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Why do humans kill other humans? (Read 4977 times)
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Posts: 1158
Why do humans kill other humans?
Nov 19th, 2008 at 12:18am
There is an interesting article from PNAS out today, reported on BBC site

family apparently buried together. The picture of the bones is touching...

but what gets me is that they seem to have been murdered, possibly in a raid, at least that is what we would assume today.

Now, there was no apparent world crowding back then, so land was cheap, and they didn't have gold or even bronze. They weren't Muslims or Jews or Christians or whatever. None of the cultural reasons we kill for today. Oh wait they were introducing metals back then Maybe it was a fight over early metals. When the old reasons for killing lose importance, we humans just find new ones.

Why were they murdered? What is it in the human psyche that makes us think we need to kill other humans? Did they kill each other for pots?

And why has it been like this for over 4600 years? If we could step out of time, would we see why this was created to be this way?  What's the point?

Hey and these are OUR ancestors...more closely related back then than we are now...why was centuries of this needed to evolve conciousness?
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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #1 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 8:49am
Yes, the pictures are touching, very touching.

It seems like the history of man is one of endless roaming and often seemingly unnecessary fighting.

Perhaps the smaller groups raided to steal women. I would imagine that could be common under certain circumstances.

Or because of a grudge, a raid to restore honor to another tribe.

Lucy, people will argue over absolutely anything. In fact, they will punish others brutally just for not having the same beliefs as they do.

They often call it freedom during and foolishness afterwards. But the group mind can talk itself into things that the individual would not do alone.

Perhaps that works both ways, for the blessings and the ills of this world.

It takes a strong-willed individual to get through life in many of the circumstances human beings find themselves.  Also, it did take courage to do many of the things demanded of our ancestors.

Perhaps there are natural limitations to our psychological makeup. I know quite a few kind, nurturing people, but I also know many who cannot always control their outbursts. It must work similarly in the group mentality. No one seems to get through this life without experiencing this, from both sides.

It appears to require finesse to solve these problems. They are varied and complicated. At times a person might simply need to relieve their own suffering. At other times, perhaps the person is part of a cause, a group belief system, that there is no simpler way.

There is always a simpler way, but people don't always see it.

nice article, interesting, blink
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« Last Edit: Nov 19th, 2008 at 4:18pm by N/A »  
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #2 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 9:10pm
Of course we could speculate a lot about what caused this killing. Whether it are justifiable reasons or not is a different issue.

To be honest, I sometimes wonder, and am astonished, why there isn't even much more killing in the world. It is, technically seen, so easy to kill someone. I know, it's a strange way of positive-thinking...

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #3 - Nov 20th, 2008 at 9:04pm
OK spooky what is a justifiable reason!

the underlying question is, do we kill just to kill? I mean are we predispositioned to do that? What is it in our psychological make-up that makes us want to punish others for thinking differently than we do?

I know this has been asked before because most animals don't kill their own kind as easily as we do.

I still get amazed that there were so many cultures back then. As a child, I thought it started with Adam and Eve and the Jews, which would to my child-like thinking, make things start about 2000 years after this happened. But humans were around a long time after that, and the folks in Egypt were doing some pretty culturally complicated things. Of couse, they were still killing each other too.
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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #4 - Nov 20th, 2008 at 10:57pm
As you talk of "we" I must admit I've never killed anybody, so I don't know first hand if people would get a kick out of it. But apparantly, some people kill mainly just for that reason, because they like killing, or certain aspects of it. Then there are/were cultures where it was more or less an everyday thing, even today. But from what I've heard, even people who grew up in such a surrounding often eventually stop it; they just feel bad, are traumatized, and know that it isn't right. Most people just don't do it.

But I think anyone with a basic amount of phantasy could imagine a situation where to kill another would be an option.

About cultures, I'm currently reading a bit historical stuff about the middle ages. When I read about people who "took the cross", went on a crusade somewhere at the end of the world, I just can shake my head and state that it was an entirely different world than the one I personally live in now. For other contemporary people obviously that's not far out at all. Don't know what's the key factor, the society, the personality/soul, fate, stress, there are so many factors.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #5 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 10:32am
Spooky said :  "Don't know what's the key factor,
the society, the personality/soul, fate, stress,
there are so many factors."

Trying to find the key factor but have trouble getting past a couple --
killing to defend self or one's territory
killing to defend highest beliefs or at least one's belief in high beliefs

or being made to think that you have to kill for those reasons.

Recreational killing (like 'drive-bys') could be an overly extended version of defending selfhood?

Lips Sealed


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #6 - Nov 22nd, 2008 at 11:33am
Actually it makes me wonder if there isn't a biological factor involved, like there is for sex.  but lower animals don't kill like we do.

When the big bang happened, were we programmed to kill?

spooky said
"About cultures, I'm currently reading a bit historical stuff about the middle ages. When I read about people who "took the cross", went on a crusade somewhere at the end of the world, I just can shake my head and state that it was an entirely different world than the one I personally live in now. For other contemporary people obviously that's not far out at all. Don't know what's the key factor, the society, the personality/soul, fate, stress, there are so many factors. "

this seems to me to be related to the C1/BST question Thomas posed on the main thread. but when they are in C1, we don't cal then BSTs, we call them eras.

