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I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven (Read 12948 times)
Alan McDougall
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I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Oct 10th, 2008 at 8:55am
Images of Hitler's Extermination Camps have been deleted.  I find these images to be Off Topic for this website and personally objectionable.  I agree that these images depict an extreme form of evil caused by an extremely evil man, culture and set of beliefs, but their posting here is not acceptable for the purposes of this forum.  If the author of this post would like to provide a link to the deleted images so that those visitors who choose to view them have that opportunity, I have no objection to that.


May he and his kind burn in hell forever, just like he burned these poor innocent victims

My mother was Jewish Siderrasky and if we had lived in Poland (Were she came from) ou whole family would have been murdered by this evil beast

Do not ever tell me Hitler is in heaven "I SAW HIM IN HELL"
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« Last Edit: Oct 10th, 2008 at 12:54pm by Bruce Moen »  

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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #1 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 9:04am
What it is the purpose of this post?

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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #2 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 9:29am
Mr.  Donald Walshe and others insist that dear Mr. Hitler is now in heaven, maybe sitting on the lap of Jesus.

Maybe Jesus said to him you naughty boy next time you get a tap on your backside. This is New Age nonsense

Well is easy for me to describe goodness But Hitler and his evil Nazi followers were the ultimate in human depravity, “May they burn in hell forever”

My mother was a Jew and all my family of more that 200 innocent people would have been murdered by this beastly regime

May he and his kind burn in hell forever just like he burned his poor victims (I repeat)

The next time I here nonsense like Hitler singing joyously amongst the angels I will throw up.

We are accountable to a Holy Divine God for our actions, good or Evil,
This is an unavoidable fact. There is darkness and there is Light.

There is Hate and there is Love.

God is not some white haired old granddaddy afraid of his own creation; he can be a refining fire,

I can remember the Second World War albeit as a small boy and I had to listen to my mothers sorrow for her people Of course the true reality of this despicable unspeakable depravity was not then known

Maybe you are going to tell me this post does not belong in this segment. How many lives were ended and sent into the afterlife long before they should of?

6 000 000 Jews?
400 000 000 Russians?

15 000 000 others ?

60 000 000?


Does it make you uncomfortable? The truth can hurt

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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #3 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 10:19am

You wrote:
Do not ever tell me Hitler is in heaven "I SAW HIM IN HELL"

If you saw Hitler in hell anyway, and if you want him so much to be there, why do you sound so upset?

You wrote here, that he received the punishment he deserved according to your beliefs.

You wrote:
"Does it make you uncomfortable? The truth can hurt "

No, the truth does not hurt me. I believe the truth is necessary to learn from it.

We know how much lifes Hitler destroyed. BUT, there is a difference between knowing it and experiencing it, like your family did. I cannot talk about how it must feel. I can only try to imagine.

I am so sorry that this ever happened.
I wish Hitler would have been good.
I wish people wouldn't have voted for him.
I wish german soldiers would have fought Hitler instead of supporting him.
I wish all countries would have seen what he really did and made an effort to stop him much faster, before their would be any harm.

Everything I can wish for, will not change the past,
but I wish humanity would learn from all the mistakes made during that war,
and all the consequences that are implied.
I wish, like you, we would understand the suffering caused and be reminded of it,
so that it would never happen again.

I believe you can never receive enough understanding, for what was endured, by you, your family and so many others.

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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #4 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 11:49am
Alan, it is a fact that, as humans, there is always someone, sometime, somewhere, who would like to kill us. For some, that is not good enough. They would like to torture too. There are countless reasons.

The question is, how do we deal with it?

I've had my life threatened numerous times. In fact, I have escaped death more than once. I could go through my life with a fine toothed comb and find every moment in which I felt put upon, murdered psychologically, my very existence as a legitimate being questioned by life itself.

So, I can understand pain.

We all love you here, Alan, and I am truly sorry you are suffering with these very upsetting and painful images.

sending love and healing, right now, blink
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #5 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 11:58am

If you saw Hitler in hell anyway, and if you want him so much to be there, why do you sound so upset?

"The thread was not directed at you it is directed at anyone who is silly enough to believe the abject nonsense that Hitler lives peaceful with God.

My heart overflows with deep anger when I think that this monster would have thought less of my wonderful loving mother, "than he did of a cockroach"

I get really really upset and mad when I read accounts from the likes of Neal Donald Walsche who supposedly has direct communication buddy buddy minute by minute with almighty God, who supposidly told him that Hitler now resides in heaven

He decidedly does not I did not put Hitler in hell he put himself there. May he remain there forever? I simply cannot find any mercy or forgiveness in my heart for him.

