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Time to Wake Up... (Read 13631 times)
Old Dood
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #30 - Oct 23rd, 2008 at 10:26am
I never heard that myself...
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #31 - Oct 23rd, 2008 at 5:21pm
If it's true what Dean said, then this planet could be picked up by smaller telescopes soon, no chance to hide it from public then. Let's see.

Well, the boat on the Ararat story is not really credible, as I guess the Ararat has been pretty frequented by archeologists and tourists, just because of the bible story. A big boat must have been found already (well, there actually were findings). No way to drop some Seals and lift them off again remaining undiscovered imo. And Turkey had never allowed such a thing.

What I wonder about, such high developed beings as the Annunaki are told to be, they must have quite a lot more knowledge about the nonphysical/afterlife than we have. I've always thought that such a knowledge would lead to a more laid back and calm life as that of the Annunaki seems to be. And what would be the relationship of us and them nonphysically? Dean believes in an afterlife, and told that we're in fact eternal beings of light, but doesn't address how the alien races deal with this fact.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Choose this Day

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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #32 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 1:38am
Dood asks:
Has ANYone here received any of these 'visions' from any of their 'contacts'?
yes. my daughter has contacted an alien. he's a tall one. light being.
he was teaching the entire class room and gave each one a gift, personalized. her gift was a jeweled box of stones of geometric shapes and colors. he also gave his energy to each person by dancing with them. each one received hope, enthusiasm and love from this being. she does not have very many paranormal type encounters, this was like a major occurance for her. I thus remind her of it from time to time and it always makes her happy to remember. the alien had both female and male balanced qualities. he/she appeared with golden flowing hair and a one piece attire, and he was thin. and tall.
you're hilarious Dood. thanks for your relationship description. makes me glad I'm single.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #33 - Oct 25th, 2008 at 2:04am
Dood says: it is going to be one on one in my opinion on discloser of ET.
sort of reminds me of William Gambil's book, where he was contacted by ET group, and taught certain spiritual principles of no time/space.
I agree spiritual growth happens this way. It's just an internal job.
however, I still believe in my dreams. I saw a space ship, and so most of my dreams come true in some shape or fashion, and so I am waiting to see what that was all about.

And when those 'Ones' add up to 'Twos' then mulitply and compound daily. THEN we will have discloser and that no power on Earth can stop it.
so in a sense you are saying right now most of us are close minded, so therefore we cannot admit to see what's right under our noses? you're right in that inference, we will see what we want to see, but the more people talk about this stuff, maybe that points to an opening in the mind?
We as a race will ascend to a higher realm of thought and conscience.
Higher then the 3D perspective we see around us today.
certainly. one by one, then maybe, BOOM A BANGA BOOM! well I can dream, right? I also stick to my original assertion, it's an individual thing moving into the higher realms of thought and creation. some just take it easy, moving at their own pace.  poor nurse rachet. haha!

4th and then 5th dimensions for us awaits and even beyond that.
according to my info, which I wonder sometimes, when this will occur, this board in general is supposed to be operating from the 5th level of personal assistiantialability. thats not even a word. so I will go back to sleep now.

This is my view.  This is my Truth. I feel it deep within. I cannot help myself anymore with these thoughts and ideas.
I feel the urgency too over the planet. you're not imagining it. It's there. also time is speeding up. we're supposed to keep our cool.
part of the thing about 9-11 happening to us, it took us by surprise, and as I see Dood here, his function is to not let us be taken by surprise, because what he's preaching is vigilance.
he's trying to get the minds opened. good job Dood. patience. we're all going to need to practice patience no matter what.

I have been awakened.   There is no turning back for me anymore.
Dood, u say you have been awakened, is there anything else you can share about that statement? like a personal encounter with an alien perhaps?

So I share what I have seen and have felt in the hope that others find their own true path for themselves.
I believe in freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. anyone who speaks out about their beliefs will meet resistance, even if they are telling the truth. I'm sure you're aware of this.
and I'm sure u can deal with it. but no, I don't have any fear of the bad guys. life is not that simple, where it was on TV, the black hats and the white hats against each other.
it doesn't bother me either that the US might lose super power status someday in favor of one world government.

I'm all for the day when minimal government is needed. that would mean jumping into the 5th state of consciousness. cross your fingers and remember, sometimes life is two steps forward one step back, but at least we're gaining.
this physical life is not all there is to life. so keep your eyes opened but don't panic.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #34 - Oct 26th, 2008 at 7:54pm
Regarding the recent video of Bob Dean, I found an article addressing the possibility of Nibiru/Planet X. It is refused in this article:

From an article about a "Planet X"
(snippets from the article, translated from German):

The two infos, "orbiting time 3600 years", the next appearance in the inner region of the solar system in the year 2012 are describing the orbit of the hypothetic planet pretty well. With the celestial laws it can be calculated that Nibiru is in average of about 235 AUs (astronomical units, 1AU=distance earth-sun) in a distance to the sun. If the point of the closest approximation to the sun is at about 1AU, then the orbit has an excentricity of 0.996, the farthest distance to the sun would be at 469 AUs. The orbit of Nibiru would be similar to a long-period comet.

Such an orbit is principally unstable, because every time this planet passes the big planets of the outer solar system there is a chance coming too close to them and being deflected by one of them, causing a collision or (more likely) to be slinged into interstellar space. Since it's origin 4.5 billion years ago Nibiru must have had 1.25 million orbits through the solar system- it's almost impossible that hasn't come close to Jupiter and being deflected.

However, let's assume Nibiru miraculously made it. If it actually had a distance of only 20AUs now, Nibiru would be 500 times brighter than Pluto. Such a planet would be impossible to overlook- even a worldwide astronomer's conspiracy wouldn't help: Every amateur astronomer with an average supply could see the planet through a telescope.

This all is even more true if Nibiru would be much bigger than the earth. Sometimes it's said Nibiru is a "brown dwarf" (an object of 13 to 80 times the mass of Jupiter). Given the approximation timepoint of 2012, this object could be seen with the naked eye! Such a planet would have messed up the orbits of all other planets even with it's first passing through the solar system billions of years ago.

Conclusion: Such a "tenth Planet" is impossible, which is orbiting the sun since billions of years. Possible only would be a big comet, like Hale-Bopp (about 50-80 km diameter), which had been deflected to that orbit some ten thousands years ago.


As well, there is a detailed refutation of Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet:
in English language.


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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Old Dood
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Border Patrol (100 miles from the border)
Reply #35 - Nov 3rd, 2008 at 7:55pm
Border Patrol (100 miles from the border) 4:23 minutes

YouTube Link:

When I hear and see stories like this in the United States I sincerly end up weeping.
This was hard for me to take.
Lately I have found myself weeping more and more...
However, Tears can be wiped and away and they also can turn into Tears of Joy.

There is Always Hope....and hopefully tomorrow We will ALL see new beginnings toward fulfilling our Hopes & Dreams once again...

I humbly ask every American Citizen to go out and Vote tomorrow....
It is not just a is our Duty!

Yes, there is Always HOPE.
I am adding to this post not to endorse a candidate...
...but to show how we can achieve our Hopes & Dreams once again....
This is a short but fantastic speech about working together....
About Uniting instead of Division...

YouTube Link:

Tears Of Joy!
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #36 - Nov 4th, 2008 at 10:25am
Old Dood-

This should scare you even more.  Just wait until civilians are recruited to help the military harass citizens.

You think it's bad now?

And btw, I would be very careful before taking anything an ACLU member says as a factual statement.  They have a long history of making things up in order to advance their agenda.


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