In Western culture, when it is group killing, like war, it seems to be about power. Maybe it is ultimately always about power.
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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #7 - Nov 24th, 2008 at 7:57pm
Lucy, Some animals do kill just for the sake of killing. Some cats, as an example, will go out and kill birds or mice/rats just to kill them. Then there is the weasel. When I was a kid on the farm we had a killing machine in the chicken coop. This weasel just couldnt get enough of the killing. Not eating. Just killing for the sake of killing. I am sure there are other examples. Now as for humans, I would think power, like you, and ego. Those would be the biggest reasons for someone to kill without proper justification. The other thing is that I also think everyone could kill, if put in a position that it becomes necessary for personal or family survival. The unfortunate thing is that there are many who kill for no or little reason at all. Mostly in the name of governments and religions and faith. Greed, money, sex, also come into play, but really are they not all still about power and ego?
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #8 - Nov 24th, 2008 at 8:08pm
But there is killing for the right reasons also. To protect yourself of family group. If you were starving and someone wanted to take your food and leave you to die. Someone was raping your child, or killing your brother. Kicking you out of a shelter that you need to have for survival. Some actions could justify the reaction of killing. Sometimes faith allows you to kill. An example is some religions allowing a child to do without blood products that could save them . Or there are some faiths that will only allow praying. No Doctors allowed to intervene. For them, this sort of murder is OK and in there eyes allowable by their personal view of God and faith. I call it murder, but they call it faith. In the end, they will have to judge themselves and their actions.  
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #9 - Nov 26th, 2008 at 10:57am
Hi again,

I got off track in my previous post here.
Hawkeye points out that a person might have to kill for defending loved ones, and that reminds me, a bit late, that ultimately there are only one or two major forces we're dealing with --  Love and Fear.
Love is an outpouring of positive energy and Fear is an aversion or drawing back type of energy. Fear can be and will be overcome by Love. We experience this in our afterlife contacts because it is the underlying energy pattern of our lives.

Even the agressive lawlessness that is so murderous starts originally wth fear, fear that something necessary was being taken from them. A kind greeting to a tough kid might not turn him from fear but it will erode just a bit of the shell he's built to protect himself from more fear.  Maybe enough kind words.....

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #10 - Nov 27th, 2008 at 11:54pm
yes there are rogue animals that become wanton killers but they are usually rare exceptions.

The species inteself does not usually practice such killing as that weasel. but it does happen.

more perplexing to the animal behaviorists was some instance of a band of chimpanzees..our closest "cousins" though I amreluctant to call them kissing cousins.....who clearly took revenge on and murdered another particular chimp. This was the first recorded instance of something that almost seemed to be planned. I'm too lazy to google for it right now but I'm sure I could find something on it.

Still they haven't made it to our level yet.

The article on the people killed millennia ago really struck me because they had none of the motivations we have today to kill. We have things we think are the source for killing, but the source seems to change. Saying things liek "make love not war" doesn't get to the root cause, whatever the root cause is. We're missing the root cause. We make up stories for why the kids in the inner city kill each other and we think the stories contain the germ of something that if done will eliminate the killing. But that can't be true if people who didn't have the same conditions were killing each other so long ago. Maybe we have a gene for killing and certain different conditions will activate it.

I also can't come up with a cosmology where any of this makes sense to me. Did a god really create a world where we all have the killing gene and then tell us we were made in god's image? Maybe if I take on the ACIM perspective (also found in other philosophies) that not god but we created the world. Maybe I could understand this killing gene better if I really believed we created the world. Then it would be just one of many crazy things we did to justify breaking off from God.
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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #11 - Nov 28th, 2008 at 7:49am
Isn't it all about desire, wanting what is perceived to be more available....and willingness, to do what is necessary to achieve the goal?

When adrenaline or some of our other body chemicals 'kick in' then 'conventional reality' can disappear for a human. There is such a thing as blind rage, or the physical urges to survive and bear young to further the species. Those are certainly very strong motivators, with much mind/body support for their expression.

How about the urge to 'go along' with others who are physically stronger? Doesn't it stem from desire - for security?

I would have to say, we can blame it on fear, various emotional states, 'a killer gene' (does that exist?), etc. etc.

But isn't the tendency to blame also based on desire - for a solution, for an answer that 'makes sense' to us.

Do we try to 'make' this world make sense? Is it our desire to confine it and explain it to each other?

Does that make it any easier? Can we ever speak to others in such a way that understanding will always be achieved? That appears doubtful to me, using only words aimed to convince the other of the 'rightness' of one side or position to take in a situation.

I personally find it much easier to put myself aside for a while, to find the 'love' state which is also natural to our being - when it is cultivated. It is easier to function in a peaceful way when in the 'love' state.

I believe it is within a 'frame of mind' - let us call it 'nonmercy' or 'lack of mercy' for self and others - that killing takes place. If the 'decision' to kill were delayed until the 'love state' could be revisited, many problems would be solved. New solutions appear when a person is in the 'love state' which is a state of fullness, not a state of lack.

When fully in the 'love state' then any 'killing' would be those acts based on mercy, perhaps an action to relieve suffering of some kind, so to put a creature out of a miserable situation.

However, honestly, in the fullest state of love, I don't know if that is possible. In the fullest state of love, I believe there is a kind of 'acceptance' which has no interest in 'self' of any kind.

love, b
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Re: Why do humans kill other humans?
Reply #12 - Nov 28th, 2008 at 10:35am
At the core of this dilemma, for me, is the belief that I, as I perceive myself, can 'own' or 'possess' anything/anyone...

even time, even the next moment

because everything is always as it is.

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