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Differing kinds of "Ressurrection" (Read 21480 times)
Justin aka asltaomr
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Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Dec 16th, 2008 at 3:24pm
 This is sort of a continuation of what i was talking about over on the multiple world, etc thread.  

 In older, various ancient belief systems, "resurrection" is a fairly common theme.  You see it with the Druids (who i use to be really attracted to btw), with their astrological/astronomical centered beliefs and them saying that the Sun, the ruler of this system, symbolically dies on Winter Solstice and then 3 days later at our present "Christmas" time is reborn.  Btw, Winter Solstice is also the start of the sign Capricorn in the Tropical Zodiac system. Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, but it also represents the now lengthening period of the days and of the Sun's power on Earth.  

 Such basic theories and observations are largely the reasoning behind movies like Zeitgeist which try to convince us that there was no historical personality Yeshua, and that his life was just a continuation of these long talked about and repeated  myths/observations adapted to a new culture, times and people.  

Rather i say, there is some micro and macro stuff going on here, which is whole nother very deep and can of worms subject.  Perhaps the Co-Creator of this Universe and reality, built such cycles in on purpose, and later lived a symbolic paralleling of such a cycle.  

 Anyways, these resurrection myths always had to do with the physical Earth in some way, and basically represented the play of the cycle of life and death within the Earth.  Or the changing of one form, into another form, or just the changing of that form.

 Yeshua's Resurrection is on a whole nother level, and yet in some micro ways parallels that basic macro theme, but transcends it because it transcends physicality ultimately.  It is the ultimate changing of distorted, temporal form into perfect, eternal, formlessness.  

 The body and matter in general could be thought of as a reflected, temporal image of what's real.   Einstein perceived that pure energy and matter were really expressions of same thing, the Field, but had different qualities.  

As Bruce talks about in his 2nd book, matter is perhaps just an "area", or consciousness level of the Field, which is super condensed in nature.

 Anyways, why would humanity need more rehashing of astrological/astronomical observations?   How does that really change or affect humanity positively in a deeper way?

 So what the Sun appears to "die" and ressurrect 3 days later (and this coming from one who has been into astrology for 15 years now)?  Certainly doesn't change my life or attitude one iota.  This knowledge doesn't improve my life or state of being at all.  

 But to know that a man, a human like myself, was physically born of a woman, and through suffering and patience, through time and space, through using his Will ever to choose PUL in relation to "others", and the Greater Self, and by and through that totally transcended the illusion of space/time and thus completely freed himself, thus becoming the most effective freedom facilitator of others...

 By providing such a powerful example and being so inspirational...  well that has changed my life and self for the better.  I now know and believe that I too can do likewise.  I know the unlimitedness of my and others potential.  That humanity is far, far, far more than what we give ourselves credit for, and all of this shown by "one of us" who lived as one of us, and not some E.T. "God" from a distant region of space/time.

 That i believe is worthwhile and potentially transforming information, though unfortunately those with little understanding and shallow perception have gotten hold of the purest public example and teachings ever, and have twisted these truths and history to serve their own self centered and materialistic purposes.  

 But he is till there, and will answer if you but just call him,  and you can know him and his life free from the distortions others have built around and over him.   He can help you like none other can, he can help you more than yourself, because he is YOURSELF but in pure, undistorted, non refracted form.
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #1 - Dec 16th, 2008 at 3:56pm
Regarding whether Christ can help people, he sure helped me.

I have a lady friend. For a couple of years she saw a spiritual healer. Doing so had some effect, but it was limited. Recently she had a couple of dreams that told her that she needs to find another way of healing. One problem with the healer she has seen is that he doesn't teach people to heal themselves. The ulterior motive of making them dependent upon him might be involved.

The other night, before she went to sleep, my lady friend prayed for sprit help. Sometime during the night she received the words in a very clear way: "In his name." She knew that Christ was being referred to.  Even though I've spoken to my lady friend about being in touch with spirit guidance, I haven't said a lot about Christ.  The message she received was unexpected.

