The first part is some of the general impressions she got before actually talking to me on the phone and me asking more specific questions. I will comment on those parts which have an * and number after them, as in *1, *2, etc. Linn was kind enough to type up her notes and send them via email to me. The 2nd part is some of what pertains to some of the specific questions.
Linn writes,
Quote:"scribbled at the very top of the page was the name Michael , perhaps Michael is whom you call upon from time to time, I am not saying these messages are from Michael but am curious if you have ever called upon him for help. *1
"Reward" "waiting game"
Justin you are waiting for the "Reward" to appear, expectations are high in that fulfilled obligations have been met and have earned you said "Reward" so hence the "waiting game" has arrived , patiently you wait as high expectations are felt for reward to appear.( I am hearing that you have felt this strongly)*2
This Soul's journey
This particular soul's journey has been of obtaining karmic balance, obligations to self more than to others. His journey has seen many set backs, more so the cause of being MIS-UNDERSTOOD by others. ( this was emphasized loudly)*3
There is also a follow through stumbling that is still being worked on by this individual, as in he is finding this still difficult to master, the following through and not quitting when it becomes unpleasant or difficult., he will overcome and master this for this is his goal he set for himself, to see it through for this is the lifetime to see it through completely.*4
The Parable/Story ( I explained that a spirit helper gives me Parable stories to get a point across )
Once upon a time there was a young man who wanted to climb a mountain, he felt he was up to doing this for he was strong enough to reach the top, He started climbing but at a certain point his foot slipped and he fell backward, injured he bandaged the injured parts of himself and pro ceded again to climb to the top, as he neared the top his rope broke and back again he fell, but he found new rope and pro ceded once again to climb to reach the top, he has not reached the top for weather conditions are keeping him from doing so,, When the Sun melts the ice he will reach the top of the mountain, for his strength and fortitude and patience has prevailed and he shall see Victory.*5
Courage is being called
At this time "Courage" will be the theme the word called, this individual will need to find courage to overcome difficult times ahead, this soul needs to be reminded he chose this time, this era and chose his situations, this soul does have the strength and courage to overcome all obstacles. " *6
1*--the only Michael i can think of that i have called upon for help is probably the one known as Michael the Arch Angel. I've thought about "him" here and there, especially in relation to a particular Cayce reading which talks about Moses and goes something like, "For there has ever been the continued battled with those forces as Michael fought with over the body of Moses. He that leads, or would direct, is continually beset by the forces that would undermine." Excerpt from reading 2897-4
I've thought of this reading because of some experiences and dreams i've had relating to a similar theme, and have called on "Michaels" help in the past. Interestingly, when i first talked to Linn over the phone, i don't remember her mentioning that first part, but later on i re thought about Michael and that particular readings message. Then i read her later sent write up which does mention it.
*2-- 2 relates strongly to 5*, the anticipated reward is the degree of spiritual attunement in the flesh that i know a couple of my other in physical selves had, and this time around the probable experience of going even beyond. I and my Disk has worked hard to fulfill obligations, to balance karma, and re attune the greater self to Source via Christ. This life will probably see that near mountain top experience, but with much less chance of falling down so hard again--partly because of those other experiences and that foreknowledge.
I, or rather my Disk in a couple other selves, came close to fully ascending while in the flesh, but didn't quite make it, and karmically there was a string of lives connected to those wherein that spiritual attunement was quite covered over for a time. This knowledge has been somewhat of a heavy burden in both this life, and in my just prior one from a "linear time" perspective. How could we reach so close to our beloved Home, and then fall so hard and for so long?
The last part of 5 is both metaphoric and also more literally precognitive in nature. The latter part meaning that during these changes, which we have already begun to see, but which will culminate even within my life, we will see much of the Polar Ice melt. By that point, i will probably be very, very intune spiritually i.e. near the top of the mountain again. As in the reading, this is something i've long known and have been very exited, but also patient about. I know it will come in its own good time, and so i patiently wait and try to focus on the present and the work i'm now meant to do, which has less to do with obligations and karma with others, but more specific and self oriented issues (like diet, work, communication with others, and responsibility and sticking through with such things).
*3--Lordy, Lordy how true on some many levels and in so many lives. Even in just this life, i've been so misunderstood by people, even by people on a somewhat similar wavelength. My intentions, motivations, expressions, and Heart have been seen by others to be more negative and egotistical than often they really are. When it comes to people not on a similar wavelength, even more so the case, but it has tended to bother me less in the latter situations. It's when it's people i feel who should know better and who so misperceive me, that i can feel so lonely and misunderstood in this world. I often mean well, despite appearances or peoples misperceptions of me.
And yet, because of this common experience, i've doubted self. Linn's source probably brought it up because of this past self doubt. My "past life" self was also told by guidance about this trend and tendency, except that in his case his tendency towards extremism was cited as part of the issue.
*4, a gentle criticism but very true, and something i've become aware of that i really need to work on in this life. This particularly relates to certain indications in my astro. chart, relating to jobs/work, diet/health, and self responsibility--all of which in the last 2 years i've really buckled down and focused on working on and have remained consistent and dedicated about, and have seen a lot of progress in.
*6-- I've so far had a fairly challenging life in some respects, with a lot of repeated and often both multi-level and simultaneous difficulties to face and overcome. There are many indications in my astro chart about this, and i know i chose this kind of pattern because of the potential for great spiritual expansion if these are continually overcome in a mostly positive and spiritual manner. Not always the case though, and hence some lessons (rather more so "tests") repeat and oft times even more intense the next time around. In times past, i felt close to breaking because of this prechosen pattern. But, it has faciliated me to be a very strong person.
Also this message is referencing to the Changes that are developing, and to the repeat guidance of Becky's and mine which indicate that materially things are going to get very rough in American in the near future, and that we have decided to stay in physical through these times and that for me in particular because of my role, things will be particularly rough as far as challenges and courage and much self detachment will be needed. For many people things will be difficult and challenging, but to the nth degree for this individual.
I'll share some of the more specific info relating to more specific questions in another reply..