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am grateful for any help (Read 4736 times)
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am grateful for any help
Sep 7th, 2008 at 5:25pm
I would be grateful for any compassionate and loving help you can provide.  I'm so tired.  I want to do things but I get so tired I end up sitting in front of the TV or laying in bed because I have no energy to do anything else.  I try but can only do a little of something before my exhaustion takes over and I end up in bed or in front of the TV trying to rest.  My husband is very frustrated and I totally understand his frustration.  Please, if possible, send love.  I very much appreciate all you do for those who need a guiding, ccompassionate hand.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: am grateful for any help
Reply #1 - Sep 7th, 2008 at 7:42pm
I will send energy toward you, see you in light and renewed.  There are some meditations available from the monroe institute on hemi-sync for energy and renewel.  I can also give you some other resources for this if you PM me.

I will include you in my meditations, as I'm sure others will.  Part of it, is convincing your subconscious that you are going to feel increased energy and renewel.  This is the basic for "ask and ye shall receive,"  or the expression about "he who has but the faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains."     You must, while relaxed, see yourself as having vigor and energy.

Also, if you haven't done so, get a routine medical checkup.  An underactive thyroid gland can slow anybody down.

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Re: am grateful for any help
Reply #2 - Sep 8th, 2008 at 4:26pm
Thank you so much, DocM.  I am feeling much better today.  I was going through a bad time this last week (well, for a long time actually) and felt like I was being utilized for some sort of competition.  Through it all, though, I am hearing that I only need to "just be yourself."  This is such an interesting journey.  A kind soul told me recently "there will always be competition" and I understand this now and it's okay.  However, I am learning that I, myself, am not into competing.  People, all my life, have gotten so angry with me because I'm not into competition.  This, I don't understand, but it's okay.  They have the right to their perception.  I'm different in this aspect and I'm sure there are others like me.  And, also, it is okay not to fight someone's notion of a war (there seems to be so much war stuff going on now).  Not everyone is into competition and wars.  Well, I'm not anyhow.  There's enough to go around, if we just open our eyes and see.  And it's okay.  I'm learning I can't speak for others journeys and need to choose my own.   And others have the right to their own journey.  Also, I'm actually learning love doesn't need to suffer to exist.  You can have a bright spirit and a warm body, my goal anyhow.

And I'm learning it's okay to talk about my feelings too.  The more I realize this, the more I feel like myself again.  It's a learning process.

I'm also learning that it's okay to ask for help.  Growing up, it was some sort of notion that you weren't suppose to and that I had to protect everyone (particularly my mom and dad [there was a lot of anger in my environment]) when, actually, they are quite capable of taking care of themselves.  But it's okay to ask for help.  So thank you for your kindness and thank you to everyone here for their kindness.  I am interested in learning from other journeys as they are unique in their own right.  

Thank you again. Smiley
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Re: am grateful for any help
Reply #3 - Sep 9th, 2008 at 11:25pm
hope wrote on Sep 8th, 2008 at 4:26pm:

And I'm learning it's okay to talk about my feelings too.  The more I realize this, the more I feel like myself again.  It's a learning process.
Thank you again. Smiley

Glad your feeling better Hope and yes it's a learning process to be able to talk about our feelings, not always easy.

PUL to you; Romain
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Choose this Day

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Re: am grateful for any help
Reply #4 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 3:28pm
it sounds like you are getting into a good place Hope. I'm glad to hear it and especially glad you can talk about it here.
sometimes this board amazes me.
I'm not into competition either and I totally agree you are just being yourself, I admire that.

love to you, and it can only get better from here. alysia Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: am grateful for any help
Reply #5 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 6:56pm
Learning that you don't have to be all things to all people -- the message to "be yourself" -- that's huge!

Competition. Not my idea of the best model for a human being. It has its place, surely, but it's really not "all that" as some people like to say.

Truth teller. Now, that's my idea of "the way" to go. All the best to you, every day, in every way, hope.

love, blink

hope wrote on Sep 8th, 2008 at 4:26pm:
I'm also learning that it's okay to ask for help.  Growing up, it was some sort of notion that you weren't suppose to and that I had to protect everyone (particularly my mom and dad [there was a lot of anger in my environment]) when, actually, they are quite capable of taking care of themselves.  But it's okay to ask for help.

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Port Alberni, B.C.
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Re: am grateful for any help
Reply #6 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 10:53am
Just read this thread this morning, I completely identify with everything everybody has said. Hope, you are so right about what you said about competition and trying to be what others want you to be, can't be done. In retirement and with the help of this Board and its enlightened members, I am learning to be free in becoming more of who I have always really been, and the happiness and relaxation there is in that, I regret I did not ever allow myself that freedom before. The pressure from the world around us to be a certain way, is incredibly hard to overcome. I am sorry to say I gave i when I should have just been my best real self all along. No wonder I carry so much anger and perhaps now it will ease off. I am learning so much from all of you. Vee
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North/West Coast
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Re: am grateful for any help
Reply #7 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 4:19pm
That's very nice of you to say it Vee..congratulation your on your way.
Keep in contact with the proud women who is also you. Wink .and you'll do fine.

Much love Vee;
PUL to you; R.
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