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What is SHWP  (Spiritual Healing With PUL) ? (Read 4877 times)
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North/West Coast
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What is SHWP  (Spiritual Healing With PUL) ?
Oct 3rd, 2008 at 5:33pm
Hello all;

Every Thursday of the week is SHWP day.

Recipient of our SHWP for that day is one of our member/friends/family who is in need of a little boost energy.

So what is Focus SHWP (Spiritual Healing with PUL) and how to do it?
It’s very simple.

On that specific Thursday if you could take a few minutes of your precious/hectic/working day and send SHWP (love/healing/energies) to the designated person, it would be greatly appreciated. Anytime during that day is fine.

For the good of all:
Five to 10 minutes of your time is all it need, there’re healing power in group.

1- Gather 3 x 3 breath from below and above;
2- Bring/gather energies in to your heart area, let it expand/ filling your entire body mind and soul.
3-Intent to send it to the name chosen as per requested ( ……..) for that day; and let guidance/universe takes care of the rest.

Remember that all intent to send healing  is always answered. Sometimes they aren't answered the way we want them to be answered. And that is where our 'highest good' comes in.

Energy flows where the intend goes.

To the person who receives it, any input whatsoever from you after/during/next day would be also greatly appreciated.

Just relax and enjoy, be open to the energies

It may help to read the Guideline posted here:

[url]  [/url]


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