My lady friend has a lot of experience with the gurus of the World, and has found out that they aren't all that.  Before she got into the gurus she was a born again Christian. This experience caused her to have the discomfort about Christianity that people often have. Nevertheless, something inside has always told her that there is something special about Christ.

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« Last Edit: Dec 16th, 2008 at 8:59pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #2 - Dec 17th, 2008 at 4:57pm
I've never gone to a guru. I've always preferred being a loner although I have when young, belonged to a spiritualist group In Long Beach CA, where the minister gave blind readings. He was in service and he was genuine. I was not emotionally attached to any group however. I always had this sense of all religions trying to say the same thing, about brotherhood and oneness, same purpose.
So I joined a church, once, just to be in the choir. They told me I couldn't be a member if I continued to also go to the spiritualist church which did not have a choir. so I couldn't have my cake and eat it too!

I was shocked. I was already living in the future, where anyone can go to any church and do the fellowship thing uncensored.

the next church I tried to join I was feeling kicked out of because I told about my out of body experience and how I had met my unborn children already. they arranged to get me exorcised.

I was shocked again that I was to go on my journey without fellowship. I didn't want to cause trouble for any of these pastors. I felt we were all one, but apparently, people who have mystical journeys are not considered as authentic journeys, although the bible is full of mystical journeys. these things hurt me bad.

I see people hurting others all the time, but unintentionally for the most part. It's only meditation informs me that each is on their separate path, and cannot see we are One when it comes to love.

acceptance of our differences, our different beliefs. One time I met this Witness JW. he asked me, as he was going door to door, why are we having all these different religions? I had no answer, said I'd get back with him on that! lol. He thought his was the only one that was real.
I got him to talking about himself, his life.

He told me in his younger day, and he was about 95 then, he was going door to door then too. a man punched him out. lol. He learned not to be so forceful to get his point across. I think that was his path. You can hold to your beliefs, but it's not worth getting punched out over. He cracked me up. Life had gentled him quite a bit.
He said he hoped he would be one of the chosen ones.

While I was new ager and did not believe as he did. All are chosen in my mind but few choose consistently the voice for love, or the straight and narrow path. Yet I accepted he was with the right religion for him, as he had learned to mellow himself.

One time he told me of a failure. He said a young girl had let him come in and she had tried to give up drugs.
then she had gone back to the drugs. He must have visited her several times. He had tears in his eyes for her. I could feel his pain.

I was able to say something to cheer him. because I could speak religious language myself. I told him, yes, but the seeds you planted in her will someday sprout.

suddenly he agreed and it's true, ideas, concepts, we share, are like seeds, and it is called hope.
she will remember him someday, that someone cared, even if the caring was all cloaked up in religious jargon, someone came to her door and reminded her of, there might be a better way to live, than the high you get from a drug.

she will remember.

religion is not so important, but rather the message of brotherhood is very important. the words get in the way.
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #3 - Dec 17th, 2008 at 6:58pm
It seems to me that it's about impossible to unify a vision for all, especially in the written word world. We all stand in a different place as we look upon anything. Everyone has a different point of view even when they belong to a group or gathering. I think we come together in the light and up until then we are each points of view, physically and spiritually. The light experiences through our experiences perhaps. I mean even the writers of the Bible wrote about something that had happened years before. I think the greatest thing that comes out of it all is this amazing guy who dared to question the establishment, but my guess is he would be questioning the establishment today too.

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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #4 - Dec 17th, 2008 at 9:40pm
I agree with Beau, in that this is a diverse planet with varied belief systems in place, if we were all of the same exact viewpoint, what would it be like? a bunch of clones?
but underneath it all, we can learn to listen to each other better and maybe learn from each other that way by that kind of effort.

theres this tune I like by Boyzone. just the other night me and this lady sang it together for the crowd and pulled if off well. It expresses what I'd like to say here: lyrics are "no matter what they tell you, no matter how they attack, what u believe is true. If only prayers were answered, then we would hear God matter what they teach you, no matter what they do, what you believe is true.

Some times what you believe is temporary. but what you believe is often what outpictures for your life.

so it's very important to choose a thought system that rings true for you and search it out carefully, which I assume we do this when we prioritize our lives, about the basic premises.

