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Interesting Retrieval dream of Poe's sister? (Read 2671 times)
Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Interesting Retrieval dream of Poe's sister?
Jan 5th, 2009 at 3:12am
 My Twin Soul had this dream last night, figured it was an interesting retrieval dream, that some would like to hear.   Btw, i figure that the "victoria secret angel type" was a guide playing a role or projecting an image for a deeper point.  

 "My dream began with walking into a old house-wooden floors, walls, ceilings--which felt like a historic home.  I was alone when i walked into one room, rather sparse.  Suddenly i felt a mild shaking of the room, which abruptly stopped.  I turned to see the room behind me had not been affected.  I was standing in the doorway when it happened again, stronger this time, shaking dust from the rafters.  

 I knew it was paranormal activity, and that a ghost could not do me any harm, so I decided to goad the presence into interaction.  "That was weird, I barely felt anything", I mocked out loud.  More and violent shaking of the room as in response, accompanied by soft moaning.  "Is that all you got?"  More shaking.  Louder moaning.   "Show yourself", I commanded.  I then got the intuition to turn to the portrait hanging on the wall to my right--a middle aged woman, very plain, with dark brown hair parted in the midldle.  

 I could not see anything unusual yet, but felt compelled to place my hand by the portraits face, where I felt a head emerge from the painting.  I ran my hand from crown to face, where the apparent ghost suddenly licked me.  I drew back in disgust and heard the ghost kind of cackle with laughter, whom I could faintly make out now.  Softly,  I asked her what she died from, and who she was.  I couldn't remember the disease but she said she was Edgar Allen Poe's sister. My impression was that she knew she was dead, but she didn't know why she was still stuck.

 I was asking her about any hangups, hurts or anger she might still be clinging to, but she didn't recollect any. During our conversation, out of fireplace a ghostly angel appeared--the Victoria Secret kind--wearing a bra, underwear, "wings" and vied for my attention.  She said nothing and sat on my lap, childishly trying to open my eye, touch my face, and trying to distract me.  

I understood this as a symbol that this portrait lady felt like she was neglected in life--vying for attention and always in her brother's shadow.   I proposed this to her, which she seemed to take to heart and consider before I woke.  Then I did some research after having the dream.

    Researching Poe's family, I found that Poe did have a younger sister. Rosalie Poe was Edgar's younger sister, who grew up alone and without her birth parents.   It seems like she grew up around controversy, as she might have been the product of an extramarital affair.   She outlived Edgar and was institutionalized later in life. "
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Interesting Retrieval dream of Poe's sister?
Reply #1 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 12:53pm
Btw, a quick add on note.  Becky says that the portrait she saw in the dream, from what she could remember of it, did have similarities with a pic she found of Rosalie later on in her research.
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Re: Interesting Retrieval dream of Poe's sister?
Reply #2 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 6:57pm
Perhaps Becky's higher self/guidance selected Edgar Alan Poe's sister as a retrievel subject, in order to let her know that she doesn't have to worry about unfriendly spirits.  Going by what I know of him, his horror stories were fictional.

Sometimes people don't want to open up to the World of spirit, because they are afraid to do so. Sometimes they aren't real conscious of their fear to do so.

Perhaps Rosalie had a problem moving on because of a lack of being open to love. Perhaps she had an inability, because she was treated as if she was unimportant. She had to see that she is worthy of love, before she could open up to love.

Perhaps the dream is saying that if people have love in their life, they don't find it necessary to live their lives in a negative way. Or in other words, it is more of a matter of not having the love they want when they go astray, rather than their selecting a dark way when they have love in their life. There could be some exceptions.
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« Last Edit: Jan 5th, 2009 at 8:58pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Interesting Retrieval dream of Poe's sister?
Reply #3 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 8:35pm

If you revisit Rosalie, Justin, please let her know that the soul who was previously Poe has conditions in this current life that she would not envy at all !  Perhaps that will ease her envy and release her into further soul development.
The fear Poe instilled in his readers has now been put back on him (to some degree) in his current incarnation. And he must work through it while living his current life life that avoids much of what he/Poe was once dedicated to. these conditions cause him suffering.
Apparently we do carry with us some negative aspects of previous lives if we do not dissolve their effects through applications of PUL or heartfelt requests to Higher Powers for forgiveness.
He used to come here. He is partially aware of his background and how it is playing out. The impact of such knowledge is shocking.
Perhaps we could send ask Rosalie to send him PUL from all of us to help him on his way.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Interesting Retrieval dream of Poe's sister?
Reply #4 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 3:08am
Hi Albert,

 I don't think Becky is afraid of any unfriendly spirits.  We've both have had Retrieval dreams wherein we were together or alone, in some very dark realms trying to help "people" (i quote that, because they were barely recognizable as same).  

 You don't go to those kinds of realms for Retrieval work if you have any appreciable fear of unfriendly spirits.  For these are rather unfriendly "places" inhabited by rather unfriendly oriented spirits.  

 What we both picked up on in this dream, is that perhaps her Disk, Greater Self directed her to this particular case, because Becky can identify with the feeling and thought of not being recognized, appreciated, payed attention too, and being in the shadow of more well known person.  

 It's something she has struggled with in this life, and in other lives, like Gladys Davis who was instrumental on many levels in the Cayce work, but oft lived in the shadow of Edgar Cayce and his readings.  Cayce's source pointed this out to Gladys, and that she needed to live more like Yeshua and give no thought for what others felt for or returned to her for her service, that her suffering/depressive feelings were due to over self focus and centeredness.  

 So she could relate/sympathize more deeply with this person's issues because of this karmic pattern which has been highlighted in her psyche for this life and those lives strongly connected to same.  

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Interesting Retrieval dream of Poe's sister?
Reply #5 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 3:20am
 Hi Bets,

  Thanks for the interesting reply.  I will relay to Becky and/or Rosalie, but i hope that she isn't stuck anymore.  

 What's interesting and different about this retrieval, compared to the stuff i've read in Monroe/Moen's work, is that they seem to indicate that most people don't know they are stuck i.e. they still think they are physical or what not.  

 Rosalie clearly knew she was stuck and not quite physical, yet she was still stuck, didn't know why, and couldn't get herself out of it.  

 Seems to indicate that this whole retrieval thing is probably a little more deeper, subtle, and complicated sometimes.  

 This is part of why i shared it, not because it involved a famous writers relative.  
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