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Differing kinds of "Ressurrection" (Read 21479 times)
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #30 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 9:46pm
Seth in Seth Speaks, recounts he was a spice merchant in Denmark, and that was where he met Ruburt (Jane Roberts) and Joseph, Jane's mate in this life. He had lives as monks, and one as a pope and a victim of the Spanish Inquisition. female lives are, Dutch spinster, courtesan at time of the biblical David, several lives as a humble mother with children. He is an entity, not an aspect of Jane/Ruburt. Jane had to attend out of body preparation classes while her body slept at night, to learn how to channel Seth; not everyone has the temperament for this kind of work. I believe there was an agreement between her and Seth, to do the work.

We each maintain our individuality from life to life.
and this is a belief system planet. it is a duality based planet. Without a belief system, there is basically nowhere to go from there, without some sort of belief system to start from.  since it is duality based, some are said to be wrong, some are said to be right, and yet we learn from Monroe, there is no right, there is no wrong. Whatever your belief system is, it will cause you to perceive FROM that belief system, that will be your perception. Perceiving something is not knowledge. a perception is only a perception and is not proven correct or incorrect.
True knowledge can only be demonstrated before it becomes true.

that is why we teach the very thing that we need to learn.

Religion is a belief system. The Christ light is beyond all belief systems, and is within all persons, but basically unrecognized until the person does examine their own belief system, by living the belief system out, and proceeding to the next more comprehensive belief system level.

Seth is asked this question on page 293 of Seth Speaks, the Eternal
Validity of the Soul; Was the statement correct, given by Jane, while speaking for you, that there have been millions of speakers? Or was this distorted?

Seth answers: It was not distorted. The speakers are gifted according to their own characters, some having far more abilities than others, but all having playing roles in the communication of inner data. In your terms, therefore some speakers would be much more accomplished than others. For example, there have been a far smaller number of truly prominent speakers than the number given.

There have been less than 30 great speakers. The Christ entity was one. The Buddha another.
These speakers (the 30) are as active when they are nonphysical as they are when physical. The Christ entity had many reincarnations before the emergence of the Christ personality as known. So it is true of Buddha.

The greatest speakers do not only translate and communicate inner data, but also go much further into these inner realms of reality than others connected with your physical system. They add, then to the basic inner data.
At another level Emerson was a speaker. a man named Maubundu, in Africa, 14 B.C. are several speakers. They are still active in between lives with ELS.

question number four: Is it possible to name or describe a first speaker?
Seth: In greater terms, there was no first speaker. Imagine that you wanted to be ten places at once; and that you actually sent one portion of yourself to each of these 10 places, and that each of these portions were conscious, alert and aware. You, being the 10 of you would be aware of existence in each of the 10 places.
(Bruce is reporting experience of being in more than one place, at this time, because we are able to do this)

Continuing with the speakers; Speakers do not originate in the locations or time periods in which they manifest.

I'm enjoying the conversation Beau and Justin. thank you!

regarding differing kinds of ressurrection, since the body is not real nor eternal, I do not believe Jesus died, not in the sense that we think of death. We often think of this speaker as suffering, painting pictures of him with a thorny crown. A speaker has learned to circumvent suffering, they come and go as they wish from the vehicle of the body.
In Jesus's case or Yeshua as Justin calls him, is probably the more accurate name, I still believe he could transmute his body into pure light at will and this would be a truer ressurrection concept.

In addition more NDE reports are coming in. Where monitoring the body for life signs shows none. and the spirit is able to make a new decision to come back into the body.
I believe as examples for us, to show on a basic level, we are more than the body, that it is the soul which animates the flesh, and that consciousness came first, the body second.

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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #31 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 11:57pm
It's interesting that you or Seth use the word Speaker. I think that's very important. I believe there are many with the understanding who never say anything. They simply wish to observe and serve another time around. And perhaps all the 30 great speakers are the same persona. Ultimately it seems to me that that's where we are headed. As the universe spreads out the consciousness grows closer together and the evolving of consciousness represents the physical metaphor for the expanding universe. I like metaphors a lot, but I'm often told that I use them too much and it can get confusing...well, I'm sure I'm the one who is confused when it happens. I like to be clear, but I find that when I start writing about this stuff it kind of takes on a mind of its own, which is nice too. I don't know much about Seth. I've run across some excepts on other websites and I've seen the name come up a few times in here.

As far as the belief system planet and duality, I think any physical existence has duality. To rise above the duality and be able to see the completeness of the ONE even when faced with the illusion of separation and duality is one goal I find perplexing and also attainable in short bursts. Each time I can feel it my whole life begins to reflect back to me what I've learned and be a constant reminder to help me get thru those down turns that are inevitable after the shock of oneness leaves and I have to get up and brush my teeth or whatever. Those moments are certainly a gift, but one that I strove for for such a long time, but did it without guidance for a long time and it made some folks in my life very nervous. This animal that I'm trapped inside is still weird to me. It craves things I do not understand, but I feel the same way about the spirit too. I guess I'm still playing the middle man most of the time.