One of Monroe's basic is, and I assume it's the same for all who enjoy being in the helping professions, the basic is service to life, in all it's forms, animal, human, and our planet.

it's home for now, and part of that basic is a feeling of PUL. and it grows.

but none are there so blind as he who will not see the love that's already there, or here.

it's totally unrealistic to unify all religions, but it is possible to grow spiritually within any one of them and use them to move to the next level or plateau of understanding diversity.

I think wisdom begins with asking questions also Beau, otherwise things stay the way they are.
we should especially welcome children's questions as they are here now and they have knowledge the older ones do not. they are the future.

All I'm saying basically is we can plug into higher knowledge the same as those characters in the bible did in this day and age. we are not "less than" them.
The Christ is still here. Accessible to all. I simply call it Spirit.
this is my way. The Christ understands each and every soul.

But there's no way to share personal experiences, so it's best to just live it as an example. Life is too short to try and get everyone to be in agreement. everyone is on a different page.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: A reply to O.O.B.D from nother thread
Reply #5 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 1:38pm
O.O.B.D. wrote on multiple worlds, lives thread, Quote:
"Edit:  I just read Justin's post which gives an answer to this question.  I am not sure that I totally agree that the resurrection's purpose was to show that we can transend physical death, for death is just as natural a part of life as birth, and is a big part of our spiritual growth."

 With this, we touch on some very deep stuff here O.B.Dude.   Since i've not completed this process myself, i'm definitely not the best one to speak about it, so a grain of salt is in order Wink  

 But anyways, a few psychic sources that i really like and respect talk about this very issue.  Have you read about Rosiland A. McKnight's work with Robert Monroe in the early explorer days, as per her book "Cosmic Journeys"?  Her sessions with Monroe are largely responsible for the overall format and content of TMI's "Gateway Voyage program".  

 Well for example, both her book/work, and the Edgar Cayce work, seem to suggest that our experience of the physical, our perceptions about same are largely illusionary in nature.   In that sense, same old song and dance as many ancient beliefs, particularly Eastern oriented ones.  And now also theoretical, physics oriented science.

 But heres where these particular sources differ, they seem to say that if we attune enough to Source and PUL consciousness, that we would have a different experience and perception of physical life, and if fully attuned and merged with same, we would transcend the experience of "physical death".  

Both guidance energies from both works mention that physical aging and death are illusions and definitely not necessary.   It's both a matter of belief system stuckness, and of not living enough according to love.  If we change those two factors, then we can experience a deathless/ageless state if we want too.  One could say, that the experience of this is a true and ultimate indication of true spiritual growth, maturity, and at Onement with the All...  

 Now come on Dude, you're familiar with Monroe's work, don't you remember reading about "He/She" the almost 2000 year old person who doesn't eat, sleep, age, or die and who is in total control of their energies?

 Now we have 3 pretty good, very deep, non dogmatic, psychic oriented sources talking about a very similar thing here.  All of which have definite verifications connected to their work in some way.

And then we have an historical multiple person account, saying that indeed one person from humanity did fully actualize and achieve this state of being, and lived a very dramatic life to forever impress this truth upon our collective consciousness.  

 Then we have the one and only Shroud of Turin artifact, which just so happens to conveniently match up to many conditions and patterns around the historical "Jesus" in many, multi-layered ways...

 Now taken all together, doesn't this just pry open your mind a little at least to the possibility of such being true?   And honestly, who should i believe on this matter, you and/or Seth, over a combo and similarity of McKnight's work, Monroe's info, the historical N.T., my own intuition and guidance on the matter, the one and only Shroud of Turin artifact, and Cayce's work???  

 Come on Dude, i may be a "incomplete and non physically immortal consciousness" and occasionally not as loving or centered as i should be, but i still have a developed left brain and can reason pretty well.

 Sorry, but for me burden of proof is leaning more towards the latter grouping for patently obvious reasons, though i do generally respect your opinions and perceptions.     Something tells me, that somewhere, someday down the line, your beliefs might quite change in some of these regards.  Just a feeling.    But it will it probably have to come more through your experiences and own clear and more accurately understood guidance messages.  

