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Well after years of drug abuse and heavy drinking which resulted in Hep 3 in my cousin liver, she made the decision to finally drop her body. Heroin and booze is a killer. She new it was coming as the Drs had told her that she had better make her peace and a few weeks ago she went into hospis. I got the call a few days after Christmas that she had died. Loraine had always been a great person with a big heart and an open door to anyone who needed help. I remember living with her some years back and I as the only one at that time with an income fed the household. Some 10 people. Chicken was the order of the day and I found that I learned quickly to take a welfare chicken and turn it into a meal for 10 pretty damn quick. None went hungry and thanks went out to the many Creators that we all believed in at the time. I knew when I heard that she had passed that I would take a look and see if there was anything I could do to help her move along to F27. That is if she had needed the help. Most don't. I easily moved to 23 and had a look around, focusing on her being and energy footprint. I quickly found her ling on a bed of sorts. Sleeping or in a stupor. I had expected it, as she had been heavily drugged for her stay in the hospis as her phyical pain was great. I used my intention to awaken her and called her name out quite loud. To my surprise she opened up her eyes and recognised me right away. Her smile and love warmed me to the bone so to speak. Realising that some help in moving her forward might be in order I reached out to her Father, my uncle Bill and her son Bruce who had both passed away a few years back. They approached me from behind and came up quickly towards her. I felt her recognition of them and her love and gratitude for the assistance. I didn't get much from Uncle Bill and Bruce really. But I find that quite regularly as I believe they are there for the person being retrieved or assisted and not for me. They grouped and it looked like they were helping her stand and walk. I guess because of her attachment to a phyical body still that that was nessassary. Off into the light they moved. It makes me happy to know that shes OK. That her family was there to greet her and that my little bit of assistance was enough to keep her moving onward. I know she's there getting her energies cleaned up and all is well. So goodbye Loraine. I love you! I look forward to seeing you yet again at some point. Your energy will always be with me and I know you are as close as a thought. Not everyone needs to be helped move over to F27. Sometime a little nudge is enough and many times nothing is needed at all. My assistance to her was but just calling her name. I big thank you to Bruce and of course to Bob for reminding me about how to be of service, both here and there. It truly was like awakening from a long dream when I came home to reality of just who and what we really are and in how we can help ourselves and others. How we are all connected, I am not sure as of yet but I know that we are. Perhaps in the center of this area of our mutual universe of existence there is just one large disk and we are all a part of it. Connected by love. Joe