Thanks for your post Rain. I hope to hear more from you.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #32 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 1:08am
  Nice post Alysia, overall i do agree with much of it.   I do have a theoretical question for you though. 

  Say there was a particular and supposedly channeled source which twisted and misrepresented some of the very core teachings and meaning of a great spiritual teachers life and example.  Would you say it would be loving, or wise to promote very positively and repeatedly such a source if this was true?

  I don't need an answer really, but just thought it was a good question to pose to you.
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #33 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 11:00am
You weren't directing this at me, Justin, but I would have to say that no channel is infallible. Because no receiver is infallible. I would have to say that a channel that is purposefully distorting the truth makes the truth more elusive but still not unknowable. These battles or discussions over who's right and who's wrong are how we wound up further and further separated. To tell someone their source is wrong or misinformed can cause great damage to someone who is reaching for the light or just unnecessary animosity. I think there was a time for defending the honor of our sources but perhaps that time has passed and now is the time for acceptance. And of course, that doesn't mean agreement. And if a source has no acceptance within it then perhaps that is something that needs further looking into. One thing I've learned is that you can't beat people over the head with what's true and have a friend at the same time. I say it's not my job to keep so and so on the right path and it's not my job to defend truth as I find it. "When you know, you know"--John Lennon. So in answer to the question I would say the answer is no. Better to share from your source without defending it, because defense will mostly be taken as an attack. That's just the nature of it.  If it is truth it needs no defense. Discussion it seems to me does not have to be a defensive technique. When I started this, I thought it was a pretty good answer, but as I'm finishing up I'm not so sure. But that's how I feel about it. Otherwise you end up running people off and that isn't really productive either.--just my two cents Smiley
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #34 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 12:52pm
We are stardust, we are golden...and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.....

in the words of an old song that is playing in my head.

Love you all, blink
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #35 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 1:18pm
 Hi Beau,

 I made my reply to Alysia, about as nice, diplomatic, and gentle as i possibly could make while still disagreeing with her subtly and hoping she might question certain preconceived notions.  

U wrote, Quote:
You weren't directing this at me, Justin, but I would have to say that no channel is infallible. Because no receiver is infallible.

Very true, and something i oft point out, even about the sources i trust a lot, and also about myself.  As i said earlier in this thread, since i'm not yet completed as per Monroe's terminology, take the following info with a grain of salt.   I also always say its a much better idea to instead of just completely believing in outside sources, to go within and hook up to the highest within self, to get the truth.   Particularly in deep, still meditation.  

U wrote, Quote:
If it is truth it needs no defense

Rather i would say, the truth needs no negative, hurtful, and unloving defense.  Whether an action, a deed, a speaking to others is spiritual and constructive, or not so, depends more on the inner intents, motivations more so than anything.  I can assure you that unless you are a near or completed being yourself, and can fully and totally read my heart/mind, you cannot say what this is or not for sure.  All i can tell you is that from my perspective, that my intentions and motivations are of the highest and most loving.  

Back to the above, was my reply to Alysia negative, belittling, hurtful, and unloving in nature.   People cannot ever disagree with or question others about anything?

 If the truth never needed defense, and never WAS defended by the likes of Yeshua, Susan B. Anthony, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and various others who stood up to and spoke out against the mistruths of their relative times, just think of how this world would be with just a super passive and blase saying leading the way.   Truly would this world be a much, much darker place without the like of such outspoken and truth defending people.  People who vocally disagreed with the beliefs of the times, despite that no doubt those beliefs were clung to and "sacred" to those people who erroneously held them.  You know, things like slavery is ok because black people aren't really human.    

 The important part is that the above people did defend the truth, and they did so well because they did it in a more positive and nonjudgmental of the actual people who held those beliefs way.  There are ways to defend the truth, and to actively promote same which don't involve putting others down or judging the person.  It alright to judge things and beliefs, but not spiritual or loving to judge people themselves.   I was not judging Alysia, but i'm judging the veracity and helpfulness of a source she has for some reason been lately promoting a lot.  

 Subtle to see at times, but important and big difference imo.  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #36 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 1:27pm
We are stardust, we are golden...and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.....

in the words of an old song that is playing in my head.

Love you all, blink

  Why ever the need for guides and teachers in their various nonphysical, physical, inbetween, etc. forms?   Why the need for Yeshua and Buddha and their material lives? 