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #6 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 1:46pm
 Thanks Beau and Alysia, believe it or not, i do agree with much of your replies.  

 However, when a person really becomes spiritually attune, they often are led to the more holistic, broadly accurate, and deeper truths in life.   Since these are universal truths...

So eventually, somewhere on down the line, people as a collective are going to have very similar beliefs about a lot of things., especially about the "basics" as one might say.

 This will be beyond religion, of course.   Religion by then, will be more converted to a universal spirituality that is more intuitive, sincere, balanced and spontaneous in nature.  

 I long for that day, and am working towards fulfilling my little part in it all (and not always that well apparently ;  ).  

 I see it more fully manifesting in a couple hundred years or so, and even by 2050 or so, when much of the social/political/economic and physical Earth changes have culminated and some E.T. groups have publicly shown up, things will be quite improved in this aspect.  

 Btw, nothing wrong with having an open mind towards others beliefs and ideas, but a little twist on the old saying, "don't let the left brain fall completely out and totally disconnect from the right brain lobe."  

 That reasoning,  step by step logical, analytical, perceiving the differences in and between and the relativity of Reality part of us is there for a very good reason, and just as important as the Feminine, Right brain part which sees everything in Wholes and in the same "color" so to speak.  
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I Am Dude
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #7 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 2:22pm

I totally agree that the aging process is due mainly to our beliefs, and that it is possible to retain an ageless/deathless state of physical being.  What I am trying to say is that I feel that once we reach a certain point of development here on Earth, we must move on to higher levels where we can develop further, and this requires physical death.  And perhaps it would be possible to ascend, transforming our physical bodies into bodies of light.  I would certainly prefer that!

Btw, I don't speak for Seth.  He is not my only source of information.  Monroe was one of my first sources, and one of the most important in my development.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #8 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 2:35pm
 Yes, but my main point was that Yeshua came to show this ultimate truth by letting himself be crucified, letting his body lie dead and unconnected to his consciousness for 3 days, and then in a sense, retaking the now transformed body up again.  

 This is what you disagreed with, with the ressurrection, that he came here to show that, and the why behind same.  

 This is why i painstakingly wrote such a long multi layered reply regarding the very possibility of "resurrection" to begin with, and the suggestions in various places that "Jesus", totally unlike what Seth has said, did actually do this.  

 Course, i cannot prove this too you, and maybe it's actually better that way...     But i've gotten info which suggests that to me in the nearish future, Yeshua will show up completely publicly in the same body image he had when born 2000 years ago, to lay bare all the illusions and truths surrounding him and what he accomplished (this is also suggested in Cayce's work).   But as he himself said, first we are going to go through a lot of spiritual hogwash, false spiritual sources and teachers, some of whom will try to lead people away from the deeper and non religious truths of Christ and exactly what he meant and means to humanity.    

 I don't know the date for this, wish i did, but don't.  But i feel it will happen in my lifetime though.

 Be well, and hope you grow to your fullest potential in this life.  It's possible that you could perhaps reach that physical/nonphysical merged state in this life.   You got a good chance at that kind of "completion" within the physical.  

  Wanna race me there? Cheesy
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #9 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 2:51pm
 And according to a synthesis of Cayce's work and the Shroud of Turin, look for a man who follows roughly this description.   Course, most of us will know him by his radiation..but for those less deeply, accurately intuitive look for...

 A youngish but very mature looking man some 6 foot or so in height, weight about 173 or so with a strong, but naturally muscular, athletic build (meaning he wouldn't look like a jock who has worked out with weights).  

 Facially good looking, somewhat long and broad face with high forehead, not much Hebrew like features all in all, noble features.  

 Coloring, hair and/or if beard at all, is rather reddish golden light brown mix.   Eyes, piecing heavy gray blue.  

 You know what's interesting O.O.B.D.    One time, way back when in like the 20's or 30's Cayce described this mans looks, and said his weight would have been at least 170 lbs.  

 Well flash forward many years, intensive forensics type research is being done on the Turin Shroud by medically trained folks, etc.

