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odd dreams (Read 8516 times)
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odd dreams
Oct 21st, 2008 at 7:23am
I don't have a lot of vivid dreams, normally. Lately I've had a series. I thought I'd make a note here. I'm not very good at analyzing dreams. I have so few vivid dreams that I thought this was odd, and these are the sorts of dreams that reverberate for me. Normally I wouldn't pay attention to a 'silly' elephant dream. But this series seemed to be telling me something. I don't have a clue.

These are within the last few days:

1) Dream of my ex-husband. Vivid memory of a hug. Lots of love. Just a meeting is remembered. I haven't heard from him in a few months, and we remain friends, although we seldom spend time together. I wake up feeling pleasant, wishing him well. Just an exchange, perhaps a word or two, nothing else. I wonder why it was just the meeting, nothing else.

2) Dream of a big tent, and I am in it. There are elephants coming around the big-top, and they are lining up along the edge outside the tent. A second row of elephants begins lining up in a neat row around the first one which is circling the tent, right at the edges. I realize something is 'up' and I fly out of the tent (yes, fly) and then I am up on the top somewhere. The elephants are below me. I see a large dog or wolf up there, facing me. It may not be unfriendly, but I perceive it to be.  I am startled and a little frightened because it looks directly at me. I wake up.

3) Dream of my father. Similar to the ex-husband dream. I am hugging him, and it is very loving. I become pleasantly 'overwhelmed' by the loving feeling there. I find that I am hearing the words 'I will always be here' as we are hugging.

It is as if I am feeling those words, between us, and I am reassuring him/us or he is reassuring me/us. He is ill and retired, but not alone, so it is odd that I would be the one reassuring him are my thoughts on awakening, but I was absolutely 'feeling' those words as if they were my own. It was a timeless mantra, almost, although the evidence appears brief.

4) I am in bed. Okay, don't freak, but I see Barack Obama down below my feet. No one else is there. There seems to be a small communication/a yes of some kind. The next thing I know we are side by side, facing each other, lying on our sides. I have not moved. Our hands are clasped together as if in prayer, in a relaxed position, but perfect. They are simply together in that position, as one. It is a peaceful, holy feeling. I hear/feel a "Shhhhhhhhhh" as if I am being told to quiet down. This was just last night, and, yes, I knew about his grandmother being ill, and the suspension of his campaign yesterday to go visit. At first, I interpreted the "Shhhhh" as telling me to personally be quiet, and not tell, but then I realized it was just a verbalization of the 'feeling' there. Very quiet.

(by the way, I am a 'lying down' meditator these days, for the most part -- although I have been known to dance -- and I think the lying down in prayer posture may be related? -- it was certainly a new one for me)

Okay, have at it. Just thought I'd share.

love, blink
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« Last Edit: Oct 21st, 2008 at 9:26am by N/A »  
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #1 - Oct 21st, 2008 at 9:35am
Hi Blink  Smiley

I've never interpreted any of your dreams righ-- so I'll try again --

Do you think the elephants could be memories
(since elephants never forget)
and they are lined up in rows waiting for the showing
but you avoided them and were faced with fear   ?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #2 - Oct 21st, 2008 at 12:55pm
Hears what I pick up...Remember I know nothing really of you or your situation
1)with your husband. You married him for a reason. Most likely you have a spiritual connection beyond here/now. Love never really goes away. You will be together again. He misses your love and wants your acceptance of his love.
2)elephants/wolf. There is much more for you to remember. Many areas and you should continue to look outward. Never forget. Have no fear, knowledge will not bite you.
3) your father. He is and always will be there for you. Don't worry, you will never forget his love nor will he forget yours.
4)Obama... not to worry, you will make the right choice next month. There is a reason for this direction.

your husband. is he alive or deceased?
have you considered new spiritual paths lately?
Was it your father birthday, or anniversary of a death recently?
does Obama being a possibility of president concern you in any way, or what could happen to him if elected?

My totaly blind reading.

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Re: odd dreams
Reply #3 - Oct 21st, 2008 at 2:11pm
Thank you for your replies, Bets and Hawkeye. I appreciate your time.

Yes, that would make sense, Bets, past memories. That would make sense! I do find it difficult to focus in that direction at the moment - toward the past. And yet, that is one of my meditation goals, to have access to that 'door' and to walk through it when I choose - without fear.