  If we humans relied only on ourselves, boy would humanity be really, really, really stuck even more so than now.  Maybe our general stuckness and our inablitity to see our way out of it is why there are so many guides/teachers who are so active in all levels to do with the Earth. 

  And why, oh why Blink for the instructive above post and reply???
Wink  Grin

  Contradict self much?   Who are you trying to get back to the garden with your post?   I sense your positive intentions, and i appreciate them and you much for it, but i don't have to agree with you, and i think its ok for you to disagree with me and for me to disagree with you.
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #37 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 1:48pm
Okay, The truth of Human Rights needs defense. But I am not talking about that. I was, and I thought we both were, talking about spiritual growth. Perhaps you view all these things as one, and if so then my point is mute. A good defense does not a truth make. That's really my point. And we're not really talking so far off base from each other. My emphasis would be on the word "needs". It needs no defense. In other words I would have to ask how much of the defense is of the ego...I'm only making a point and not by any stretch meaning to offend here. We've only just started our dialogue, I think you know that. I struggle with these questions everyday and your opinions I value.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #38 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 2:38pm
  Beau my new found friend, can you not see the irony and contradiction in the message of your posts on this thread when compared to your actual actions themselves?

  You got on a thread started by someone else, to essentially disagree with the thread and the thread starters messages repeatedly (no, that's not all that happened, but it seemed to be a big focus of yours all in all).   Yet, no one, including the thread starter himself, ever told you that you shouldn't do that.  Instead, open hearted and minded dialogue and light hearted debate ensued. 

  Just as Blink was trying to "teach" me that we are the ones who get ourselves back to the garden.  If that was completely true and the only part of it, then there wouldn't ever been any need for any kind of outside guide or teacher.  What need for her trying to "teach" me that, if true?

  The only difference between you, Blink and i is that i'm not saying one thing and doing another.  I think it's quite alright to question and even speak out against another's beliefs on occasion if that is done more so positively and level handed.    No, it shouldn't be the main focus of anyone's activity.  The best "teaching" is ultimately done by pure example and vibes, but we are on a discussion forum that requires primarily written words to communicate consciously. 

  Anyways, continue to disagree with my points and point out my errors, i'm quite alright with it and still very much love you, Blink and all here. Wink    That's what its about, seeing and concentrating on the best in others, even when disagreeing their beliefs and perceptions.   As i've said repeatedly, i sense positive intentions in both you and Blink, and appreciate you both taking the time trying to show me a better and higher way.   But your truths, aren't necessarily the ultimate truths, as you seem to be saying to me as well. 

Btw, i plan on going to Bruce's workshop if he ever does one here, so look foward to meeting you and others here in person.  I've so far only met Albert in person.
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #39 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 3:21pm
I was answering your question because I thought it was a good one. I don't have an answer for a higher road. Just putting out my thoughts. I don't think you are wrong. As I said, I was just answering your question. No worries, mate. I don't know where the thread started anymore, you're right about that for sure  Wink
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #40 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 5:56pm
I think, Justin, that you really don't understand me. But that's okay.

I'm really really really really really not interested in this kind of conversation.

And, it's really really really really not all about you.

the end, blink

 Beau my new found friend, can you not see the irony and contradiction in the message of your posts on this thread when compared to your actual actions themselves?

 You got on a thread started by someone else, to essentially disagree with the thread and the thread starters messages repeatedly (no, that's not all that happened, but it seemed to be a big focus of yours all in all).   Yet, no one, including the thread starter himself, ever told you that you shouldn't do that.  Instead, open hearted and minded dialogue and light hearted debate ensued.  

 Just as Blink was trying to "teach" me that we are the ones who get ourselves back to the garden.  If that was completely true and the only part of it, then there wouldn't ever been any need for any kind of outside guide or teacher.  What need for her trying to "teach" me that, if true?

 The only difference between you, Blink and i is that i'm not saying one thing and doing another.  I think it's quite alright to question and even speak out against another's beliefs on occasion if that is done more so positively and level handed.    No, it shouldn't be the main focus of anyone's activity.  The best "teaching" is ultimately done by pure example and vibes, but we are on a discussion forum that requires primarily written words to communicate consciously.  

 Anyways, continue to disagree with my points and point out my errors, i'm quite alright with it and still very much love you, Blink and all here. Wink    That's what its about, seeing and concentrating on the best in others, even when disagreeing their beliefs and perceptions.   As i've said repeatedly, i sense positive intentions in both you and Blink, and appreciate you both taking the time trying to show me a better and higher way.   But your truths, aren't necessarily the ultimate truths, as you seem to be saying to me as well.  

Btw, i plan on going to Bruce's workshop if he ever does one here, so look foward to meeting you and others here in person.  I've so far only met Albert in person.  

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