 Flash forward many more years, Justin reading a book on the research of the Shroud, and reading that one of the medically trained people who did research on the Shroud, would have best guess estimated the mans weight to have been 170 or so, give or take a few lbs.  

 Justin's eyes then bulge a bit out of his head and loudly exclaims out loud.   "Well hot damn, that's quite close to what Cayce said!"

 Btw, the man on the Shroud also didn't look more stereotypically Hebrew like (one of the skeptics arguments against it actually), at least not compared to todays standards which are a bit different considering that 2000 years and more mixing has passed.  For one, he was kind of tall for that people, area, climes and times, though contrary to popular belief, not overly tall.   Probably something like the equivalent of a 6' 3" or 6' 4" Caucasian man today.  Unusual, but not that uncommon. 

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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #10 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 3:18pm
I think Jesus was pretty cool, from what he said, or even if he never said it it's still powerful. I have a tremendous appetite for conspiracy theories, or so I'm told. I learned much from the Gnostic stuff too. All my life my family talked of Jesus coming back and how they would be there to see it, my grandmother in particular. I'm not convinced of that. In fact I think the second coming kind of misses the point. Now I would have never had the guts to write that even 5 years ago, but I think there have been wise servants of the human condition through out history and we have missed many of them because we stayed glued to the past ideals. Christianity has much beauty within it, there can be no doubt, but it also encourages, as can be seen throughout history, the overtaking of others--That's not the point, I know, but still when we attempt to bring others to our POV we are cutting their spiritual roots out from under them. To offer something is one thing, but to say "without Christ (as I and many of my friends understand him) you are going to miss out on Heaven (or whatever, is breaking the only truly greatest gift of spirit which is the golden rule. Even the 10 Commandments breaks the golden rule in my humble opinion. Is the religion for or against something? Does being for something mean it has to be against that that isn't part of it? And who traditionally has decided what a religion will be for or against? I think that a marriage of Church and State automatically breaks the golden rule. Not that the State is any better at being fair. I'm new here and I don't want to press anybody's buttons...but as long as it's friendly I hope we can have such discussions. Wink

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #11 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 12:53am
  Hi there Beau, welcome to this group of colorful and eclectic folks. 

I'm not a fan of fundamentalism in any form myself, and have thought since a boy that the whole going to hell eternally thing was hogwash, and a manipulative tactic. 

   I personally do not consider myself religiously "Christian", though in a sense i do consider myself Christian in the respect that while i have many diverse spiritual interests and have looked into many belief systems (and see truth in many), well when it comes to a spiritual teacher, I look always and primarily to the example and life of Yeshua.  I have  two main teachers in the more narrow sense of the word, beyond life itself, and that is my Greater self and Yeshua. 

  Lately, i realize i've been coming off too strong about defending this example from what i consider slander and distortion.  I will try to tone it down.  My beliefs and debating, i realize, will probably not change anybody's thinking or perceiving anyways.  It may actually push people away from him, i dunno.

  Anyways, welcome to the site.  Bruce Moen i would say, is a pretty good source to check out.  Certainly is wiser than myself in some respects.

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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #12 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 2:33pm

I believe it is a mistake to say too much, but sometimes it can be a mistake to say nothing. Finding a balance can be difficult, partly because people respond in different ways. I don't believe that people who aren't open to what a person has to say, should be the barometer of what a person says. If Jesus concerned himself about people who didn't want to hear what he had to say, he would've said nothing. Truth is truth, regardless of how people feel about it.
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #13 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 3:13pm
Hello Justin and et al.

