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I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven (Read 12935 times)
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #15 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 3:37pm
This reminds me of an image I was shown recently. First I saw a ball of white light that was made up of numerous points of light which represented Souls. A few of these points of light jumped off of the ball of light and into the darkness that surrounded the ball of light. Then I heard the words: "They thought they were more important than everybody else."
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #16 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 3:45pm
Thanks Bruce for your moving these posts (pictures) to a more appropriate place.

Oh!! So there is an appropriate place, where exactly is that?
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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #17 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 3:59pm

We exist for all of eternity. What are we going to do, condem a person for all of eternity? What would be the point of doing such a thing if Hitler changed his ways and all of Hitler's victims have become light beings that are completely happy?

I said I saw him in hell I never said he would remain there forever
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #18 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 4:05pm

I wasn't speaking to you specifically. 

Alan McDougall wrote on Oct 10th, 2008 at 3:59pm:

We exist for all of eternity. What are we going to do, condem a person for all of eternity? What would be the point of doing such a thing if Hitler changed his ways and all of Hitler's victims have become light beings that are completely happy?

I said I saw him in hell I never said he would remain there forever

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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #19 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 4:22pm

If I commit crimes of the most heinous depravity against little children and the Judge or Jury finds me guilty and sentences me to death or life in prison.

Using your logic. I could just say to the judge "I am so so sorry that I molested little children for the past 30 years and I have really changed my evil reprobate ways"..

Would the judge,  "have you really?, "promise me you have". I say your honor I really have, OK in that case you are free to go, take off his shackles

The attributes of God are not just love.

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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #20 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 4:56pm
One thing that is helpful for me to remember is that no one can take my love for them away from me without my permission. No one can take my acceptance of them away from 'my experience' without my permission. If I so choose, I can watch someone take every iota of my reality away from me and still see that person as a human being who makes mistakes.

This may seem like an unlikely claim. Anger is only human, right?

But, tell me, how is anyone going to learn how to love if no one is willing to show them?

We can always raise the bar. We can always say, well, I will forgive this and this and this, but never that.

I have no earthly idea what I will be required to forgive in this lifetime. I've seen a lot. But why not practice love, as much as possible, for as long as possible?

If each of us went through our lives and wrote a list of all the times we have hurt someone intentionally or unknowingly, we might be surprised. I know that there is nothing anyone, even Hitler, has done, that I have not done.

So, chances are, if he's in Hell, I'll be saying hello to him sometime. I hope, even in hell, everyone has someone who can sit beside him/her without hate in his/her heart.

This question is so perplexing. I think I'll need to meditate with this a while.

love, blink
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #21 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 5:05pm

The key is that a spirit doesn't get to move towards the light until it is truly sorry for the misdeeds it committed and wants to change. When it reaches this point dishonesty won't be a part of the equation. When it reaches this point, it will feel far worse about what it has done than anyone else will feel. If a spirit lets go of a negative way of being, what is left over to condem?

Alan McDougall wrote on Oct 10th, 2008 at 4:22pm:

If I commit crimes of the most heinous depravity against little children and the Judge or Jury finds me guilty and sentences me to death or life in prison.

Using your logic. I could just say to the judge "I am so so sorry that I molested little children for the past 30 years and I have really changed my evil reprobate ways"..

Would the judge,  "have you really?, "promise me you have". I say your honor I really have, OK in that case you are free to go, take off his shackles

The attributes of God are not just love.


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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #22 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 5:43pm
Hi recoverer I saw this programme on the TV and it was called "songs of praise" and it was about all the men women and children that died in the gas chambers and they had this picture what was being shown of a little jewish girl dressed up ready to go in the gas chamber and you could see the fear and the sadness in that little girls eyes and as they were showing this picture of her ,they were singing "make me a channel of your peace" and i just cried and cried because i could see her frightened little expression on her face and Hitler was the most unfeeling monstosity that was allowed to walk this earth plain,he showed no mercy to these innocent children so i feel he should suffer  for what hes done,God knows i cannot forgive Hitler and God knows that i still have love in my soul so i think God understands me.

Love and God bless  love juditha
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #23 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 6:09pm

Don't forget Jesus' prodigal son story.

What would be better? To make it so that Hitler's spirit remains negative for all of eternity or an extended period of time so vengence can be sent his way, or to allow his nature to change for the better, so a negative minded spirit no longer exists?

Howard Storm wrote that during his NDE Jesus showed him what happened to Jewish people who were exterminated. He saw their spirits exit smoke stacks and get greeted by thousands of angels.  I heard him speak about this on youtube. If I remember correctly, he doesn't believe he saw an actual event where spirits rose after having their bodies were killed.  Rather, he saw a symbolic representation of what happens to spirits after they are killed.  Their spirits can never be harmed by the actions of another.

What would be harmful is if these spirits held on to resentment towards Hitler. They wouldn't accomplish anything positive if they did so. Instead, they would allow negative feelings to occupy a part of their Souls rather than allowing their Souls to live according to love completely.

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« Last Edit: Oct 10th, 2008 at 7:36pm by recoverer »  
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #24 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 2:06am


Don't forget Jesus' prodigal son story.