Hawkeye, my ex is alive, and I left a message for him not too long ago, just to say hi. I do that periodically, and we meet a few times a year for dinner and to talk. We have been separated for almost 3 years, divorced for a couple. I have moved on, completely, but there is, of course, lots of love left over after 15 years together.

I like that - knowledge will not bite me!! You're funny.

Oh, birthdays....yes, there are a couple, come to think of it, that are important, including his, coming up. In fact, this must be significant.... my ex, my father and my present partner have birthdays within 1 week of each other. Quite soon. Hmmmn. Thanks! Seems so simple!

Regarding Obama being worries, basically. It seems to me that there is no real reason for concern. If he is elected, I feel that he can handle it.

New spiritual paths? Maybe so....and thank you so much for your reassurance.


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Re: odd dreams
Reply #4 - Oct 31st, 2008 at 1:42pm
Blink--- when I have a chance-- I will look up your animal totems in the "Animal Speak" book and let you know what their symbolism is. --cat
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #5 - Nov 2nd, 2008 at 1:01pm
Per Ted Andrews' book:
The dog is a powerful totem, reflecting faithfulness and companionship.  Canines: decendants of coyotes and wolves. Proction. Has great ability to love.
Elephant: Ancient power, strength and royalty. They embody strength nd power, espically power of the libido. Also symbols of clouds. Tusks are spiritual and metaphysical.
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #6 - Nov 4th, 2008 at 12:13pm
Thank you, cat. Appreciated!  love, blink

I spoke to my ex this weekend. The cat we adopted shortly after we got together passed away -- about 3 weeks ago. My ex kept the cats when we split up. Our huge, white fluffball was about 18 years old, and had to be put to sleep. His name was Sasha. My ex didn't tell me about it at the time, so I just found out two days ago.

White fluffball.


Obama's daughter, one of them, named Sasha.

hmmmm, just a coincidence....

oh, my ex has already gone and found another cat, a kitten. He says she is a grey tabby, and he doesn't know what to name her yet.

Ho hum, well, how about

Cloud. Cloudy. Wisp. Wispy. Willow. No. Mmmmmn. I give up.

Oh, Malia. Maybe.

Yes, it means an island in Greece, one of my ex's favorite places. And also, a bird, in Indonesia. Perfect.

Obama's other daughter's name.

Alright, I'll offer it up.

Now you know how my mind works. Darn. But, what does it mean? Is it me who cares about this name? Or my ex? Or Sasha? Or, this little kitten? Who knows?

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« Last Edit: Nov 4th, 2008 at 8:56pm by N/A »  
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #7 - Nov 5th, 2008 at 10:08am
I am chuckling because I noticed that, in his acceptance speech, Barack Obama mentioned that his two girls would be receiving a new puppy when they move into the White House. I am looking forward to seeing what kind of pooch cuteness they select.... Smiley
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #8 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 2:12pm
Lets hope he show real leadership and chooses a dog from the SPCA
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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New Hampshire
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #9 - Nov 6th, 2008 at 6:29pm
What would really be spooky (no pun intended, Spooky) is if they name the dog the same name as your x-husband!!!! Tongue
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #10 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 5:33am
here's the scoop on the puppy selection process

quote from BBC news:
"Michelle Obama has been quoted as saying she would like a rescue dog - which would certainly be a story of canine rags to riches.
Reports suggest that because daughter Malia has allergies, the Obamas may be considering a "hypoallergenic" breed that sheds less hair.
Options could include a labradoodle - a cross between a Labrador and a poodle - a schnoodle (schnauzer and poodle), or a cockapoo (cocker spaniel and poodle).
Malia, however, is rumoured to favour a goldendoodle - a poodle crossed with a golden retriever."

It's true, so it says.
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #11 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 3:38pm

Oh my, Barney, the current 'first dog' was in a bad mood just recently, according to today's news on video -- he bit a reporter on the hand. The reporter is waving his bandaged finger around for the camera, and there is a video of the dog biting him. They are saying Barney has 'gone rogue' !
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Re: odd dreams
Reply #12 - Nov 10th, 2008 at 8:59am
I received word a few days ago from my father, that they are thinking of putting our family dog down, for problem 'biting' behavior. What a drag. First it was the tail, now it's his paws. He's a happy indoor dog with constant companions (human ones, that is). I asked if there was a handler or someone who could address this, but I haven't heard back.

I guess these dreams are about the companions in our life. We never know what's going to happen next, do we?

These dreams just go on and on, on and on.
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