I think Jesus spoke to those who asked, other than his sermons of course. The idea that one knows better than another might be the crux of the whole issue. I feel weird talking about my feelings in these matters because I don't want to squelch someone else. There is a little bit of the Emperor's new clothes going on with so much. I like Bruce's approach because he invites you to find out for yourself...rather than accepting the word of an ancient book that was written for many political reasons in addition to spiritual ones. Deciphering the answers is part of the fun of living for me. I like to learn from my mistakes and it helps me not judge others in the process. I've been told many times that the bible is there to keep us from failing on our path, but when I go to church I feel way out of place. And I don't mean that I feel I'm ahead of that group. It just seems that so much information is "blasphemed" by them and it's usually info that I find quite what's a guy to do, right? My gf is devout, but we get along very well and I don't feel like she's trying to convert me ever and she very often makes a lot of sense--but she is very wary of my endeavors on this subject of the afterlife. Oh well, it all works out. These conversations are very interesting to me cause I want to make the right choices in how to talk to my 13 year old about spirituality and so far this board has been fantastic with ideas. His mother brought him up pretty strict christian, but he has veered a bit from that in the last year or so. We had our first deep convo about it a few weeks ago and it's amazing how he reasons things out for himself at such a young age. As far as how much to talk about it, I don't know. I try to keep my mouth shut unless asked, but it can be hard sometimes. Thank goodness I can write on here a couple of times a day. Thank you for being here, each and all...very  comforting.
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Differing kinds of "Ressurrection"
Reply #14 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 3:39pm
  True enough Albert, and i also think it's important to not degrade the person who has the beliefs while speaking against the said beliefs. 

  Part of the problem with Jesus, Christianity, and that historical whole scene is that "Christians", the majority who call themselves such and who believe in a particular organized branch of same, have been much too overly passionate about trying to get people to believe in same. 

   To the point, too often and too severely by degrading the person with different beliefs or trying to making them fearful, and not just disagreeing with the beliefs themselves. 

  This understandably is a huge turn off for most people and part of why most of the Christian religions and why Christians in general are so disliked and understandably so.   

  But at the time, it's kind of sad that a lot of people don't get that a person can be very for Yeshua, and not for Christianity or religion in general, and that a person who is for Yeshua is not necessarily religious or overly dogmatic/structured/narrow minded in viewpoint.

  The truth of the matter is, that we all believe in some dogma or another, and have dogmatic moments, otherwise if we had none of either, we would be "completed beings" as Monroe met and talked about.

  Quite a few people, even some here at this site, are overly dogmatic and close minded about Yeshua, BUT in a different direction and with a different emphasis than religious Christians.    Either way, close mindedness is closemindedness, it's just that "usually" the non religious folks are less forceful and/or personally degrading than the religious ones. 

  I once met a guy on an astrology forum.  We disagreed strongly with each other's beliefs in some respects.   I would debate this persons beliefs, but he would constantly personally attack me and my character instead of actually debating the points i brought up and which disagreed with my beliefs.  Part of his "rational" for this, was because i had no problem debating other peoples beliefs, and sometimes was too vocal in same.  But i usually kept it impersonal and about the beliefs.

  He wasn't Christian, nor religious, but his modus operandi was similar.   Tear down and degrade the person whose beliefs you don't like.   I was called and labeled all kinds of really negative things.   Ironically, this person considered themselves a highly spiritual and centered person.   Granted, they had a very "cool manner" (one could say cold) about them, especially compared to my sometimes overly passionate and Fiery expressions.

  Anyways, the constant personal criticism and personal guru stuff became very tiring real fast.  If he had just debated the beliefs to begin with, i would have had a lot more respect for him because in some ways compared to others on that particular forum, we did have some similar ideals, beliefs, and ideas.   To be fair though, i was going through a rather negative and slower than normal vibrating for me, cycle then, and i oft wasn't that constructive there because of my uncenteredness.   
   Hence there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with that, but the trouble and problem comes in with you start to label a person in a fixed manner, as if they were always that way, and will always be that way.   It's like you put a stamp on their forehead that says "rejected" and nothing more to talk about.

  That is not PUL oriented At All.  My guidance has disagreed with me oft and even have gently criticized my ways or expression, but they never get that judgmental or negative in nature.  Strangely enough, this same person did the same thing to you later on another site, and just because you disagreed with and pointed out the limiting aspects of their beliefs and because you do that with others more impersonally.   I never once saw you attack him in a personal manner despite that at one point he viciously attacked and labeled you some rather negative things.

  I guess my point is, it is far better to err in overly debating and disagreeing with people about their beliefs, than personally attacking, belittling, and degrading the actual person who holds same.
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