To try and equate the prodigal son parable with the life of Hitler stretches credulity to the utter limit. The life of the prodigal son and that of the prodigal son are just not comparable, the prodigal son loved his father and even when doing wrong knew he was doing wrong.

And he went on his knees and wept and asked forgiveness, he did not shoot himself in the head like the coward Hitler

The prodigal son is as different and far apart from Hitler, as one is to infinity; the Father of the prodigal son always remained his “father (GOD”). Hitler never considered his father to be God, he like all despots only used religion to further for his own evil purposes

Hitler was no prodigal son of God, that story relates to a son that although he had left his beloved father or parent and about a son that, knew his he had taken a wrong path of life against his fathers will.

Hitler had total disregard for the will of God

Hitler disowned God and only used the concept of a divine being for his own purposes. He removed Bibles and replaced then with his Mein Kampft In that in that book one can read his premeditated plans to eliminate (murder) all those that stood in his path and all those he hated

He was an entity of hate not love

There is a verse in the Bible that says “there is a sin against God or man for which there is no forgiveness in this life "or the next life” I think it anyone crossed that threshold it must be Hitler.

If this is correct even after death Hitler might have gone beyond the almost infinite mercy of God and reached the utter ultimate depravity to reach this abysmal dark depth of ultimate evil. There are very very few humans in history that reached this level of evil and that is why I only saw a few there, and they were not being tormented day and night in flames, just separated.

My anger is not Gods, I  would have put them is the Christian type of hell. I just can not rap my mind around the fact that another human being can get glee out of watching little children, mothers, young men and woman and old men being disposed of like vermin in the ovens of death.

The Jewish people called the death camps gates “The gates of hell”

Please try and put yourselves in the shoes of the innocent victims. think about their destiny please. Although this would be difficult as Hitler removed all the shoes of the slain and gave then out to his poor suffering population.

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #25 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 4:31am
"You Hitler Evil are just like your dark spiritual father and the depravity of your dark father pervaded your soul while you lived on earth.

You were a murderer from the beginning, a liar and no truth could be found in you.  Because there is no truth in you, you believed only in evil. When you spoke it was a lie.

And because I Alan tell you the truth, you did not believe me, so now you exist with the consequences

There was only one word that moved men from love to hate and that was a lie

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #26 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 8:00am
Dear Alan,

Please find something else to focus on. I really think this is harming you.

Here is a thought for you. Even Hitler was once a little baby, a little child. If you were to visit this little child, this little boy, how would you speak to him? Would this little child be able to understand what was to become of his life?

Many of us do not understand how we have come to be where we are, so lost.

So, we can afford to have understanding for those who have not found their way, no matter how difficult it is to do.

There is nothing wrong with mourning the dead, Alan. But we must be careful. This is a very dark, grey picture that we see, sometimes. We are asked to look beyond what is obvious to see what is underneath.

There is more to this story, I feel. Perhaps one day you will agree with me. But it is not really important whether you agree with me.

I would just like to see an end to your suffering, and I believe there will be one.

love, blink

Alan McDougall wrote on Oct 11th, 2008 at 4:31am:
"You Hitler Evil are just like your dark spiritual father and the depravity of your dark father pervaded your soul while you lived on earth.

You were a murderer from the beginning, a liar and no truth could be found in you.  Because there is no truth in you, you believed only in evil. When you spoke it was a lie.

And because I Alan tell you the truth, you did not believe me, so now you exist with the consequences

There was only one word that moved men from love to hate and that was a lie


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Bruce Moen
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #27 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 10:53am

Alan McDougall wrote on Oct 10th, 2008 at 3:45pm:
Oh!! So there is an appropriate place, where exactly is that?

The appropriate place is where ever on the web or your own personal computer you find them, not as part of a post anywhere on this website.  Many vistors will find these images shocking, repulsive and disturbing, which they are and should be to any normal human being.  But it is not the intent of this website to surprise visitors with involuntarily be exposed to shocking, repulsive and disturbing images.

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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #28 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 4:51pm
Hi I love you all,but alan feels so strongly about the evil Hitler did and i agree with him that you could try and put yourselves in the jewish peoples shoes and try and see how they felt ,when mothers had there children snatched away from them and there children crying for there parents,theres no excuse for what Hitler did,he was evil and sadistic and deserves no mercy from anyone.

I would like to ask you all this question"Would you forgive someone for murdering your child or children and also your family"I would not forgive no way never,so would you all forgive this.

I  will never forgive Hitler either,he does not deserve forgiveness and alan was right hitler took the cowards way out and shot himself,thats why hes in that lowest plain because he wouldnt want to move from there because if he did he would have to face up to what he did and feel all the pain and suffering he caused the jewish people and hes to evil and to much of a coward to do that.

I love God with all my heart but there are some things you cant forgive and one of them is Hitler.

I ask again could you all forgive someone that murdered your child or children and your family.

Love and God bless   love juditha

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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #29 - Oct 11th, 2008 at 6:49pm
I am sorry if this is painful for you to hear, Juditha, but the answer for me is yes. I don't expect you to feel the way I do. That would be unreasonable.

love, blink
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