And I hope that God also does not, extinction is too good a punishment for this beast

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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #6 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 12:16pm
Your right Alan, the part about the truth hurting. I feel for your pain. Hitler most likely has ended up in a heaven. I always had been given the impression that God forgives sin. Even Hitlers sins. Don't forget that Hitler wasn't out there killing people. Your anger is misdirected. What about the people who were doing all that killing? What about those Jews that were more than happy to turn in their neighbors to save themselves. What about those Catholics at the Vatican that turned a blind eye in order to bring in a very large amount of money into their good Church. What about those Americans and English, Canadians, Russians, Japanese, etc, who did all but the same sort of thing. Rape, murder, steal from the week and oppressed. You see, they won, (except the Japanese) you are not showing the evil on that side. It also sickens me to think that all this energy and emotion is directed to one man when it more deserving should go to many. Or even better, released in order to let yourself free. Your personal attack on Hitler shows me where you are spiritually. Good luck Alan.
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #7 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 12:39pm

I am talking about "Hitler", not all those others people you mention. he was accountable for every horror of te war just as if he murdered each innocent soul himself

He is in hell i saw him there, very few people are evil enough , however to end up there.

Go to Kevin Williams Near Death forum and you will read account from people who have seen hells that make the Christian hell look like a teddy bears picnic
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #8 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 1:18pm
Think about the word: Peace.

Does this word belong to any person in particular?

I think it belongs to everyone, Alan, no matter who they are. This is a question which is difficult for me sometimes, I admit.

But, that's where I stand on this subject, as you, most likely, know by now....
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #9 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 1:56pm
Perhaps you will explain why you were there with him in that hell?  Hitler was, nor is, accountable for all the atrocities of the second world war. In my personal view, that is a ridiculous statement. I feel for all of those effected by the actions of hate and fear during the second world war but your targeting of one person only as the cause of "all" evils of the second world war is not appropriate.  
There is no Christian Hell except for those Christians who believe it as being. That includes any and all other types of hell that could be envisioned.
I should also clarify that I am not a Jew nor did I have family killed in a concentration camp. Perhaps if I had been indoctrinated during my upbringing to never forgive, I would feel different.

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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #10 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 1:59pm
Thanks Bruce for your moving these posts (pictures) to a more appropriate place.
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #11 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 1:59pm
Blink, and others,

Jesus said "I come to bring peace but not the peace of the world but the peace beyond all understanding" Jesus said "I am the truth the life and the way"

Hilter said "I bring war not a war like any before but a war unlike the world has ever seen" "Hitler was a liar and brought death and the way to hell"

There are not two ways

I choose Jesus.
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Alan McDougall
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #12 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 2:57pm
Hi alan I'm sure i read once in Doris Stokes the mediums book she wrote that there is a very low plain where evil people go such as Hitler and the higher spirits come down there and asked who wants to rise and have remorse but some of them spirits are so evil they refuse to rise and i beleive that Hitler would refuse to rise because hes to evil.

I  cannot forgive Hitler myself as i cant come to terms that he should be forgiven,if someone murdered my children i would never forgive that either and in all honesty here i dont think anyone on here would forgive someone who murdered there children.

Hitler belongs in hell and i love God and i feel God understands when we dont forgive as we are all human.

I'm not jewish alan but i hate and dispise Hitler for what he did to the jewish people and the jewish children,Hitler had no right to do what he did,he broke Gods commandment "Thou shalt not kill" he deserves to suffer in hell and if he suffers for eternity,it would not make up for the terrible suffering he caused the jewish people and children,God forgive me as i will never forgive Hitler as long as i live.

Love and God bless   love juditha
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #13 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 3:23pm
I figure that if Hitler decides to become honest about what he did and seeks to change his ways, no being who lives according to love would prevent him from doing so. In fact, they would provide him with as much help as possible.

We exist for all of eternity. What are we going to do, condem a person for all of eternity? What would be the point of doing such a thing if Hitler changed his ways and all of Hitler's victims have become light beings that are completely happy?
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Re:  I read that dear Mr. Adolf Hitler is in heaven
Reply #14 - Oct 10th, 2008 at 3:34pm
Related to what Juditha wrote, I had a dream one night where Hitler was in a room all by himself and the room was filled with cobwebs. The cobwebs symbolized a reality he weaved for himself.  Imagine what his life review would be like, whenever, he chooses to rejoin the light.

There have been times where I felt bad for spirits in lower realms, and in some way my guidance would show me that spirits in such realms are  completely free to leave a lower realm if they choose to change their ways. Nobody forces them to be there.

In a way I find this issue puzzling, because when I look at this World I see there are so many situations where a person can be influenced in a negative way. Yet, I've been told that we always have the choice to choose a positive way to live our lives.

I believe what happens is that sometimes people make bad choices early on, and the more they do so the more they seperate themselves from their divine self and the deeper they dig their own hole of darkness. They lose contact with their conscious.
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