get to the point where they can really live according to love, their vibration will effect others, and so on and so on.

I received a message recently that said: "We can end it (the learning vehicle of this World) anytime we want." It makes me wonder if we should change things for the better so such a need isn't required.
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« Last Edit: Jan 23rd, 2009 at 8:51pm by recoverer »  
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #8 - Jan 23rd, 2009 at 9:44pm
The time is now.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #9 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 11:08am
Edward Albee said in The Zoo Story, "sometimes it's necessary to go a very long distance out of the way in order to come back a very short distance correctly". I think it applies here.

Some of the work is being done by the shift in consciousness but it's up to us to take advantage of it and push it to the max...not zealously, but toward a healthy balance. I believe I will know that balance when I feel it. I put some stock in the 100th monkey concept too-- even if some find it not literally accurate, I know I have seen it at work in the world and we need all the help we can get.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Malvern, Worcs, U.K.
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #10 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 4:29pm
According to Barbara Hand Clow and Johann Carl Calleman it's not going to take as long as 2012; they reckon 2011 is actually the end of the Mayan calendar.
Further info here:

and here:

Comments folks?

best wishes,

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Greenville SC
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #11 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 4:50pm
2011 is the year given by Ken Carey and Raphael in Starseed Transmissions and since it was the first info I ever got on this whole thing it would suit me just fine to get this over with a little earlier, I must say. Smiley
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Malvern, Worcs, U.K.
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #12 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 7:16am
There's more info here:

where Calleman states that Oct 28, 2011 is the date of the completion of the cosmic plan, and here:

with further explanations of how it all works.

Best wishes,

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Greenville SC
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Re: 2012 started?
Reply #13 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 9:57am
I found Calleman pretty enlightening. I like his approach to the explanation of the Mayan Calendar better than any I've read so far. I find no fear in his explanation at all and that is very appealing. I'm not sure I'll buy his book but I did bookmark his web page. Thanks for the info.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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